NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY 10.700 NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY SERVICE FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY, Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: 5 U.S.C. 5946; 7 U.S.C. 450b, 450i, 2201, 2202, ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: 2206, 2244. OBJECTIVES: To serve as the national resource for information on agriculture and related subjects collecting material in over 50 different languages and organizing this material for maximum use by scientists, students, and other individuals throughout America in agricultural colleges and universities in industry, and on the farm. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Anyone can use the services. Publications in the library collection are available through interlibrary loan or photoreproduction, and the library facilities are open to anyone wishing to use them. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: All are eligible. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: Not applicable. Application Procedure: Apply by letter to Division of Lending, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland 20705, or to Division of Reference (address as above). Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: Not applicable. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Not applicable. Records: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-84-0300-0-1-355. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $3,419,000; FY 71 est $3,895,000; and FY 72 est $3,895,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Resources of about 1,300,000 volumes. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "Guide to the Services of the National Agricultural Library." INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Not applicable. Headquarters Office: Office of the Director, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. Telephone: (301) 345-6200. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.001, Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research; 10.153, Market News; 10.250, Agricultural and Rural Economic Research; 42.006, Library of Congress Reference and Bibliographic Services; 42.007, Research and Referral Services in Science and Technology. OFFICE OF INFORMATION 10.750 INFORMATION ON AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES FEDERAL AGENCY: OFFICE OF INFORMATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Annual appropriation acts for the Department of Agriculture and related agencies; 7 U.S.C. 2201; 7 U.S.C. 1387;5 U.S.C. 552, 553. OBJECTIVES: To disseminate agricultural information to farmers, organizations, and institutions interested in agriculture and to the public the office maintains Farmers bulletins and leaflets on a variety of subjects of interest to farmers, suburbanites, homemakers, and consumers; a central library of new-type color and black/white photos obtained in connection with USDA work; slide sets, filmstrips, motion pictures and exhibits covering a variety of agricultural and home economic subjects for teaching better farm and home practices. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Free materials available to anyone upon request. Sales materials availble upon payment of sales price. Loan materials available through state cooperating film libraries. Exhibits available for fairs, expositions, meetings and similar occasions. Restrictions on use of materials - not to be used in any manner which would give impression that USDA endorses any commercial product. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: All are eligible. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. requested. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: Written or verbal request. Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: None. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: None. Audits: None. Records: None. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-76-0200-0-1-355; 05-76-3996-0-4-355; 05-76-8200 0 7 355. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $447,000; FY 71 est $404,000; and FY 72 est $405,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 12,900,000 publications were distributed. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: (All free) Popular publications for farmer, suburbanite, homemaker, consumer, list No. 5; films of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, AH-14; color slide sets and filmstrips of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, AH-1107; instructions to purchasers of photographic reproductions, INF 311; exhibits of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-6311. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.700, National Agricultural Library Service; 10.153, Market News; 10.250, Agricultural and Rural Economic Research; 10.500, Extension Programs for Community Development. PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS ADMINISTRATION 10.800 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY MARKET SUPERVISION (Packers and Stockyard Act) FEDERAL AGENCY: PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended; Public Law 67-51; 42 Stat. 159; 7 U.S.C. 181 et seq. OBJECTIVES: To protect producers and consumers against unfair business practices in the marketing of livestock, meat and poultry; and members of the livestock marketing and meat and poultry industries against unfair, deceptive, discriminatory, and monopolistic practices of competitors. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Investigation of Complaints. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The assistance is designed to maintain fair and competitive conditions in the livestock, poultry, and meat industries and return to producers fair market value for their products. Reparation awards for money damages can be granted against stockyard owners or operators, livestock commission men, or dealers. