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AUTHORIZATION: Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act and Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended by the Great Plains Act of August 7, 1956, Public Law 84-1021 and Public Law 86-793, approved September 14, 1960, and Public Law 91-118 approved November 18, 1969.

OBJECTIVES: Maintain resource base by assisting farmers, ranchers,

and others install conservation plans for whole operating units through a program of scheduled technical assistance and long-term contractural cost sharing that will bring improved stability to the Great Plains area by converting lands unsuited for cropping to other uses and arrest deterioration of crop and grazing lands.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants; Advisory Services and Counseling.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Cost-share funds are available only

for enduring soil and water conservation measures determined to be needed to protect and stabilize a farm or ranch unit against climatic and erosion hazards of the Great Plains area, and applied in accordance with a conservation plan for the entire operating unit.


Applicant Eligibility: Applicant must have control of the land for the period of the contract running from a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 10 years.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: Evidence that applicant has control over land on which he wishes to enter into contractural arrangement; and has an adequate plan of farming operation or land use which incorporates needed soil and water conservation practices.


Preapplication Coordination: Soil and water conservation district (subdivision of state government).

Application Procedure: Application is made to the Soil Conservation Service district conservationist serving the county in which the operating unit is located. The application is submitted on Form GP-1 (Rev.) Application for Participation in Great Plains Conservation Program.

Award Procedure: The area conservationist serving the multi-county area in which the participating county is located is the contracting officer as representative of the Secretary of Agriculture. He is responsible for the technical adequacy of the Conservation Plan and the legal sufficiency of the contract. The contract is not valid until the SCS state administrative officer certifies that funds are available.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Timing of application servicing depends on volume of applications, backlog of pending applications, and SCS staff assistance available for development of


Appeals: None.

Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: Cost sharing to participant ranges for specified conservation practices from 80 percent of the cost (in the case of work most urgently needed to stabilize lands in the Great Plains area) to 50 percent for practices where need is less urgent.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Contract period runs from a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 10 years. Obligations for assistance are tied to a long-term contract detailing the 3 to 10 year schedule in which needed land use changes and conservation practice installation will be made.


Reports: No reports. SCS and the land owner or operator make an annual contract status review which includes maintenance of completed contract items, need for deletion or addition of contract items, etc.

Audits: SCS makes periodic random on-site reviews of the quality and quantity of the application and maintenance of contract items.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 05-20-2268-0-1-354.

Obligations: (Grants and salaries and expenses) FY 70 $15,426,000;

FY 71 est $16,158,000; and FY 72 est $15,593,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Per land owner or operator over the period running from 3 to 10 years contracts average $3,500.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The 1970 contracts cover 5,302,970 acres with cost share obligations of $10,952,620. Planned conversion cropland in existing contracts is about 20 percent of the cropland involved. The program is now operating in 453 counties in 10 states.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "An Expanded Great Plains Conservation Program for the 1970's," PA-960; "The Great Plains Conservation Program - A Progress Report," PA-669; "What the Soil Conservation Service Does," SCS-CI-3.


Regional or Local Office: State conservationists for the Soil Conservation Service in the 10 Great Plains States where the program operates (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). District conservationists for SCS in the 453 counties where the program operates.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance.



AUTHORIZATION: Food and Agriculture Act of 1962; Public Law 87-703; 76 Stat. 607; 7 U.S.C. 1010, 1011 (Supp. V) 1959-1963; Public Law 91-343; 7 U.S.C. 1011(e); Public Law 74-46.

OBJECTIVES: Assist local people to initiate and sponsor program for developing and carrying out long-range program of resource conservation and development, develop dynamic rural community with satisfactory level of income and pleasing environment through planned improvement of resources, and create a favorable investment climate attractive to private capital.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants; Advisory Services and Counseling.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Technical planning assistance is available only in project areas authorized for such planning. Technical and financial assistance is available for the installation of

land conservation and land utilization works of improvement specified in project plans. Financial assistance is provided only for measures having demonstrable favorable relationships between benefits and costs. Works of improvement may include measures serving purposes such as flood prevention, sedimentation and erosion control, public water based recreation and fish and wildlife developments, and agricultural water management purposes. See also Farmers Home Administration program entitled Resource Conservation and Development Loans.


