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(Rural Housing Loans)



AUTHORIZATION: Housing Act of 1949, as amended, section 502;
Public Law 89-117 and 42 U.S.C. 1484 and 1486.
OBJECTIVES: To assist rural families to obtain decent, safe, and

sanitary dwellings and related facilities.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans; Guaranteed/Insured Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The loans may be used for: Construction, repair or purchase of housing; provide necessary and adequate sewage disposal facilities for the applicant and his family; purchase or install essential equipment which upon installation becomes part of the real estate; buy a minimum adequate site on which to place a dwelling for applicant's own use. Housing debts may under certain circumstances be refinanced. Restrictions on the use of the loans are that: A dwelling financed for a family with a low or moderate income must be modest in size, design, and cost. An applicant must be without sufficient resources to provide on his own account the necessary housing, buildings, or related facilities, and be unable to secure the necessary credit from other sources upon terms and conditions which he reasonably could be expected to fulfill.


Applicant Eligibility: Be an owner of a farm or a person who will,
when the loan is closed, become the owner of a farm or nonfarm
tract in a rural area. Be a natural person (individual) who is a
citizen of the United States or resides in the United States after
being legally admitted for permanent residence. Have adequate
and dependably available income to meet his operating and family
living expenses, including taxes, insurance and maintenance, and
repayments on debts including the proposed loan. Interest credits
may be granted to lower income families which will reduce the
effective interest rate paid to as low as 1 percent, depending on
the size and income of the applicant family.
Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: May need to submit evidence of
inability to obtain credit elsewhere, verification of income and
debts, plans, specifications, and cost estimates.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Filing an application with the county office of the Farmers Home Administration serving the county where the

applicant desires to live.

Award Procedure: Delegated to County Supervisor.
Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 50 to 60 days from time
application is filed if no backlog of applications exists.
Appeals: Applicants request for reconsideration by county
committee is granted. Applicant may meet with county committee
to present facts concerning his situation, needs, and potential.
Renewals: Applicants may reapply at any time.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Reports: None. Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 05-60-4141-0-3-352.

Obligations/Face Value of Loans: FY 70 (Direct) $5,338,391, (Insured) $729,440,950; FY 71 est (Direct) $7,000,000, (Insured) $946,000,000; and FY 72 est (Direct) 0, (Insured) $1,555,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Average Initial Direct $8,000; Average Initial Loan Insured $11,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Since the beginning of the rural housing loan program, approximately 400,000 families have received loans totaling about $3.8 billion. In fiscal year 1970, 73,351 loans valued at $761,596,531 were made.


Loans," PA-476, no charge; 7 CFR 1822.1-1822.17. INFORMATION CONTACTS:

Regional or Local Office: Interested persons should contact the county Farmers Home Administration office.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7968.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.411, Rural Housing Site Loans; 10.417, Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans; 10.420, Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance; 14.105, Interest Subsidy - Homes for Lower Income Families; 14.121, Mortgage Insurance - Homes in Outlying Areas.

(Section 523 and 524 Site Loans)

FEDERAL AGENCY: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Housing Act of 1949 as amended, section 524; Public Law 80-117 and Public Law 89-754; 42 U.S.C. 1940c. OBJECTIVES: To assist public or private nonprofits "organization," interested in providing sites for housing, to acquire and develop land in rural areas to be subdivided as adequate building sites and sold on a nonprofit basis to eligible low- and moderate-income families and cooperatives and nonprofit applicants.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans; Guaranteed/Insured Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: For the purchase and development of adequate sites, including necessary equipment which becomes a permanent part of the development; for water and sewer facilities if not available; payment of necessary engineering, legal fees, and closing costs; for needed landscaping and other necessary facilities related to buildings such as walks, parking areas, and driveways.

Restrictions: loan limitation of $100,000; loan funds may not be used for refinancing of debts, payment of any fee, or commission to any broker, negotiator, or other person for the referral of a prospective applicant or solicitation of a loan; no loan funds will be used to pay operating costs or expenses of administration.


Applicant Eligibility: A nonprofit organization that will provide the developed sites to qualified borrowers on a nonprofit basis. Beneficiary Eligibility: Low and moderate income families eligible for Section 502 RH loans, for Section 523 HUD insured mortgages or to nonprofit organizations eligible for FHA rural rental or cooperative or HUD Section 236 insured mortgage.

