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Streptococcal Disease

as described by Rosenow and Billings must be accepted as a clinical entity, with an acute onset, subacute and chronic stages, and possible involvement of every tissue or organ in the body. It is in the same category of general infectious diseases as is tuberculosis, syphilis and malaria. The diagnosis made, the next great problem is therapy. Empirically Sodium Salicylate (Merrell) has been found invaluable in the acute stage and the acute exacerbations of the chronic form. In the subacute and chronic stages


will be found very efficacious. It has been justly
termed "the great corrector of dyscrasia." While
"dyscrasia" is rather a loose term, it has been
defined as "a morbid general state resulting from
the presence of toxic matters in the blood." The
wide prevalence of the streptococci makes a pri-
mary or secondary infection with this bacterium
almost a foregone conclusion in all dyscrasic
states. Brochure containing formula, dosage and
indications in the use of Echtisia forwarded upon
request, as well as a few ounces for clinical trial.
Please write right now, and mention The Medical

The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co.

(Readers will get especial attention by mentioning Medical Council when writing to all advertisers)

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Our Hypodermic Syringes all have the new style HOLLOW Pistons which are filled with oil CLEAR TO THE OUTER ENDS, so that the Packing NEVER out, the Pistons NEVER work hard, the Syringes NEVER leak, and the oil being 5 per cent. carbolated, keeps the Syringes automatically aseptic. without boiling; if broken, these syringes can be repaired on the spot by the Physician himself. Pistons of old-style Syringes replaced with our new HOLLOW Pistons and returned promptly.

THE WESTERN SUPPLY, Canton, O., U. S. A. N. B.-Send for our Descriptive Catalogue and also for free sample of our Gold Medal SPECIAL NEEDLES.



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Intesti-Fermin Tablets

contain the health-restoring cultures of the Bacillus Bulgaricus and Glyco-bakter Peptolyticus, derived from the Bulgarian sour milk or lactic acid ferments.

Physicians will find these tablets an efficient, natural and drugless remedy for the many disease, arising from intestinal poisoning caused by improper diet and weakened digestive powers, including nerve and stomach disorders, the various symptoms of auto-intoxication and the many serious ailments of advancing years.

Let us send you literature and a supply of tablets for experimental purposes.

THE BERLIN LABORATORY, Ltd. 373 Fourth Avenue

Helpful Points

This Means a Big Saving.

The Harris Typewriter is a guaranteed front strike visible writer, with every valuable feature of most $100.00 machines. You can get this wonderful machine at $44.50 from Sears, Roebuck & Co., sold on thirty days' trial. See page 14. For full information, and illustrated catalogue, address Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Ask for Typewriter Catalogue, No. 82 M 66.

The Physiologic Treatment of the Indigestions and Constipation.

There is no doubt in the minds of those who have used a physiologic perparation like Secretogen that such a product opens up an altogether new line in the treatment of functional digestive insufficiences and stasis in the intestinal tract. Here one is using something that is indigenous to the soil in which it is going to be employed, and this in itself is a high recommendation.

Secretogen not only excites the flow of the pancreatic secretion; it stimulates the flow of bile and intestinal juice as well. When one remembers how often biliary insufficiency is associated with constipation, the value of Secretogen will be apparent. It is also beneficial in the constipation that is due to atony, because it has been proved that Secretogen has a direct effect upon intestinal motility. In the metabolic variety of constipation where there is defective secretion and dry, hard, fecal matter to deal with, the value of Secretogen is apparent. In trophic constipation (that due to dietetic excesses, especially of meat) Secretogen is also of value because the putrefaction that an excess of food, especially that of animal origin, would produce, is inhibited to a large extent by the more abundant supply of enzyme material called forth by this form of medication. Secretogen is not a cathartic. All that it does is to increase secretion, gently stimulate peristalsis and bring about a restoration of normal conditions in the intestinal tract.

The G. W. Carnrick Co., 26 Sullivan St., New York, will be glad to send all information on this product, and will also place a supply at the disposal of any physician for testing purposes.


Contin ued on page 91

Don't Throw Away
Your Worn Tires

You can get 5,000 miles MORE service out of them.
For over three years European motorists
have been getting from 10,000 to 15,000 miles
out of their tires by "half-soling" them with
Steel-Studded Treads.

In eight months 20,000 American motorists
have followed their example and are saving
$50 to $200 a year in tire expense.

We Deliver Free Without a cent deposit,

prepay the express and allow you to be the judge. Durable Treads double the life of your tires and are sold under a signed guarantee for 5,000 miles without puncture Applied in your own garage in thirty minutes.

Special Discountoffered to motorists in new

territory on first shipment
direct from factory. Don't take any more chances
with your tires. Mail the coupon today and find out
how to get 5,000 more miles out of them.

-Tear off and Mail-Save the Discount-
Colorado Tire & Leather Company

1230 Tread Bldg., Denver, Col.


L 30, Transportation

Bldg., Chicago. 3012 Woolworth Bldg., New York. Gentlemen:- Please send me without obligation, sample, copy of 5,000 mile guarantee, special discount terms and book "10,000 Miles on One Set of Tires".



New York

My Tire Sizes are.