Applicant Eligibility: Federal, state, territorial, or other public agency(ies) having legal authority, under state law, to plan, install, operate, and maintain community-type projects having public benefits.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: Applicant agency(ies) must document

fact that application is made as result of official action of the governing body. Applications are honored only from agencies for which applicant eligibility as shown above is or has been established.


Preapplication Coordination: State, metropolitan, or regional planning and development clearinghouses, and Governor of state, or state agency he designates to handle Resource Conservation and Development program applications.

Application Procedure: Written application in form suggested in Resource Conservation and Development Projects Handbook.

Award Procedure: Details of the procedure are available from state and field offices of the Soil Conservation Service. Notification of award is made to the designated State Central Information Reception Agency (SF 240).

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Indeterminate. Dependent upon rate of receipt of applications, and annual rate at which approval may be made as prescribed in appropriations act for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Appeals: Not applicable to application for project assistance.
Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Local or state agencies must provide land rights needed for the installation of all measures except for recreation and fish and wildlife developments where financial assistance may be available for up to 50 percent of the cost of land rights acquisition. Local or state agencies must provide for 50 percent of construction costs of agricultural water management, fish and wildlife and recreation structural measures, and must provide for operation and maintenance, and for all needed water rights. Loan assistance may be provided for the local share of project cost.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Reports: Periodic inspections and reports to insure that structural measures for which Federal financial assistance has been provided are being properly operated and maintained in accordance with agreements.

Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 05-20-1010-0-1-354.

Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $11,101,000; FY 71 est $15,075,000; and FY 72 est $14,245,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $2,000 to $250,000; average, $20,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: SCS specialists gave assistance to 55 Resource Conservation and Development projects and helped with the development of plans of 13 others. The combined area of the 68 projects is 244 million acres. Completed project measures the specific activities planned by local citizens to improve the economy and quality of living in project area reached a total of 2,249.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "What the Soil Conservation Service Does," SCS-CI-3; "Facts About Resource Conservation and Development Projects," SCS-CI-14.


Regional or Local Office: State and field offices of the Soil Conservation Service listed in appendix. For loans contacts should be made with the County Farmers Home Administration Office serving the area in which the project is located.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 10.904, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.414, Resource Conservation and Development Loans; 10.508, Extension Programs for Soil and Water Conservation.



AUTHORIZATION: Soil Conservation Service Establishing Act; Public Law 74-76, approved April 27, 1935. OBJECTIVES: Plans and carries out a national program of soil and water conservation through conservation districts; helps communities solve resource problems that hamper their growth.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Advisory Services and Counseling.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assistance is usually made available

to owners and operators of private lands, units of local, county, and state government, zoning and planning bodies, etc. Technical assistance to individuals in planning and applying soil and water conservation plans; consultive assistance to units of government. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: Individuals usually become cooperators with local soil and water conservation districts to which application for assistance is directed.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: None.


Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Contact the local Soil Conservation Service

office in nearly all counties.

Award Procedure: Not applicable.

Deadlines: Not applicable.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable.

Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable.


Reports: Not applicable.

Audits: Not applicable.

Records: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION:

Account Identification: 05-20-1000-0-1-354.

Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $108,297,000; FY 71 est $111,381,000; and FY 72 est $111,411,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Provided 3,100,000 technical services to 1,200,000 individual land owners and land users in fiscal year 1970, preparing 75,000 conservation plans for 28,700,000 acres; helped revise 36,328 conservation plans for 22,000,000 acres. Responses to requests for assistance from state and local units of government totaled 61,200. SCS made field investigations and recommendations on land use and treatment for 1,559 school, sanitary landfill, hospital, recreation, and water and sewer facilities; provided technical information to government bodies for use in enacting 303 zoning ordinances, land use regulations, sanitary codes, and building codes and standards.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "Soil Conservation Service," PA 818; "What the Soil Conservation Service Does," SCS-CI-3; "Our American Land," AIB 321; "Soil Conservation at Home," AIB 244; "Sediment," AIB 325; "Published Soil Surveys."


Regional or Local Office: Local Soil Conservation Service office (in nearly all counties).

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.054, Emergency Conservation Measures; 10.419, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Loans; 10.508, Extension Programs for Soil and Water Conservation; 10.900, Great Plains Conservation; 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.903, Soil Survey; 10.905, Plant Materials for Conservation.

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AUTHORIZATION: Soil surveys were authorized by appropriation acts dated back to 1896 and Public Laws 74-46, 1935, and 89-560, 1966.

OBJECTIVES: A major objective of the National Cooperative Soil Survey is to provide published soil surveys of counties or other comparably sized areas for widespread use by interested agencies, organizations, and individuals.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Soil surveys are used by farmers to

help locate soils that are best suited for crops and those that are most responsive to management. They are of vital importance to planning engineers, zoning commissions, tax commissioners, home owners, developers, and others. Soil surveys are used to locate soils suitable for farms, wildlife and recreation areas, commercial and industrial sites, homesites, subdivisions, highways, and airports. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: All individuals and groups that have a need for
soil surveys are eligible to receive this information.
Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: None.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Applicants may request information from local office of the Soil Conservation Service, soil conservation districts, and extension service and from the state office of the Soil Conservation Service, state agricultural experiment station, and from Senators and Congressmen.

Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Reports: Not applicable. Audits: Not applicable. Records: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION:

Account Identification: 05-20-1000-0-1-354.

Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $20,889,000; FY 71 est $22,593,000; and FY 72 est $22,010,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 43,199,121 acres of soil surveys were completed, bringing the total to 811,323,457 acres.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "List of Published Soil Surveys"; "Know the Soil You Build On," AIB 320; "Know Your Soil," AIB 267; "The National Cooperative Soil Survey," SCS-TP-138. Available Information Division, SCS-USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250, no charge.


Regional or Local Office: State and local offices of the Soil Conservation Service.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation Program; 10.904, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention.

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10.904 WATERSHED PROTECTION AND FLOOD PREVENTION (Small Watershed (or PL-566) Program)


AUTHORIZATION: Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Public Law 83-566, 68 Stat. 666; Public Law 1018, 84th Cong., 70 Stat. 1088; Public Law 85-624, 85th Cong., 72 Stat. 563; Public Law 85-865, 85th Cong., 72 Stat. 1605; Public Law 86-468, 86th Cong., 74 Stat. 131, 132; Public Law 86-545, 86th Cong., 74 Stat. 254; Public Law 87-170, 87th Cong., 75 Stat. 408; Public Law 87-703, 87th Cong., 76 Stat. 608; Public Law 89-337, 89th Cong., 79 Stat. 1300; Public Law 90-361, 90th Cong., 82 Stat. 250.

OBJECTIVES: Provide technical and financial assistance in planning and carrying out works of improvement to protect, develop, and utilize the land and water resources in small watersheds.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants; Advisory Services and Counseling.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assistance is provided in planning, designing, and installing watershed works of improvement; in sharing ion control, fish and wildlife developments, and public

sedimenta recreation

costs of flood prevention, irrigation, drainage,

and to extending long term credit to help local

Interests with their share of the costs.



area must not exceed 250,000 acres. Capacity of a

is limited to 25,000 acre-feet; and total

must not exceed $5,000,000.

See also Farmers Home Administration program 10.419, "Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Loans."


