Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, 1969: Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, First Session, on H.R. 4148 and Related Bills

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969 - 677 pages

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Page 131 - The purpose of this Act is to enhance the quality and value of our water resources and to establish a national policy for the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution.
Page 258 - Army, whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers anchorage and navigation will not be injured thereby, may permit the deposit of any material above mentioned in navigable waters, within limits to be defined and under conditions to be prescribed by him, provided application is made to him prior to depositing such material; and whenever any permit is so granted the conditions thereof shall be strictly complied with, and any violation thereof shall be unlawful.
Page 580 - States, including, but not limited to, fish, shellfish, wildlife, and public and private property, shorelines, and beaches...
Page 402 - By memorandum of agreement between the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior...
Page 581 - For the purpose of this section, the term — (1) 'oil' means oil of any kind or in any form, including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil; (2) 'discharge...
Page 22 - ... (m) Anyone authorized by the President to enforce the provisions of this section may, except as to public vessels, (A) board and inspect any vessel upon the navigable waters of the United States or the waters of the contiguous zone, (B) with or without a warrant arrest any person who violates the provisions of this section or any regulation issued thereunder in his presence or view, and (C) execute any warrant or other process issued by an officer or court of competent jurisdiction.
Page 312 - The pollution of interstate or navigable waters in or adjacent to any State or States (whether the matter causing or contributing to such pollution is discharged directly into such waters or reaches such waters after discharge into a tributary of such waters), which endangers the health or welfare of any persons, shall be subject to abatement as provided in this Act.
Page 79 - ... enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of this Act. In establishing such standards the Secretary, the Hearing Board, or the appropriate State authority shall take into consideration their use and value for public water supplies, propagation of fish and wildlife, recreational purposes, and agricultural, industrial, and other legitimate uses.
Page 311 - States; shall engage in oceanographic research on the high seas and in water subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States: and shall maintain a state of readiness to function as a specialized service in the Navy In time of war.
Page 258 - It is further agreed that the waters herein defined as boundary waters and waters flowing across the boundary shall not be polluted on either side to the injury of health or property on the other.

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