Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
45 companies amend the Constitution Angwenyi answer apologise Arap-Kirui ask your question asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell Attorney-General beg to reply Biwott Bungoma Chair Chanzu CKRC collecting money Constitution of Kenya constitutional order constitutional reform process Constitutional Review Commission constitutional review process contractor District elected employees ensure Gatabaki going Government Harambee Human Resource Development issue Jomo Kenyatta Juma Construction Company Kajwang Kamau Karua Katuku KENATCO Kenya Review Commission Kibauni Kihoro Kituyi Labour and Human Maizs matter meet-the-people tours Member of Parliament Minister for Labour Ministerial Statement Ministry Muihia Muite Munyao Musila Nairobi National Assembly Ndicho Nyamira Town Obwocha Ochuodho parliamentary seat parliamentary system party point of order police presidential system Prime Minister Provincial Administration rally realised receivership regulating officer retrenched Samoei Sifuna Sirma Sungu Sunkuli supplementary question Temporary Deputy Speaker Toro Ufungamano Wako Wamunyinyi youth polytechnics