L 1 Appeals: If an application is rejected, the reasons for rejection are fully stated. The applicant may reapply at any time that the reasons for rejection are corrected. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The loan and grant assistance may equal the project cost if the applicant is financially unable to contribute a part of the cost. Grant assistance is limited to one-half the project cost. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans may be scheduled over a period of 40 years. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: During the first year of operation, monthly progress reports are to be made to the FHA county supervisor. Sometime after the first four months and before the end of the ninth month of operation, the FHA District Supervisor will review and make a report on the operation of the facilities. Audits: Annual audits are required after the system goes into operation. Records: Records and accounts are required to reflect the operations of the project. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: Direct loan 05-60-4220-0-3-352; Development grants - 05-60-2066-0-1-352; Insured loan 05-60-4140-0-3-352. Obligations/Face Value of Loans: FY 70 (Grants) $44,800,000, (Loans) $146,000,000; FY 71 est (Grants) $40,000,000, (Loans) $160,000,000; and FY 72 est (Grants) $40,000,000, (Loans) $189,000,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not to exceed $4,000,000 - average loan $200,000; average grant $80,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Farmers Home Administration through its water and waste disposal facilities program has, as of the end of fiscal year 1970, made loans totaling $878,000,000 and grants totaling $134,000,000. It has financed: 3,799 water systems, 651 waste disposal systems, and 379 combination water and waste disposal systems. The systems financed have provided services to 748,259 families. In fiscal year 1970, 922 loans and 591 grants were made. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Financial Assistance to Small Towns and Rural Groups - PA 707 - no charge; Farmers Home Administration, PA 705 - no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Contacts should be made with the County Farmers Home Administration Office serving the area in which the project is located. If unable to locate the county office contact the headquarters office shown below. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7968. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.400, Comprehensive Areawide Water and Sewer Planning Grants; 11.302, Economic Development - Planning Assistance; 13.229, Indian Sanitation Facilities; 14.301, Basic Water and Sewer Facilities - Grants; 14.304, Public Facility Loans. 10.419 WATERSHED PROTECTION AND FLOOD PREVENTION LOANS FEDERAL AGENCY: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1956, as amended, Section 8; 16 U.S.C. 1006a. OBJECTIVES: To provide loan assistance in planning and carrying out works of improvement to protect, develop, and utilize the land and water resources in small watersheds. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Loan funds may be used for: (1) Installation, repair or improvement of facilities to drain farmland, store, convey water for irrigation and domestic use and stabilize annual stream flow, (2) special land treatment measures and structures primarily for flood prevention and (3) installation, repair or improvement of water storage facilities for recreation, fish, and wildlife improvement, and pollution abatement by stream flow regulation, and other costs incidental thereto. The total indebtedness must not exceed $5,000,000. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: To be eligible for a watershed loan an applicant must: (1) be a sponsoring local organization such as municipal corporation, soil and water conservation district or other organization not operated for profit and (2) have authority under state law to obtain, give security for and raise revenues to repay the loan and to operate and maintain the facilities financed with the loan. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: The applicant must furnish evidence of legal capacity to borrow and repay the loans, to pledge security for loans and to operate the facilities or services. Plans and specifications must be developed to comply with state and local health regulations and other requirements. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: All project proposals are reviewed by State, metropolitan, and local units of government before an application is filed. Up to 60 days is allowed for the review. Intent to file application must be coordinated in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-95. Application Procedure: SF 101-Application, Federal Assistance for Public Works and Facility Type Projects, is sent to local FHA Award Procedure: After application has been approved by the County Supervisor and the county committee, it is given final approval - depending on the size of the application by the County Supervisor, District Supervisor or the State Director. Following approval, payment authorization is forwarded to the National Finance Office who issues the check. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 30 to 90 days. Appeals: If an application is rejected, the reasons for rejection are fully stated. The applicant may reapply at any time that the reasons for rejection are corrected. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The loan assistance may equal the project cost if the applicant is financially unable to contribute a part of the cost. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans may be scheduled over a period of 50 years. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: During the first year of operation, monthly progress reports are to be made to the FHA county supervisor. Sometime after the first 4 months and before the end of the ninth month of operation, the FHA district supervisor will review and make a report on the operation of the facilities. Audits: Annual audits are required after the system goes into operation. Records: Records and accounts are required to reflect the operations of the project. