Federal Barge Lines-operated by the U. S. Government-Profit and loss account, calendar years 1918 to 1937 Total credits during year... Debit balance transferred from 1, 145 16,258 Credit balance transferred from $203, 144 Delayed income credits. 225,078 2,808 431, 030 Debit balance transferred from Credit balance transferred from income..... Real property and equipment Delayed income credits. income... Real property and equipment debits......... Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits... $724 $8,278 $302 $4,063 $29 8,595, 384 $134, 789 $756, 413 1, 159, 396 784,064 58,035 151,528 2,059 Total debits during year 134,789 770, 502 1, 219, 490 943, 392 1,094, 849 Net income during year. 1 134,789 1770, 502 1 1, 218, 766 1935, 114 1 1,094, 547 1 1,072, 391 1 4, 153, 718 4, 923, 529 1 5, 226, 109 Balance at end of year.. 1 134, 789 1905, 291 1 2, 124, 057 1 3,059, 171 1 4, 153, 718 1 5, 226, 109 1,076, 454 3, 671, 884 1 302, 580 73, 688 144,549 1 347, 129 14,069 $219, 512 $1, 145 24, 217 36, 741 202, 919 1 144, 210 139, 543 1 138, 398 1 144, 210 1 282,608 Account 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 income.... $327,712 Real property and equipment credits...... 3,018 Miscellaneous credits.... 1,432 Total credits during year... 329, 484 $1, 285 985 1,711 544, 682 $1, 505 1,260 1, 015, 431 income...... Real property and equipment debits.... 100, 371 109,729 306,066 920, 148 37, 159 138, 540 Delayed income debits. 2 323, 548 371,340 21, 295 21,637 189,034 2 181,871 10, 694 10, 514 48,804 263, 845 886 Source: Figures are those reported by the Inland Waterways Corporation and its predecessors to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the respective years. NOTE.-The Inland Waterways Corporation in their annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the year 1932 and for the year 1935, cleared through their profit- 7,340 9,142 2,250 6,976 4,008 107, 711 415, 795 46, 301 140,799 54,768 25, 303 1, 131, 705 221,773 1 414,510 1,451 1 282, 608 1 60,835 1 475,345 130, 263 960, 663 8,137 $ 617,032 1 1, 130, 059 1 60,835 1 475, 345 1 473, 894 1 343, 631 617, 032 2 625, 169 1 504, 890 130981-39-pt. 4-37 Federal Barge Lines, operated by the U. S. Government-Entire line-Investment, income account, and traffic, calendar years 1918 to 1937 Investment: : 28,788 38,059 2756, 413 21, 167, 302 2 776, 158 40, 761 2996,400 34, 310 756,413 21, 167, 302 2776, 158 1, 022, 700 2, 210, 132 2, 716, 737 2, 811, 340 3, 444, 322 $996, 400 2955, 360 2955, 360 6,614 33,654 $550,925 * 550,925 4,016 31, 881 3,921, 558 5,076, 625 Interest on unfunded debt. Total deductions.... 4,245 25, 578 Net income.. 2 * 134, 789 Income balance transferred to profit and loss... * 134,789 Water-line operating revenues: I. Revenue from transportation: Freight revenue. 79, 100 559, 320 1,022,700 2, 210, 132 Miscellaneous transportation revenue.. 2,699, 858 2,784,078 Total revenue from transportation.... 79, 100 559, 320 3, 410, 095 34, 227 3, 864, 764 56, 794 5, 017, 437 59, 188 5, 942, 374 II. Revenue from operations other than trans- Rents of buildings and other property.. (5) (১) 28, 825 Total revenue from operations other than transportation.... 2, 441 28,825 III. Charter revenue: Total charter revenue... 