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Any person may file a complaint alleging an illegal practice by a meatpacker, stockyard owner or operator, livestock commission man, livestock dealer, or live poultry dealer or handler. Beneficiary Eligibility: All producers of livestock or poultry, all persons involved in the marketing, slaughtering, processing, or handling of livestock, poultry, or meat, and all consumers of meat and poultry or their products. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: Complaints may be submitted orally or in writing to the Washington, D.C., or field offices. Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: There are no deadlines for filing complaints except that reparations complaints seeking awards of damages must be filed within 90 days after the cause of action accrues. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: If an award is made and the defendant does not comply, the complainant may file an action in a U.S. district court or state court within 1 year from the date of the Secretary's order. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-71-2600-0-1-355. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $3,461,168; FY 71 est $3,765,000; and FY 72 est $3,765,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 7,715 investigations and audits were conducted. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: The Packers and Stockyards Act and Regulations, 7 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 9 CFR 201.1; "The Packers and Stockyards Act - What It Is and How It Operates," PA-399; "The Packers and Stockyards Resume"; "Livestock Payment Guidelines for Producers." There is no charge for these publications. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Complaints may be filed with Packers and Stockyards Administration area offices in Arlington, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; Denver, Colorado; Fort Worth, Texas; Huntington Park, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Kansas City, Missouri; Memphis, Tennessee; Newark, New Jersey; Omaha, Nebraska; North Portland, Oregon, South St. Paul, Minnesota; Sioux City, Iowa; and Springfield, Illinois. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Packers and Stockyards Administration, Room 3039 - South Building, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7051. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.151, Assistance to States for Intrastate Meat and Poultry Inspection; 10.154, Market Supervision; 10;157, Meat and Poultry Inspection; 10.505, Extension Programs for Marketing and Distribution; 36.001, Consumer and Business Protection; 69.001, Consumer Affairs. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION 10.850 RURAL ELECTRIFICATION LOANS (REA) FEDERAL AGENCY: RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINIS- OBJECTIVES: To finance dependable, modern, central station electric service in rural areas. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Long-term, low-interest loans to qualified organizations for the purpose of supplying central station electric service on a continuing basis in rural areas. A small number of loans are also made for wiring of premises, plumbing, and electrical equipment and appliances. These loans are made to REA borrowers for relending to individual consumers on their lines. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Rural electric cooperatives, public utility districts, power companies, municipalities, and other qualified power suppliers. Beneficiary Eligibility: Persons in rural areas not receiving central station electric service, or who first received central station service through an REA loan. Rural areas are defined in the Rural Electrification Act: "any area of the United States not included within the boundaries of any city, village, or borough having a population in excess of 1,500 inhabitants, and such term shall be deemed to include both the farm and nonfarm population thereof." Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: Not applicable. Application Procedure: Application is made by resolution of the board of directors of the borrowing organization. Information on submitting applications is contained in published REA Bulletins Nos. 20-2, 20-6, and 24-1. Award Procedure: The REA Administrator makes the final decision on approval of the loan upon a finding that it is economically feasible and serves the purposes of the Rural Electrification Act. Borrowers and members of Congress are notified of the approval of a loan directly, and the public is notified through the nation's press. Loans are made to the borrowing organization and are not passed on to a third party. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Average is between three and six months. Appeals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The Act states that 25 percent of annual appropriations must be alloted to the states during the first six months of the fiscal year in the proportion which the number of their farms not receiving central station electric service bears to the total number of farms in the United States not receiving such service. If any part of such sum is not loaned or obligated during the first six months of the fiscal year it can be loaned during the remainder of the year without allotment, provided that not more than 25 percent is loaned in any one state or in all the territories. The remaining 75 percent of the annual appropriation and any balance carried over from a prior year may be loaned without allotment provided that not more than 25 percent is loaned in any one state or in all the territories. