PART G-NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH ESTABLISHMENT OF INSTITUTE SEC. 455. [289k-1] (a) There is established the National Institute of Mental Health (hereinafter in this part referred to as the "Institute") to administer the programs and authorities of the Secretary with respect to mental health. The Secretary, acting through the Institute, shall, in carrying out the purposes of sections 301 and 303 of this Act, the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 (other than part C of title II), and the Mental Health Systems Act with respect to mental illness, develop and conduct comprehensive health, education, training, research, and planning programs for the prevention and treatment of mental illness and for the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. The Secretary shall carry out through the Institute the administrative and financial management, policy development and planning, evaluation, and public information functions which are required for the implementation of such programs and authorities. (b)(1) The Institute shall be under the direction of a Director who shall be appointed by the Secretary. (2) The Director, with the approval of the Secretary, may employ and prescribe the functions of such officers and employees, including attorneys, as are necessary to administer the programs and authorities to be carried out through the Institute. (c) The programs to be carried out through the Institute shall be administered so as to encourage the broadest possible participation of professionals and paraprofessionals in the fields of medicine, science, the social sciences, and other related disciplines. (d) The Director shall designate an administrative unit in the Institute to (1) design national goals and establish national priorities for (A) the prevention of mental illness, and (B) the promotion of mental health, (2) encourage and assist local entities and State agencies to achieve the goals and priorities described in paragraph (1), and (3) develop and coordinate Federal prevention policies and programs and to assure increased focus on the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health. (e)(1) The Director of the National Institute of Mental Health shall designate an Associate Director for Minority Concerns. (2) The Secretary, acting through the Associate Director for Minority Concerns, shall (A) develop and coordinate prevention, treatment, research, and administrative policies and programs to assure increased emphasis on the mental health needs of minority populations; (B) support programs and projects relating to the delivery of mental health services to minority populations, including demonstration programs and projects; (C) develop a plan to increase the representation of minority populations in mental health service delivery and manpower programs; (D) support programs of basic and applied social and behavioral research on the mental health problems of minority populations; (E) study the effects of discrimination on institutions and individuals, including majority institutions and individuals; (F) develop systems to assist minority populations in adapting to, and coping with, the effects of discrimination; (G) support and develop research, demonstration, and training programs designed to eliminate institutional discrimination; and (H) provide increased emphasis on the concerns of minority populations in training programs, service delivery programs, and research endeavors of the Institute. PART H-NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING SEC. 461. [289k-2] The Secretary shall establish in the Service an institute to be known as the National Institute on Aging (hereinafter in this part referred to as the "Institute") for the conduct and support of biomedical, social, and behavioral research and training related to the aging process and the diseases and other special problems and needs of the aged. NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON AGING SEC. 462. [289k-3] (a) The Secretary shall establish a National Advisory Council on Aging to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to him on programs relating to the aged which are administered by him and on those matters which relate to the Institute. (b) The provisions relating to the composition, terms of office of members, and reappointment of members of advisory councils under section 432(a) shall be applicable to the Advisory Council established under this section, except that (1) the Secretary may include on such Advisory Council such additional ex officio members as he deems necessary, and (2) the Secretary shall appoint to the Council leading medical or scientific authorities skilled in aspects of the biological and the behaviorial sciences relating to aging. (c) Upon appointment of such Advisory Council, it shall assume all, or such part as the Secretary may specify, of the duties, functions, and powers of the National Advisory Health Council relating to programs for the aged with which the Advisory Council established under this part is concerned and such portion as the Secretary may specify of the duties, functions, and powers of any other advisory council established under this Act relating to programs for the aged. FUNCTIONS SEC. 463. [289k-4] (a) The Secretary (1) shall, through the Institute, carry out the purposes of section 301 with respect to research investigations, experiments, demonstrations, and studies related to the aging process and the diseases and other special problems and needs of the aged, except that the Secretary shall determine the area in which and the extent to which he will carry out such activities in furtherance of the purposes of section 301 through the Institute or another institute established by or under other provisions of this Act, or both of them, when both such institutes have functions with respect to the same subject matter and (2) shall be responsible for coordinating such activities so as to avoid unproductive and unnecessary overlap and duplication of such functions. The Secretary may also provide training and instruction and establish traineeships and fellowships, in the Institute and elsewhere, in matters relating to study and investigation of the aging process and the diseases and other special problems and needs of the aged. The Secretary may provide trainees and fellows participating in such training and instruction or in such traineeships and fellowships with such stipends and allowances (including travel and subsistence expenses and dependency allowances) as he deems necessary, and, in addition, provide for such training, instruction, traineeships, fellowships through grants to public or other nonprofit institutions. In carrying out his health manpower training responsibilities under this Act or any other Act, the Secretary shall take appropriate steps to insure the education and training of adequate numbers of allied health, nursing, and paramedical personnel in the field of health care for the aged. (b) The Secretary shall, through the Institute, conduct scientific studies to measure the impact on the biological, medical, and psychological aspects of aging of all programs and activities assisted or conducted by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (c) The Secretary, through the Institute, shall