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Manufacturers' Samples

Black broadcloth outside, lined throughout with mink-dyed marmot, a beautiful fur, like mink; large Persian lamb collar. Making a handsome coat suitable for dress wear or driving; full length. All sizes.


Would retail for $60. You save all
middlemen profits.

You take no risk; examine and try on
before paying. Write today, stating size,
and enclose 50c for express charges only,
and coat will be sent at once.

E. HART, Dept. B, 518 W. 134th St., N. Y.


of Guaiac, Stillingia, etc.

A Powerful Alterative-Composed of Guaiac, Stillingia, Prickly Ash, Turkey Corn, Colchicum, Black Cohosh, Sarsaparilla, Salicylates of the Alkalies, lodide of Potassa and other well known remedies, combined in such a manner that it is tolerated by all patients suffering from Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, etc.

Prescribe it for "That Stubborn Case"

To Physicians only-we will upon request, send a regular eight ounce bottle ($1.25 size), for trial, upon receipt of 25 cents for express charges.

Griffith's Rheumatic Remedy Company
Newburgh, New York


Are you using the


in your Morphine and Drug Addiction Cases?


the strictly ethical combinations, are now being supplied to a large number of Physicians who prior to the Harrison Federal Anti-Narcotic law were very little interested in these patients.

If you are not acquainted with this gradual reduction treatment, write for literature.


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Wanted and For Sale

MORPHINE HABIT CURED-No sickness or suffering. We do not lie to get business. Patterson Institute, Grand Rapids, Mich.

FOR SALE-Good suburban practice, 4 miles from Chicago city limits, goes to purchaser of my office equipment and drugs. Price, $500.00. Will rent home with offices. Address 19, care Medical Council.

FOR SALE-Eleven years' established village and country practice. No opposition, collections O. K., remunerative practice from $3,000 to $4,500 per year. Northeastern Kansas. 6 miles from Nebraska line. Excellent opportunity for a rustler. But my residence and take over the practice. Address Dr. M., care Medical Council.

MORPHINE and all drug and liquor addictions-Treat these cases at home privately yourself. No pain, no vomiting, no hypodermics, not dangerous. Positive results. Enclose stamp for particulars. Chas. H. Quayle, M.D., Madison, Lake County, Ohio.

FOR SALE-Unopposed town and country practice, north central part West Virginia. Cash collections about $2,500 and up, 95 per cent. bills collectible. No near competition. If interested in a good proposition, write. "Doctor," care Medical Council.

FOR SALE-Comfortable residence, detached office, garage and out-buildings. Lot 75x160. Incorporated coast town of 800. Competition light. Practice, $2,000. 90 per cent. good. Finest climate in California. Bargain. Dr. O, care Medical Council.

FOR SALE $3,000 unopposed practice in northern Indiana town of 350 people to purchaser of strictly modern home and office. Cost over $4,000 to build; will sell for $3,500 on easy terms. Two churches. Fouryear accredited high school. Two railroads. Rich farming community. Dr. Ish, La Otto, Ind.

FLORIDA PRACTICE FOR SALE or trade for a Texas practice. Town of 500. Good country around. Schools, churches, different denominations. Nearest competition, 7 miles. Address Doctor, Floral City, Fla. WANTED-A salaried position by a physician licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and having had about six years' experience in the retail drug trade. Wish to give up the general practice of medicine. Address Dr. Z, care Medical Council. WILL LEASE private sanitarium and turn my outside practice over to first-class physicians for six months or longer. Absent from city after December 15. Located at Roanoke, Va. Address "Owner," care Medical Council.



FOR SALE-$2,000.00 cash practice with office_and equipment. American population. No colored. Good roads and good people. Rich farming country. of 1,000 in S. E. Missouri. A bargain to the right man. Investigation solicited. Wish to retire. Address Dr. W., care Medical Council.

PHYSICIANS, Dentists and Nurses desiring to sell practice, secure salaried positions or partnerships, want assistant or nurse, write for terms, stating full particulars. Our system brings results. Physicians' and Dentists' Listing Company, Denver, Colo.

(Helpful Points continued one leaf over.)


Remedies for the treatment of Alcoholism, Drug and Tobacco Babituation.

THE NORMYL carries the endorsement of the leading English physicians and has been widely and successfully used for the past twelve years. Best results are obtained when the remedies are given under a physician's direction.

Where desirable or necessary the patients are given the treatment at the Association's Sanitarium, a comfortable and delightful Home, at Baldwin, Long Island.

Physicians are earnestly requested to send for literature and full information.


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(Readers will get especial attention by mentioning Medical Council when writing to all advertisers)

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The Better Prescription in the Different Forms of Bronchial Inflammation

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OLO The literature on the medicinal internal OLO

use of highest grade petroleum oil sent

to tens of thousands of physicians in introducing that oil in its unsurpassed
and unsurpassable purity in the form known as OLO (Oleum Naturalis),
long the first and only one on the market, has probably done more than all
other influences to establish its very general use on prescriptions. The copy-
ing of OLO literature by others is a compliment. The statement that
any other product is superior for internal use is not correct. OLO has
created the trade and is getting it. For sample and literature, address

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(Readers will get especial attention by mentioning Medical Council when writing to all advertisers)

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