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans are generally made for 35 years. Provision is normally made for advances to be completed within three years, but this period is subject to extension if required. Advances of funds are made as required by the borrower. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: REA borrowers must submit to the Rural Electrification Administration regularly scheduled operating reports showing financial condition and operating progress. Audits: Each REA borrower has its books audited annually by a certified public accountant. Records: REA borrowers keep the records prescribed for utility companies by the REA uniform system of accounts, and by sound business practices. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-56-3197-0-1-352. Face Value of Loans: (Direct) FY 70 $344,962,000; FY 71 est $345,000,000; and FY 72 est $345,000,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Typically, electric loans range from $250,000 to $1,500,000. The average for the first six months of fiscal 1971 is $1,158,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: At the end of fiscal year 1970, REA electric borrowers were serving 6,306,255 consumers on 1,661,251 miles of line. REA borrowers expect to add another 225,000 consumers and 20,000 miles of line in fiscal year 1971. In fiscal year 1970, REA-financed electric systems had total sales of about 71.5 billion kilowatt-hours. This figure is expected to increase to about 81.5 billion in fiscal 1971. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 7 CFR XVII. REA maintains and issues free upon request a set of bulletins bearing on the financing, construction operation and maintenance of rural electric systems. Quarterly statistical summaries and supplements, free. Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, free. Administrator's annual report, $0.25. Annual Statistical Report of REA Electric Borrowers, $2.00. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-5123. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.851, Rural Telephone Loans. 10.851 RURAL TELEPHONE LOANS FEDERAL AGENCY: RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended; Public Law 81-423; Public Law 87-862; 7 U.S.C. 901-903, 906-915, 921-924. Formula and Matching Requirements: None. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans are generally made for 35 years. Provision is normally made for advances to be completed within 3 years, but this period is subject to extension if required. Advances of funds are made as required by the borrower. OBJECTIVES: To finance the extension and improvement of telephone POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: service in rural areas. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Long-term loans to qualified organizations for the purpose of supplying and improving telephone service in rural areas. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Telephone companies or cooperatives, nonprofit, limited dividend, or mutual associations. Beneficiary Eligibility: Persons in rural areas and others when service to others is necessary to serve persons in rural areas. Rural areas defined as any area of the United States not included within the boundaries of any city, village, or borough having a population in excess of 1,500 inhabitants, and such term shall be deemed to include both the farm and nonfarm population thereof. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: Not applicable. Application Procedure: Application is submitted on REA Form 490, "Application for Rural Telephone Loan." Detailed information on applying for an REA telephone loan is in REA Bulletin 320-4, "Pre-Loan Procedures," available from REA upon request. Award Procedure: The REA Administrator makes the final decision on approval of the loan upon a finding that it is economically feasible and serves the purposes of the Rural Electrification Act. Borrowers and members of Congress are notified of the approval of a loan directly, and the public is notified through the nation's press. Loans are made only to the borrowing organization and are not passed on to a third party. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Normal loan processing time is from 3 to 6 months. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Reports: REA borrowers must submit to the Rural Electrification Administration regularly scheduled operating reports showing financial condition and operating progress. Audits: Each REA borrower has its books audited annually by a certified public accountant. Records: REA borrowers keep the records prescribed for telephone companies by the rules and regulations of REA's accounting system requirements for telephone borrowers, and by sound business practice. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-56-3197-0-1-352. Face Value of Loans: (Direct) FY 70 $125,000,000; FY 71 est $125,000,000; and FY 72 est $125,000,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Typically, telephone loans range from $250,000 to $1,000,000. The average in the first 6 months of fiscal year 1971 is $780,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: At the end of fiscal year 1970, REA-financed telephone borrowers were serving an estimated 2,249,000 rural subscribers. It is estimated that this will increase by the end of fiscal year 1971 to 2,359,000 subscribers. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 7 CFR-XVII. REA maintains and issues upon request a set of technical operations manuals and bulletins covering financing, construction, operation and maintenance of rural telephone systems. Quarterly statistical summaries and supplements, free; Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, free; Administrator's Annual Report, $0.25; Annual Statistical Report of REA Telephone Borrower, $2.00. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-5123. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.850, Rural Electrification Loans. |