3818 Total water-line operating revenues.. Water-line operating expenses by general accounts: 80,723 589,047 1,072, 048 2, 253, 724 2, 755, 119 2,841,699 3, 499, 631 4,004,578 5, 174, 786 6, 151, 047 I. Maintenance. II. Traffic expenses. III. Transportation expenses. IV. General expenses. V. Charter expenses. 37, 504 246, 733 688, 460 1, 023, 232 1, 132, 401 185, 104 88,226 172, 916 1, 166, 155 143,800 1,020, 810 167, 671 976, 123 158,060 1,050, 828 128, 140 807, 167 1, 162, 990 1,685, 513 2, 244, 700 2, 251, 198 2, 555, 221 2, 706, 957 3,378, 264 64,552 91,070 24, 809 124, 724 89, 710 112,595 113, 673 46, 628 126, 032 78,458 153, 674 172, 451 128, 248 216, 261 1, 329, 830 30, 230 216, 153 1, 503, 285 Averages: Total water-line operating expenses... Operating ratio-percent (includes auxiliary operations). Rate of return on investment (item 19+8). Tons of freight carried (including interdivision tonnage) 101.18 (2) 267.91 (2) 225.76 (2) 206.83 (2) 132.73 134.67 132.51 115.03 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100.99 (2) 96.10 1.59 33,728 235, 271 358, 485 (5) (5) (8) 669, 550 (8) 860,013 979,772 1,071, 848 1, 142, 219 1, 341, 578 (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (8) Federal Barge Lines, operated by the U. S. Government-Entire line-Investment, income account, and traffic, calendar years 1918 to 1937-Contd. 61, 459 4, 200 47,590 125,000 Investment in floating equipment......... Investment in terminal property...... Miscellaneous investment... Total investment in real property and equip $14, 151, 521 $15,781, 202 $16, 278, 764 $19, 168, 022 $19, 790, 890 $19,907, 885 $19, 771, 695 $19, 664, 919 2,046, 494 3,069, 408 3, 500, 963 3, 507, 138 3, 666, 575 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 67, 322 3, 684, 610 67,322 3, 621, 557 67,322 3, 558, 374 67,322 ment. Material and supplies.. Cash... 16, 202, 615 18,855, 210 19,784, 327 22,679, 760 23, 524, 787 23, 659, 817 23, 460, 574 23, 290, 615 197,012 208, 309 195, 194 248, 480 208, 797 180, 733 346, 501 391, 604 361, 246 495, 697 2, 792, 729 1, 256, 598 180, 176 614, 108 23,013, 187 205, 168 174, 617 689, 168 492, 441 $19,836, 121 3, 109, 744 67,322 $20, 039, 245 3,035, 336 23, 141, 903 255, 215 873, 299 Total investment, material, supplies, and cash... 16, 746, 128 19, 455, 123 20, 340, 767 23, 423, 937 26,526, 313 25,097,148 24, 254, 858 24, 184, 951 23, 680, 245 Investment: 24, 270, 417 I. Water-line operating income: Water-line operations-Revenues.. Water-line operations-Expenses.. 6, 707, 576 6,380, 515 6, 529, 177 6, 640, 150 6, 129, 213 6,016,538 6, 347, 288 6,019, 236 6, 131, 347 5, 607, 366 5,018,005 4, 301, 088 5,964, 764 6, 307, 124 5, 939, 639 6, 839, 421 6,777, 962 Net revenue from water-line operations. 327, 061 2 110, 973 112, 675 328,052 523, 981 89, 666 2 867, 704 647, 287 367, 485 61, 459 Auxiliary operations Revenues.... 73, 429 60, 143 44, 409 15,456 11,832 9,576 Net revenue from auxiliary operations. 273,429 260, 143 2 44, 409 2 15,456 211, 832 29,576 Net water-line operating revenue... 253,632 2 171, 116 Water-line tax accruals.. 1,383 Water-line operating income. Income from lease of line.... Miscellaneous rent income. Dividend income.... Income from funded securities. 252,249 2 171, 140 68, 263 312, 583 511, 756 79,087 2868, 415 647, 220 367, 469 61, 459 1,320 8,639 2, 194 8,639 8,639 6,076 4,200 2,321 1,824 1,670 38,800 42,571 52,096 6,026 2,835 22, 122 127, 468 |