847 263, 746 631,215 264,258 325, 717 III. Deductions from gross income: 122, 128 122, 573 509, 087 203, 144 Water-line operating revenues: I. Revenue from transportation: 6,094, 845 111, 519 6, 404, 544 301, 679 896 145, 408 1,344 185, 909 1,344 154, 800 1, 234 90,458 1,260 86,831 1,080 83, 205 1,302 93, 631 1,468 92,387 Income from unfunded securities and ao counts. 21, 493 82,892 85, 186 76, 182 61,305 39,971 8, 172 Total other income... 61, 613 136, 296 313,862 234, 844 148, 242 216,505 92, 671 71,886 67, 205 75, 128 83, 357 405, 254 583, 642 146, 202 2 793, 287 730,577 Gross income... Rent of leased lines... Miscellaneous rents... Interest on unfunded debt. 43, 514 68,709 133, 702 127, 490 125, 333 125, 819 126, 861 122, 979 Total deductions... 57, 394 68,709 133, 702 127, 490 125,333 125, 819 126, 861 122,979 122, 128 122, 573 Net income.. 256, 468 2 103, 553 82,803 277,764 458, 309 20, 473 $ 920, 148 607,598 Income balance transferred to profit and 256, 468 * 103, 553 82, 803 277,764 458, 309 20, 473 3920, 148 607,598 509,087 203, 144 Freight revenue.... 6, 445, 354 6, 332, 073 Miscellaneous transportation revenue.. 64,079 52, 514 5,852, 655 5, 995, 467 5,853, 401 60, 998 4, 733, 031 88, 163 4, 105, 978 65,938 5, 778, 376 96, 526 Total revenue from transportation..... 6, 509, 433 6, 384, 587 5, 974, 854 6, 150, 410 5, 914, 399 4,821, 194 4, 171, 916 5,874, 902 6, 206, 364 6, 706, 223 II. Revenue from operations other than trans- Rents of buildings and other property. 167, 767 141,039 Total revenue from operations other than transportation.... 167, 767 141,039 146, 304 187, 253 156, 144 91,692 88,091 84,286 94, 933 93,855 III. Charter revenue: Charters involving rent exclusively...... 9,820 16,042 1,553 and operation..... 4,514 Total charter revenue... 30,376 3,551 8,055 9,625 60,804 Total water-line operating revenues.. 6,707,576 6, 529, 177 6, 129, 213 6,347, 288 6, 131, 347 105, 119 41,081 5,576 5,827 39,343 4, 301, 088 5,964, 764 6, 307, 124 6, 839, 421 Water-line operating expenses-By general accounts: I. Maintenance... II. Traffic expenses.. III. Transportation expenses. IV. General expenses. V. Charter expenses... 1, 519, 412 4, 172, 909 1,613, 854 1, 522, 016 Total water-line operating expenses.... 6,380, 515 6, 640, 150 1,392, 167 3,883, 582 6,016,538 1, 481, 177 6,019, 236 3, 291, 234 366,650 822 392, 602 344, 486 38,070 4,928, 339 3, 114, 657 334,778 53, 422 5, 168, 792 1, 243, 381 1, 255, 082 1, 138, 755 1,347, 120 1, 487, 095 426, 644 410,853 316,737 349,855 349, 010 3, 450, 567 3,849, 599 4, 545, 614 359,049 391,963 395, 200 52,369 1, 102 1,043 5, 607, 366 5, 317, 477 5, 939, 639 6,777,962 Federal Barge Lines, operated by the U. S. Government-Entire line-Investment, income account, and traffic, calendar years 1918 to 1937-Contd. 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 $91.65 1.93 $98.40 .32 $120.17 (2) $89.15 2.68 $94.17 1.55 $99.10 25 812 0.433 0.362 859 883 0.334 0.385 0.371 0.348 1 Difference between 1923 and 1924, in investment items are due to revaluation under act-Public, No. 185, 68th Cong. • Tons of freight carried from reports of the Inland Waterways Corporation to the Secretary of War; ton-miles from annual reports, pt. 2, of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army Source: Figures, except for 1918, and as otherwise indicated, were compiled from annual reports of the Inland Waterways Corporation and its predecessors to the Interstate ComWaterways Corporation. merce Commission. Figures for 1918 were in part taken from