Credentials/Documentation: Applicant must furnish evidence of the following (a) market analysis showing need for such services; (b) have the legal capacity to borrow funds and develop land for sale; (c) have a sound budget; and (d) is unable to obtain the necessary funds from other sources.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: The application will be in the form of a letter to the county supervisor of the Farmers Home Administration. Supporting information and costs should be included as needed. Award Procedure: After application has been approved by the County Supervisor and the county committee, it is given final approval depending on the size of the application by the County Supervisor, District Supervisor or the State Director. Following approval, payment authorization is forwarded to the National

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AUTHORIZATION: Section 304 Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1923.

OBJECTIVES: To assist eligible farm and ranch owners or tenants, through the extension of credit and supervisory assistance, to convert all or a portion of the farms they own or operate to outdoor income-producing recreational enterprises which will supplement or supplant farm or ranch income and permit carrying on sound and successful operations.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Funds may be used to: (1) develop land and water resources, (2) repair and construct buildings, (3) purchase land, equipment, livestock, and related recreation items, and (4) pay necessary operating expenses.

Recreation enterprises that may be financed include: camp grounds, horseback riding stables, swimming facilities, tennis courts, shooting preserves, vacation cottages, lodges and rooms for visitors, lakes and ponds for boating and fishing, docks, nature trails, hunting facilities, and winter sports areas.


Applicant Eligibility: An applicant must: (1) be unable to obtain adequate credit from other sources at reasonable terms; (2) be a U.S. citizen of legal age; (3) be of good character; (4) be engaged in farming when the loan is made; (5) have enough experience or training to be successful in the proposed recreational enterprise; (6) to agree to refinance the balance due on his loan as soon as he is able to obtain adequate credit at reasonable terms from another lender.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: Applicant must establish that credit is
not available elsewhere for the requested purpose.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Applicant files form FHA 410-1, "Application for FHA Services," at the local county office of the Farmers Home Administration.

Award Procedure: Certification as to eligibility is made by a local county committee of three persons. Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Applications are considered by the county committee within 30 days from date of application. Appeals: Applicants may request reconsideration and meet with the county committee to present facts concerning their needs and potential.

Renewals: Applicants may reapply at any time. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans are scheduled for repayment over periods up to 40 years.


Reports: Not applicable.
Audits: Not applicable.
Records: Not applicable.


Account Identification: 05-60-4140-0-3-351.

Face Value of Loans: (Insured) FY 70 $1,211,180; FY 71 est $5,000,000; and FY 72 est $5,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Loans plus other debts against the security property owned cannot exceed $100,000 or the normal value of the security, whichever is less. Loans average approximately $23,000 each.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A total of 41 farmers received loans during fiscal year 1970 and it is estimated that 120 loans will be made in fiscal year 1971.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, as amended, Subchapter 1 Real Estate Loans, Section 302; 7 U.S.C. 1922, Section 304; 7 U.S.C. 1924, Section 305; 7 U.S.C. 1925.

"Loans for Recreational Enterprises," PA 723, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Regional or Local Office: Interested persons should contact the FHA County Office.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7967.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.414, Resources Conservation and Development Loans; 15.402, Outdoor Recreation Technical Assistance.



DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Food and Agriculture Act of 1963; Public Law 87-703; 1011 (supp. V) 1959-63; 7 U.S.C. 1010.

OBJECTIVES: To provide loan assistance to local sponsoring agencies in authorized areas where acceleration of programs of resource conservation, development, and utilization will increase economic opportunities for local people.


USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Loan funds may be used to: (1) install or improve rural community outdoor-oriented recreational facilities; (2) install or improve soil and water, development, conservation, control and use facilities; (3) shift-in-land use facilities; (4) community water storage facilities; and (5) special purpose equipment necessary to carry out the above purposes. Project must be located in a designated area and the total indebtedness cannot exceed $250,000. See also Soil Conservation Service program entitled, "Resource Conservation and Development."


Applicant Eligibility: Public agencies and local nonprofit corporations in designated areas may be eligible for loan assistance provided they: (1) are unable to obtain needed credit from other sources; (2) have authority to borrow funds, repay the loan, and pledge security for the loan and to operate the facilities or services provided; and (3) are financially sound and so organized and managed that it will be able to provide efficient service.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Beneficiaries must be located in a designated Resource Conservation and Development Area.

Credentials/Documentation: None.


Preapplication Coordination: All project proposals are reviewed by state, metropolitan, and local units of government before an application is filed. Up to 60 days is allowed for the review. Intent to file application must be coordinated in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-95.

Application Procedure: SF 101, "Application, Federal Assistance for Public Works and Facility Type Projects," is sent to local FHA office.