Applicant Eligibility: Any state agency, county or groups of counties, municipality, town or township, soil and water conservation district, flood prevention or flood control district, or any other nonprofit agency with authority under state law to carry out, maintain and operate watershed works of improvement may apply for assistance.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: Applications must designate the proposed project area, be properly signed and attested to by all applicants, set forth the need for the proposed project, and be approved by the Governor of the state(s) or his designated approving agency.


Preapplication Coordination: Potential applicants must notify state(s) planning and development clearinghouses that they intend to apply for assistance. Up to 60 days is allowed for review. Application Procedure: Suggested format for applications and information are available in all SCS offices and concerned state agencies.

Award Procedure: Details of the procedure are available from the state and field offices of the Soil Conservation Service. State Central Information Reception Agencies are notified via standard form 240.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Receipt of the application is acknowledged as soon as it is determined to be valid.

Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Technical and financial assistance under which program funds provide certain prescribed services and costs and a percentage of other costs on the basis of a contract varying according to purpose of the work of improvement. For example, for construction costs, program funds pay 100 percent for flood prevention; up to 50 percent of agricultural water management, public recreation and fish and wildlife purposes; and none of the costs for municipal water and other nonagricultural water management. All of the applicants' installation costs are eligible for program loans. Reimbursable advances are available for preservation of sites and future municipal water supply.


Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Continues until all works of improvement are installed or their installation is terminated by mutual agreement.

Federal assistance for planning is provided as rapidly as it becomes available, leading toward preparation of a watershed work plan which sets forth the works of improvement, the general time schedule, and other arrangements for their installation.


Reports: Annual operation and maintenance inspection and report. Audits: Annual audits are required after the system goes into operation.

Records: Records of operation and maintenance activities are maintained for the life of the project.


Account Identification: Watershed planning, 05-20-1066-0-1-401; watershed works of improvement, 05-20-1067-0-1-401.

Obligations: (Planning) FY 70 $6,929,000; FY 71 est $6,511,000; and FY 72 est $5,809,000. (Works of Improvement) FY 70 $66,417,000; FY 71 est $78,084,000; and FY 72 est $75,797,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Approximately $100,000 to $5,000,000 project cost. Average $1,800,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 50 projects

were approved for planning and 64 approved for operations. In the year the 1,000th small watershed in the program was approved for operations. A total of 429 projects were at some stage in construction. Projects completed under the program totaled 273. Multipurpose reservoirs constructed in projects have stored and protected water supplies for an estimated 281,000 persons. Sediment withheld from streams and reservoirs and off bottomlands in the program is estimated at 13,000,000 tons.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: What the Soil Conservation Service Does, SCS-CI-3; Local-State-Federal Watershed Projects, SCS-CI-4; Multiple-Purpose Watershed Projects, PA-575.


Regional or Local Office: For list of state offices with telephone numbers and addresses, see appendix.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 10.906, River Basin Surveys and Investigations; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.419, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Loans; 12.104, Flood Plain Management Services.



AUTHORIZATION: Soil and Water Conservation Act Public Law 74-46.

OBJECTIVES: Assembling, evaluating, selecting and releasing new and improved plant materials for soil and water and wildlife conservation.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Sale, Exchange or Donation of Property and Goods.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Materials are used in all phases of

the soil and water conservation program. Materials centers produce only enough of any variety for field testing and proving value in conservation. Large-scale production is by cooperating commercial producers in cooperation with soil conservation districts and agricultural experiment stations.


Applicant Eligibility: Anyone interested in field testing plants for conservation purposes.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: Not applicable.


Preapplication Coordination: Not applicable.

Application Procedure: Contact the local Soil Conservation Service office.

Award Procedure: Not applicable.

Deadlines: Not applicable.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable.

Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable.

Reports: Not applicable.
Audits: Not applicable.
Records: Not applicable.

Account Identification: 05-20-1000-0-1-354.

Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $1,116,000; FY 71 est $1,395,000; and FY 72 est $1,395,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Fifty or more named varieties of

grasses, legumes and shrubs have been made available for
conservation uses including erosion control, soil improvement,
wildlife food and cover, beautification, and roadbed and
streambank stabilization. Two new varieties of woody plants -
Arnot bristly locust and 'Rem-Red' amur honeysuckle
recently released. Lutana cicer milkvetch, a legume, has been
released for use in western areas. 'Capte' American beachgrass and
'Barton' western wheatgrass have been released for commercial


REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "Grass Seed Production and Harvest in the Great Plains," FB 2226; "Building, Planting and Maintaining Sand Dunes," L 42; "Grasses and Legumes for Soil Conservation in the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin States," AH 339.


Regional or Local Office: Regional Technical Service Centers, SCS state offices and field offices.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance.




(River Basin Program)


AUTHORIZATION: Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Public Law 83-566, as amended, Section 6.

Resources Council are funded through coordinated Federal Agency budgets. State participation is funded by the states concerned. Cooperative studies are funded with each cooperating agency, state and Federal, funding its own participation. Extent of participation and resultant funding are defined in a plan of study or plan of work which establishes the basis for the cooperative study effort.

OBJECTIVES: Assist states and other Federal agencies prepare comprehensive plans for the development of water and related land resources within river basins or regions, giving full consideration to agricultural program impacts on resource development and use.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Advisory Services and Counseling; Provision of Specialized Services.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Availability and quality of land and water resources are determined; needs for water related goods and services are estimated and converted into requirements for water and related land resources; capability of available water and related land resources to meet these needs is determined both under present levels and potential levels of development; and the nature of feasible program and project type developments is determined and their interrelationships established. Participation is limited to planning elements which are concerned with water and related land resources.


Applicant Eligibility: Any state water resource agency or other Federal agency concerned with water resource development. SCS participation is based on a cooperative effort with another agency or agencies.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Benefits are realized in terms of opportunities and alternatives which can serve as a basis for decision making. No direct monetary benefits accrue except in more efficient program management.

Credentials/Documentation: Requests designate the proposed study area, describe the basic study objective, and indicate joint participation.


Preapplication Coordination: Not applicable.

Application Procedure: Letter of request addressed to Secretary of Agriculture; Administrator, Soil Conservation Service; or State Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service. In case of studies under aegis of Water Resources Council, approval of new start by WRC. Award Procedure: Not applicable.

Deadlines: None.

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Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: The length of the study is defined in the plan of study or the plan of work. It is subject to some modification, depending on the availability of funds to each of the cooperating agencies. Federal assistance for planning is provided as rapidly as possible depending on availability of funds and competent personnel resources.


Reports: Reports are prepared at the completion of each study.
Audits: Not applicable.

Records: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION:

Account Identification: 05-20-1069-0-1-401.

Obligations: (Technical planning services) FY 70 $8,916,000; FY 71

est $9,856,000; and FY 72 est $9,591,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Approximately $300,000 to $1,500,000; average $650,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: There have been 38 river basin studies completed through fiscal year 1970. Of these 1 was a framework study; 10 were interdepartmentally coordinated detail studies; and 27 were cooperative studies. In addition there were 18 interim reports completed. In fiscal year 1970, there were 7 new starts and 12 in fiscal year 1971. These studies provide a basis for coordination of complementary agency programs and projects and establish priorities of need for development. Another element of the River Basin Program is the Food Hazard Analysis activity. It has been initiated in response to Recommendation 9(c), H.D. 465, Congress. There are 6 states participating in this activity with an increase to 12 states expected in fiscal year 1972.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: What the Soil Conservation Service Does, SCS-CI-3; Local-State-Federal Watershed Projects, SCS-CI-4; Multiple-Purpose Watershed Projects, PA-575; River Basin Memorandums.


Regional or Local Office: For list of state offices with telephone numbers and addresses, see appendix.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4531.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 10.904, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.419, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Loans.


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