FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AMENDMENTS-1969 (91-1) H.R. 4148 and Related Bills TO AMEND THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES 26-212 O FEBRUARY 26, 27, MARCH 4, 5, 6, 1969 Printed for the use of the Committee on Public Works U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1969 CONTENTS H.R. 7361 (Mr. Blatnik for himself, Mr. Kluczynski, and Mr. Wright): To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, and for Barlow, DeWitt, Jr., president, Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., and vice president, National Association of River and Harbor Contractors; Bevill, Hon. Tom, A Representative in Congress from the State of Alabama. 91 577 Douglas, Phillip A., executive secretary, Sport Fishing Institute, Wash- ington, D.C.__ 582 Fuqua, Hon. Don, a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida. 406 Petroleum Insititute_ 471 Glenn, Thomas R., director and chief engineer, Interstate Sanitary Com- 523 Hanley, Hon. James M., a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawes, Alexander B., counsel, the American Waterways Operators, Inc.; accompanied by Markham Ball, of the firm of Leva, Hawes, Symington, Hickel, Hon. Walter J., Secretary of the Interior, accompanied by Hon. Russell E. Train, Under Secretary; Commissioner Joe Moore, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration; ion; Raymond Coulter, Acting Solicitor; Frank A. Bracken, Associate Solicitor; and Dr. Russell G. Wayland, Chief, Conservation Division, U.S. Geological Survey. Hirshfield, Vice Adm. James A., U.S. Coast Guard (retired), president, 563 Horn, Carl, Jr., Edison Electric Institute__ Horton, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of New Horton, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of New 163 Lee, William S., vice president, engineering, Duke Power Co., Charlotte, 587 Koisch, Brig. Gen. Frank P., director, Civil Works, Corps of Engineers, Department_of the Army, accompanied by Mark S. Gernee, chief of operations; Errol G. Tyler, assistant general counsel; Harold Blakeley, |