the 1919 report to the Commission and in part from the annual report to the Secretary of War or furnished by the Inland Certain figures originally reported to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the years 1920 and 1921 and for years 1924 to 1933, inclusive, were here adjusted as described in A verages: Account 1928 1929 1930 1931 Operation ratio-percent (includes auxiliary oper- Rate of return on investment (item 19÷8). Tons of freight carried (including interdivision $96.22 1.51 $102.62 (2) $98.89 .34 tonnage) 6 1,872, 597 1,653, 381 1, 490, 624 Tons of freight carried (excluding interdivision tonnage) 6 1,758, 244 Ton-miles (thousands). 1, 523, 950 1, 575, 229 Average freight revenue per ton-mile (cents) (item 1, 424, 477 Average haul per ton (miles). 0.423 0.491 0.505 $95.08 1, 533, 915 1,481, 751 0.499 1,653, 088 1,572,669 1,605, 830 1, 483, 860 2, 128, 872 1, 479, 157 1, 400, 406 1, 732, 059 2, 332, 047 1, 856, 514 2, 619, 427 2, 109, 854 1, 837, 936 * Deficit. * Deferred. 4 Includes $795 of "Net income from miscellaneous physical property." Not available. the following: Adjustments were also made to ways Corporation applicable to years 1924 to 1931. include in the proper accounts and years the Washington office expenses and interest earned or paid on all funds controlled by the Inland WaterThese items were cleared through the profit-and-loss account in the corporation's 1932 annual report to the Interstate Commerce Commission. These revisions were made in accordance with notations on pages 100 and 314 of the Inland Waterways Corporation annual report to the Commission in 1932. Adjustments were also made to include in proper accounts and years the "Loss operating Brodie fleet"; "Excessive cost operating steamer Illinois as a powdered coal burner;" "Ohio River survey"; "New York Maritime Exposition-Expenses"; "Engineering services for municipalities"; and "Trial trip-Hennepin Canal", applicable to the years 1925 to 1933. These items were cleared through the profit-and-loss account in the Corporation's annual report to the Interstate Commerce Commission for 1935. These revisions were made in accordance with notations on pp. 201 and 314 of the Inland Waterways Corporation's annual report to the Commission in 1935. ment reported to the Interstate Commerce Commission by $661 in 1924 and $66,742 in 1926. Investment for year 1924 and for 1926 were here adjusted to reflect revisions obtained from the Inland Waterways Corporation-the adjustments increased the original total invest Federal Barge Lines, Operated by the U. S. Government-Mississippi Division Investment, income account, and traffic Calendar years See footnotes at end of table. 1918 to 1937 Investment: Investment in floating equipment... Miscellaneous investment.... වව Total investment in real property and equip ment........... (3) (2) Material and supplies. (2) Cash...... Total investment, material, supplies and cash. (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) $6,831, 641 $6,964, 229 $8,913, 478 1, 101, 629 1, 112, 424 1,091, 559 $11,062, 542 1, 163, 835 3,680 3,680 3,680 (2) 8, 165, 909 8, 443, 575 10,372, 119 3,680 12, 684, 657 Income account: Water-line operations-Revenues.. Water-line operations-Expenses.... 71, 683 372,976 702, 219 1,791, 324 2, 249, 482 1, 452, 238 2,010, 292 2, 723, 032 2, 416, 601 2,754, 682 3,094, 181 3, 224, 571 3, 542, 445 3, 290, 436 Net revenue from water-line operations. 