Omnibus Transportation Bill: Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, First Session, on H.R. 2531, a Bill to Redistribute the Functions of the Interstate Commerce Commission with a View to More Efficient Exercise of Rate-making Authority; to Extend the Jurisdiction of the Commission in Relation to the Fixing of Minimum Rates, and Rates for Inland Water Transportation; to Create a Railroad Reorganization Court; and for Other Purposes, Part 2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1939 - 1920 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 26
Page 959
... Feltus , H. A. , Upper Mississippi Waterway Association 1043 Fletcher , R. V. , Association of American Railroads_ 1554 Gorrell , Edgar S. , Air Transport Association - - 1454 Hadlick , Paul E. , Federal Transportation Association Hood ...
... Feltus , H. A. , Upper Mississippi Waterway Association 1043 Fletcher , R. V. , Association of American Railroads_ 1554 Gorrell , Edgar S. , Air Transport Association - - 1454 Hadlick , Paul E. , Federal Transportation Association Hood ...
Page 1043
... Feltus . STATEMENT OF H. A. FELTUS , MINNEAPOLIS , MINN . Mr. FELTUS . Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee , my name is H. A. Feltus . I reside at Minneapolis , Minn . I am here representing the Upper Mississippi Waterway ...
... Feltus . STATEMENT OF H. A. FELTUS , MINNEAPOLIS , MINN . Mr. FELTUS . Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee , my name is H. A. Feltus . I reside at Minneapolis , Minn . I am here representing the Upper Mississippi Waterway ...
Page 1044
... FELTUS . The farmers ' union - I mean the four specific divi- sions of the Farmers ' Union Educational Society of America . Those are State units of the national organization ; but otherwise 1044 OMNIBUS TRANSPORTATION BILL.
... FELTUS . The farmers ' union - I mean the four specific divi- sions of the Farmers ' Union Educational Society of America . Those are State units of the national organization ; but otherwise 1044 OMNIBUS TRANSPORTATION BILL.
Page 1045
... FELTUS . Well , it is very difficult for these organizations to be here . We have been very anxious to have the president of the farmers ' union come here and appear before you , but it simply was not possible . They have been working ...
... FELTUS . Well , it is very difficult for these organizations to be here . We have been very anxious to have the president of the farmers ' union come here and appear before you , but it simply was not possible . They have been working ...
Page 1047
... FELTUS . When we might eliminate the Inland Waterways Corporation ? Mr. MAPES . Yes . Mr. FELTUS . Well , if the investors who have been showing an interest in the development of facilities for our inland waterways could be definitely ...
... FELTUS . When we might eliminate the Inland Waterways Corporation ? Mr. MAPES . Yes . Mr. FELTUS . Well , if the investors who have been showing an interest in the development of facilities for our inland waterways could be definitely ...
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Common terms and phrases
agency air carriers amended ASHBURN authority BARRETT BULWINKLE Canal cents CHAIRMAN charges Chicago Civil Aeronautics Civil Aeronautics Act Civil Aeronautics Authority coal Commissioner EASTMAN Committee of Six common carriers competition Congress consideration consolidation contract carriers Coordinator cost court earnings economic facilities fact Federal Barge Lines FELTUS forms of transportation Government HALLECK highway HINSHAW improvement income increase industry Inland Waterways Corporation Interstate Commerce Act Interstate Commerce Commission investment Lakes legislation loans MAPES Maritime Commission matter MCGRANERY ment miles minimum rates Mississippi River Motor Carrier Act navigable Ohio Ohio River Panama Canal percent portation present private carriers problem proposed public interest question rail rates Railway rate-making reasonable Reconstruction Finance Corporation regulation reorganization revenue roads shippers ships statement taxes tion tolls ton-mile tonnage traffic trans trucks United water carriers water transportation WOLVERTON
Popular passages
Page 1143 - The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory, as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other states that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor.
Page 1220 - It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to promote, encourage, and develop water transportation, service, and facilities in connection with commerce of the United States, and to foster and preserve in full vigor both rail and water transportation.
Page 1695 - Commission shall give due consideration, among other factors, to the effect of rates on the movement of traffic by the carrier or carriers for which the rates are prescribed; to the need, in the public interest, of adequate and efficient railway transportation service at the lowest cost consistent with the furnishing of such service: and to the need of revenues sufficient to enable the carriers, under honest...
Page 1214 - Commission shall by order, after notice and hearing, disapprove, cancel or modify any agreement, or any modification or cancellation thereof, whether or not previously approved by it, that it finds to be unjustly discriminatory or unfair as between carriers, shippers, exporters, importers, or ports, or between exporters from the United States and their foreign competitors, or to operate to the detriment of the commerce of the United States...
Page 1318 - The commission may order testimony to be taken by deposition in any proceeding or investigation pending under this Act at any stage of such proceeding or investigation.
Page 1606 - All purchases and contracts for supplies or services, in any of the Departments of the Government, except for personal services, shall be made by advertising a sufficient time previously for proposals respecting the same, when the public exigencies do not require the immediate delivery of the articles, or performance of the service.
Page 1317 - Commission (and produce books and papers if so ordered) and give evidence touching the matter in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof.
Page 1213 - ... allotting ports or restricting or otherwise regulating the number and character of sailings between ports; limiting or regulating in any way the volume or character of freight or passenger traffic to be carried; or in any manner providing for an exclusive, preferential, or co-operative working arrangement. The term "agreement" in this section includes understandings, conferences, and other arrangements.
Page 1318 - The Commission may provide for the publication of its reports and decisions in such form and manner as may be best adapted for public information and use...
Page 1317 - But no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he may testify, or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, before said Commission, or in obedience to its subpoena, or the subpoena of either of them, or in any such case or proceeding : Provided, That no person so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed in so testifying.