carry out public information and education programs designed to disseminate as widely as possible the findings of Institute-sponsored and other relevant aging research and studies and other information about the process of aging which may assist elderly and near-elderly persons in dealing with, and all Americans in understanding, the problems and processes associated with growing older. RESEARCH PROGRAM SEC. 464. [289k-5] (a) The Secretary, in consultation with the Institute and the National Advisory Council on Aging and such other appropriate advisory bodies as he may establish, shall within two years after the effective date of this section develop a plan for a research program on aging designed to coordinate and promote research into the biological, medical, psychological, social, educational, and economic aspects of aging. Such program shall be carried out, as to research involving the functions of the Institute, primarily through the Institute, and as to other research shall be carried out through any other institute established by or under other provisions of this Act or through any appropriate agency or other organizational unit within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (b) Upon its completion, the plan for a research program on aging, required by subsection (a) of this section, shall be transmitted to the Congress and to the President and shall set forth the staffing and funding requirements to carry out such program. PART I-GENERAL PROVISIONS DIRECTORS OF INSTITUTES SEC. 471. [2891] The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and the Director of the National Cancer Institute shall be appointed by the President. Except as provided in section 404(a)(8), the Director of the National Cancer Institute shall report directly to the Director of the National Institutes of Health. NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS SEC. 472. [2897-1] (a)(1) The Secretary shall (A) provide National Research Service Awards for (i) biomedical and behavioral research at the National Institutes of Health and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration or under programs administered by the Division of Nursing of the Health Resources Administration, in matters relating to the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of the diseases or other health problems to which the activities of the Institutes and Administration or Division of Nursing are directed, (ii) training at the Institutes and Administration of individuals to undertake such research, (iii) biomedical and behavioral research at public institutions and at nonprofit private institutions, (iv) research at the National Center for Health Services Research, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the National Center for Health Care Technology, (v) training at such Centers to undertake such research, (vi) research on the matters set forth in section 304(a)(2) at public institutions and at non-profit private institutions, and (vii) pre- and post-doctoral training at such public and private institutions of individuals to undertake biomedical and behavioral research and the research described in clause (vi); and (B) make grants to public institutions and to nonprofit private institutions to enable such institutions to make to individuals selected by them National Research Service Awards for research (and training to undertake biomedical and behavioral research and the research described in subparagraph (A)(vi)) in the matters described in subparagraph (A)(i). A reference in this subsection to the National Institutes of Health or the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration shall be considered to include the institutes, divisions, and bureaus included in the Institutes or under the Administration, as the case may be (2) National Research Service Awards may not be used to support residencies. (3) Effective July 1, 1975, National Research Service Awards may be made for research or research training in only those subject areas for which, as determined under section 473, there is a need for personnel. (b)(1) No national Research Service Award may be made by the Secretary to any individual unless (A) the individual has submitted to the Secretary an application therefor and the Secretary has approved the application; (B) the individual provides, in such form and manner as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe, assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that the individual will meet the service requirement of subsection (c)(1); and (C) in the case of a National Research Service Award for a purpose descrebed in subsection (a)(1)(A)(iii) or (a)(1)(A)(iv), the individual has been sponsored (in such manner as the Secretary may by regulation require) by the institution at which the research or training under the Award will be conducted. An application for an Award shall be in such form, submitted in such manner, and contain such information, as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe. (2) The making of grants under subsection (a)(1)(B) for National Research Service Awards shall be subject to review and approval by the appropriate advisory councils within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (A) whose activities relate to the research or training under the Awards, or (B) at which such research or training will be conducted. (3) No grant may be made under subsection (a)(1)(B) unless an application therefor has been submitted to and approved by the Secretary. Such application shall be in such form, submitted in such manner, and contain such information, as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe. Subject to the provisions of this section other than paragraph (1) of this subsection, National Research Service Awards made under a grant under subsection (a)(1)(B) shall be made in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe. (4) The period of any National Research Service Award made to any individual under subsection (a) may not exceed— (A) five years in the aggregate for predoctoral training, and (B) three years in the aggregate for postdoctoral training, unless the Secretary for good cause shown waives the application of such limit to such individual. (5) National Research Service Awards shall provide for such stipends and allowances (including travel and subsistence expenses and dependency allowances), adjusted periodically to relfect increases in the cost of living for the recipients of the Awards as the Secretary may deem necessary. A National Research Service Award made to an individual for research of research training at a non-Federal public or nonprofit private institution shall also provide for payments to be made to the institution for the cost of support services (including the cost of faculty salaries, supplies, equipment, general research support, and related items) provided such individual by such institution. The amount of any such payments to any institution shall be determined by the Secretary and shall bear a direct relationship to the reasonable costs of the institution for establishing and maintaining the quality of its biomedical and behavioral research and training programs. (c)(1)(A) Each individual who receives a National Research Service Award shall, in accordance with paragraph (3), engage in |