3 121, 714 3 573,047 3750,019 3 218,968 3 473, 550 3 338, 081 3 130, 390 252, 009 4, 508, 347 4,011,359 496, 988 5, 268, 381 5, 130, 436 137, 945 Net revenue from auxiliary operations. 3 231 3 6,315 3 24, 690 Net water-line operating revenue.. 3 121,714 3 573,047 Water-line tax accruals... 3 750,019 3 218,968 $ 473, 550 3 338,081 $ 130, 390 251,778 490, 673 113, 255 Water-line operating income. 3 121,714 3 573,047 3 750,477 3 219,599 3 473, 915 338, 349 3 130, 783 251,778 490, 673 113, 255 Miscellaneous rent income... 2,800 1,100 1,000 4, 195 1,099 11,793 accounts__ 3,662 8, 120 Total other income... 3,662 8, 120 6,527 6,527 1,216 1,475 1,216 1,475 3,591 Gross income.. 3 118,052 3 564,927 3 743,950 3 218,383 3 472, 440 3 334,758 3 123, 420 261, 651 511, 736 Federal Barge Lines Operated by the U. S. Government Mississippi Division-Investment, income account, and traffic Calendar years Income account-Continued. $19,989 19,989 99, 379 99, 379 3,860 14,903 1918 to 1937-Continued Total deductions..... 1,493 4,256 4,384 5, 141 7,300 8,851 18,024 14, 146 11,093 Net income.... 3119, 545 3 569, 183 3 748, 334 3 223, 524 3 479,740 3 343, 609 3 141, 444 247,505 500, 643 144, 165 Income balance transferred to profit and 3 119, 545 3 569, 183 3 748, 334 3 223, 524 3 479,740 3 343, 609 3 141, 444 247, 505 500, 643 144, 165 Water-line operating revenues: I. Revenue from transportation: Freight revenue... 71, 679 371, 299 695, 139 1,779, 056 Miscellaneous transportation revenue.... 2, 223, 151 15, 179 2, 369, 937 3,009, 231 25, 942 32,020 3, 412, 550 55,916 4, 359, 967 5,097, 239 Total revenue from transportation..... 71, 679 371, 299 695, 139 1, 779, 056 2, 238, 330 2, 395, 897 3,041, 251 3, 468, 466 4, 419, 213 5, 150, 239 Total revenue from operations other than transportation.... III. Charter revenue: Charters involving rent exclusively. 8,920 3,278 and operation.___ Total charter revenue.. Total water-line operating revenues.... 2,769 5,837 5,802 8,470 8,920 2,769 5,837 9,080 9,062 18,763 71, 683 372,976 702, 219 1, 791, 324 2, 249, 482 2, 416, 601 3,094, 181 3, 542, 445 4, 508, 347 5, 268, 381 5, 130, 436 1 Operations on the upper and lower Mississippi River combined. (Missouri and Illinois operations included in lower Mississippi). I. Maintenance... II. Traffic expenses.... III. Transportation expenses. IV. General expenses.. V. Charter expenses. Water-line operating expenses-by general accounts: 30,846 7,875 119, 168 10,699 24,809 Total water-line operating expenses.... 193, 397 Averages: Operating ratio-percent (including auxiliary op- 269.79 Rate of return on investment (item 19+8). (3) (3) Tons of freight carried (including interdivision tonnage)...... Tons of freight carried (excluding interdivision tonnage) Ton-miles (thousands). Average freight revenue per ton-mile (cents) (item 37+62) Average haul per ton (miles). • Not available. 3 Deficit. Source: Investment and income account items were compiled in part from annual reports of the Inland Waterways Corporation to the Secretary of War, in part (for early years) from annual reports of the Chief of Inland and Coastwise Waterways Service, and in part from information furnished by the Inland Waterways Corporation. Ton-miles were taken from annual reports, pt 2, of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. NOTE. "Investment in terminal property" includes the investment in the Washington office. This investment was allocated, by divisions, on the relationship of total operating expenses. Material and supplies, and cash, were also allocated in each year in the same manner as Washington office investment. |