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-60-4220-0-3-352. Face Value of Loans: (Direct) FY 70 $3,244,000; FY 71 est $7,163,000; and FY 72 est $5,400,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $185,000; $7,229 to $2,000,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 21 loans were made. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Watershed Loans Farmers Home Administration PA 406 - no charge. Farmers Home Administration - PA 705 - no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: office. 4-71 Regional or Local Office: Contacts should be made with the County Farmers Home Administration Office serving the area in which the project is located. If unable to locate the county office contact the headquarters office below. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7968. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.409, Irrigation, Drainage and Other Soil and Water Conservation Loans; 10.416, Soil and Water Loans; 10.418, Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities; 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.904, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention; 15.501, Irrigation and Drainage Systems Loans. 10.420 RURAL SELF-HELP HOUSING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (Section 523 Technical Assistance) FEDERAL AGENCY: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Housing Act of 1949 as amended, Section 523; Public Law 89-117 and Public Law 89-754; 42 U.S.C. 1490c. OBJECTIVES: To provide financial assistance for the promotion of a program of technical and supervisory assistance which will aid needy low-income individuals and their families in carrying out mutual self-help efforts in rural areas. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Organizations may use technical assistance funds: to hire the personnel to carry out a program of technical assistance for self-help housing in rural areas; to pay necessary and reasonable office and administrative expenses; to make essential equipment such as power tools available to families participating in self-help housing construction; and to pay fees for training self-help group members in construction technique or for other professional services needed. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Must be a State or political subdivision, public APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: Made in the form of a letter to the County Office of the Farmers Home Administration fully documenting the need for the grant and the proposed amount needed. Attachments relating to the size of the proposed project, estimated cost, budget and need are also required. Award Procedure: Award is made by the Director or County Supervisor. Notification of award must be made to the public and the designated State Central Information Reception Agency (SF 240). Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 40 to 180 days from the time discussion begins. Appeals: Applicants may request for reconsideration by County Supervisor. Applicant may meet with County Supervisor to present facts concerning his situation, needs and potential. Renewals: Applicants may reapply at any time. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: None. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Monthly progress reports are to be made to the FHА County Supervisor. Audits: As needed. Records: Adequate operating records must be maintained by borrower. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-60-2006-0-1-352. Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 None, new program in FY 71; FY 71 est $2,450,000; and FY 72 est $2,450,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $150,000; $84,000 to $189,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Three technical assistance grants were made in the first half of fiscal year 1971 to build approximately 250 homes. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "Technical Assistance for Self-help Housing," Farmers Home Administration, Fact Sheet. No charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Interested persons should contact the county Farmers Home Administration Office. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7967. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.410, Low- to Moderate-Income Housing Loans; 10.411, Rural Housing Site Loans. 10.421 INDIAN TRIBES AND TRIBAL CORPORATION LOANS FEDERAL AGENCY: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZATION: Public Law 91-229, approved April 11, 1970. OBJECTIVES: To enable tribes and tribal corporations to mortgage lands as security for loans from the Farmers Home Administration to buy additional land within the reservation. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Guaranteed/Insured Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Loan funds may be used to acquire land for lease to tribal members, lease to cooperative grazing units, or for use for recreational and commercial purposes, for rounding out grazing units, for elimination of fractional heirships or other purposes approved in advance by the National FHA office. Funds may also be used for incidental costs connected with land purchase. Loan funds cannot be used for development, equipment, or operating costs. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Limited to any Indian tribe recognized by the Secretary of the Interior or tribal corporation established pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act which does not have adequate uncommitted funds to acquire lands in the tribe's reservation or in a community in Alaska incorporated by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act. Must be unable to obtain adequate credit elsewhere and must be able to show reasonable prospects of success. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: Credentials provided by Secretary of Interior. Feasibility documentation must be supplied by applicant. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: Secretary of Interior must determine that lands to be acquired lie within a tribal reservation or community. Application Procedure: Application is made to FHA County Supervisor. Award Procedure: Review and award made by local FHA County Supervisor. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: From 30 to 90 days. Appeals: If an application is rejected, the reasons for rejection are fully stated. The applicant may reapply at any time that the reasons for rejection are corrected. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The loan assistance may equal the project cost if the applicant is financially unable to contribute a part of the cost. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans may be scheduled over a period of 40 years. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: During the first year of operation, monthly progress reports are to be made to the FHA County Supervisor. Sometime after the first 4 months and before the end of the ninth month of operation, the FHA District Supervisor will review and make a report on the operation of the facilities. Audits: Annual audits are required. Records: Records and accounts are required to reflect the operations of the project. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: Insured loan funds, 05-60-4140-0-3-351. Face Value of Loans: (Insured) FY 70 not in operation; FY 71 est $5,000,000; and FY 72 est $10,000,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $500,000; $4,500 to $1,000,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Not in operation in fiscal year 1970. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: FHA internal instructions. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Contacts should be made with the county Farmers Home Administration office serving the area in which the project is located. If unable to locate the county office, contact the headquarters office listed below. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7968. RELATED PROGRAMS: 15.119, Indian - Range Management; 15.120, Indian Real Estate Appraisal; 15.121, Indian Real Property Management; 15.126, Indian - Soil and Moisture Conservation. FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORATION 10.450 CROP INSURANCE FEDERAL AGENCY: FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORA TION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1501-0-19. Title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938; 52 Stat. 31. OBJECTIVES: To improve the economic stability of agriculture through a sound system of crop insurance by providing all-risk insurance for individual farmers to assure a basic income against droughts, freezes, insects, and other natural causes of disastrous crop losses. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Insurance. (Compensation). USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Insurance is available on crops in over 1,400 agricultural counties in 39 states. Producers are not indemnified for losses resulting from negligence or failure to observe good farming practices. Insurance is offered on the following crops: apples, barley, beans, citrus, combined crops, corn, cotton, flax, grain sorghum, grapes, oats, peaches, peanuts, peas, raisins, rice, soybeans, sugar beets, sugarcane, tobacco, tomatoes and wheat. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Any owner or operator of farmland, who has an insurable interest in a crop in a county where insurance is offered on that crop, is eligible unless the land is not classified for insurance purposes. Beneficiary Eligibility: Any insured producer who suffers a loss below the guarantee level for the particular crop insured. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: Form FCI-12, Application for Federal Crop Insurance for 1971 and Succeeding Crop Years, must be filed with an FCIC representative. Award Procedure: The insurance contract becomes effective upon issuance of a "Notice of Acceptance" by the Corporation. Notices of Acceptance for insurance coverage are issued by the Corporation's National Service Office upon a determination that the applicant is eligible and the land is classified for insurance purposes. Deadlines: Application must be filed before the normal planting date for the crop involved. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 15 to 20 days. Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Reports: Form FCI-819, Crop Insurance Acreage Report; Form FCI-8, Notice of Damage or Loss, if applicable; Form FCI-63, Claim for Indemnity. Audits: Inspection of damaged crop required. Records: Insured must keep for 2 years, after time of loss, records of harvesting, shipments, sale or other disposition of all insured crop produced on each unit covered by the contract and separate records for any uninsured acreage of the insured crop. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-52-4085-0-3-351. Obligations: (Total Indemnities) FY 70 $53,213,000; FY 71 est $35,450,000; and FY 72 est $40,500,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Average indemnity paid for all crops: $955. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During fiscal year 1970 the Corporation had 271,000 contracts in force, insuring almost 397,000 crops; thereby providing $852,300,000 of protection to farm producers. The Corporation estimates for fiscal year 1971, 279,000 contracts in force, insuring almost 407,000 crops, providing $871,000,000 of protection. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: CFR Title 7 Chapter 4, Parts 401-413. "Federal Crop Insurance - Why," PA-627; "Federal Crop Insurance - A Description." INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Interested producers should contact their local FCIC District Office or the state office listed in the appendix. Headquarters Office: Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) DU8-6795. RELATED PROGRAMS: 14.404, Emergency Loans; 14.001, Flood Insurance; 15.601, Animal Damage Control. EXTENSION SERVICE 10.500 EXTENSION PROGRAMS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL AGENCY: EXTENSION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AUTHORIZATION: Smith-Lever Act as amended; 7 U.S.C. 341-349. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assists communities in becoming more involved in assisting people to improve their knowledge and skills in working together in decisionmaking and upgrading skill groups; in development and expanding business and industry to increase income and employment opportunities; in developing facilities and services to meet standards of health, education, recreation, and other needs of society; in to conserving and using natural resources for the fullest benefit of all citizens. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Smith-Lever Grants are not made to individual applicants under cooperative extension programs. By law they are made available to the designated land-grant college in the state and are administered by the Director of the State Extension Service. Beneficiary Eligibility: The programs of the State and County Extension Services are available to everyone. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: County Extension Services prepare Plan of Work and forward to State Extension Service. State Extension Service prepares State Plans of Work and Budgets and forwards to Extension Service - USDA. Award Procedure: By law, grants are made available to state land-grant colleges, basically, on a formula basis and approved projects. Notification of award must be made to the public and the designated State Central Information Reception Agency (SF 240). Deadlines: State Plans of Work are sent to the Extension Service in June each fiscal year. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Plans of Work are approved or returned for revision or additional information within 30 days after receipt. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: This is a continuing program each year. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Funds appropriate under the Smith-Lever Act are distributed to states primarily on the basis of farm and rural population and to a limited degree on the basis of special problems and needs. Approximately 100 percent matching by the state. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: This is a continuing program each year. Funds are made available through the letter of credit procedure. States are permitted to carry over unexpended balances into the next year. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Annual narrative, financial, and statistical reports are furnished to the Extension Service - USDA by the State Extension Service. Audits: Financial audits are made at the state land-grant college generally on a 2-year cycle. Records: Financial records on annual expenditures are maintained in accordance with University or State Extension Service Regulations. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-12-0502-0-1-355. Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $8,695,000; FY 71 est $9,340,000; and FY 72 est $13,252,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not available. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During fiscal year 1970, under the leadership of the State Cooperative Extension Service all 50 states and Puerto Rico organized state USDA Committees for Rural Development to help individuals, citizen groups, and local governments get better access to Federal assistance programs. The state RD Committees also developed plans for organizing USDA-Rural Development Committees in nonmetropolitan counties and the multi-county districts in fiscal year 1971. The Extension Services provided educational materials and programs with State Committees in this work. This emphasis will be continued in 1971. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: There are many different publications available from State and County Extension Offices. Most of these publications are free. Some are sold at nominal cost. In addition, U.S. Department of Agriculture publications may be obtained from Publications Distribution Section, Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Local County Extension Service Office (usually located at the county seat); State Extension Director, State Land-Grant College or University. Headquarters Office: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.001, Agricultural Research - Basic and Applied Research; 10.203, Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under Hatch Act; 10.250, Agricultural and Rural Economic Research; 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 15.101, Indian - Agricultural Extension. 10.501 EXTENSION PROGRAMS FOR FORESTRY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING FEDERAL AGENCY: EXTENSION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Smith-Lever Act as amended; 7 U.S.C. 341-349. OBJECTIVES: To improve forestry production and marketing through "Uses and Use Restrictions" given below. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Formula Grants; Advisory Services and Counseling. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assists in the adoption of better forest management practices by 4,000,000 small woodland owners; in developing small woodland owners skills in timber harvesting and marketing to levels now attained in other farm crops; in realizing the multiple use potentials, including recreation, on small woodlands where feasible; adopting esthetically acceptable timber cutting practices by loggers and landowners; and in using current business principles, plant layouts, and other aids to improve competitive positions of small industries. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Smith-Lever Grants are not made to individual applicants under cooperative extension programs. By law they are made available to the designated land-grant college in the state and are administered by the Director of the State Extension Service. Beneficiary Eligibility: The programs of the State and County Extension Services are available to everyone. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: County Extension Services prepare Plan of Work and forward to State Extension Service. State Extension Service prepares State Plans of Work and Budgets and forwards to Extension Service - USDA. Award Procedure: By law, grants are made available to state land-grant colleges, basically, on a formula basis and approved |