Award Procedure: After application has been approved by the county supervisor and the county committee, it is given final approval depending on the size of the application by the county supervisor, district supervisor or the state director. Following approval, payment authorization is forwarded to the National Finance Office who issues the check.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 30 to 90 days. Appeals: If an application is rejected, the reasons for rejection are fully stated. The applicant may reapply at any time that the reasons for rejection are corrected.

Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: Loan assistance may equal the project cost if the applicant is unable financially to contribute a part of the cost.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans may be scheduled over a period of 30 years.


Reports: During the first year of operation, monthly progress reports are to be made to the FHA county supervisor. Sometime after the first four months and before the end of the ninth month of operation, the FHA district supervisor will review and make a report on the operation of the facilities.

Audits: Annual audits are required after the system goes into operation.

Records: Records and accounts are required to reflect the operations of the project.


Account Identification: 05-60-4220-0-3-352.

Face Value of Loans: (Direct) FY 70 $1,500,000; FY 71 est $5,792,000; and FY 72 est $3,300,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $88,000; $6,000 to $250,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 18 loans were made.


Administration, PA 705, no charge.


Regional or Local Office: Contacts should be made with the county Farmers Home Administration office serving the area in which the project is located. If unable to locate the county office contact the headquarters office below.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7968.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.400, Comprehensive Areawide Water and Sewer Planning Grants; 10.408, Grazing Association Loans; 10.413, Recreation Facility Loans; 10.050, Rural Environmental Assistance; 10.508, Extension Programs for Soil and Water Conservation; 10.901, Resource Conservation and Development; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation; 15.504, Federal Reclamation Projects.



AUTHORIZATION: Housing Act of 1949 as amended, sections 515 and 521; 42 U.S.C. 1485, 1490a.

OBJECTIVES: To provide for rural residents in economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for independent living.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans; Guaranteed/Insured Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Loans can be used to construct, purchase, improve, or repair rental or cooperative housing. Housing may consist of apartment buildings, duplex units, or individual detached houses. Funds may also be used to provide recreational and service facilities appropriate for use of the dwellings and to buy and improve the land on which the buildings are to be located. Loans may not be made for nursing, special care, or institutional-type homes. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: Applicant may be individuals, cooperatives, nonprofit organizations, or corporations unable to finance the housing either with their own resources or with credit obtained

from private sources. However, applicants must be able to assume the obligations of the loan, furnish adequate security, and have sufficient income for repayment. They must also have the ability and intention of maintaining and operating the housing for purposes for which the loan is made.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Occupants must be low- to moderate-income families.

Credentials/Documentation: Applicant must furnish evidence of the following: (a) present a comprehensive market analysis showing the need for such service; (b) have a legal capacity to incur the obligation and operate the housing; (c) have a sound budget; (d) is unable to obtain necessary funds from other sources.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: The application will be in the form of a letter to the FHA county supervisor in the county where the housing will be located. Appropriate attachments such as preliminary market data, cost estimates, and financial statement and plans if available should be included.

Award Procedure: Award is made by state director or county

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TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Direct Loans; Guaranteed/Insured Loans. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Level land; carry out basic land treatment practices, including liming, fertilizing, and seeding; establish permanent pastures and farm forests; establish forestry practices, improve irrigation; develop water supplies for home use and livestock; purchase pumps, sprinkler systems and other irrigation equipment; acquire water rights; restore and repair ponds and tanks, ditches, and canals for irrigation; dig ditches and install tile to drain farmland; develop ponds and water control structures for the production of fish under controlled conditions. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: (1) be unable to obtain credit from other sources at reasonable terms and conditions; (2) be of legal age; (3) be of good character; (4) have the necessary experience, training, and managerial ability to carry out the proposed operation.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: Applicant must establish that credit is
not available elsewhere for the requested purpose.

Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Applicant files Form FHA 410-1, "Application for FHA Services," at the local county office of the Farmers Home Administration.

Award Procedure: Certification as to eligibility is made by a local county committee of three persons.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Applications are considered by the county committee within 30 days from date of application.

Appeals: Applicants may request reconsideration and meet with the county committee to present facts concerning their needs and potential.

Renewals: Applicants may reapply at any time. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Loans are scheduled for repayment over periods up to 40 years.

Reports: Not applicable.
Audits: Not applicable.

Records: Not applicable.

Account Identification: Direct, 05-60-4220-0-3-351; insured,


Face Value of Loans: FY 70 (Direct) $244,300, (Insured) $4,047,640; FY 71 est (Direct) $3,100,000, (Insured) $4,000,000; and FY 72 est (Direct) 0, (Insured) $1,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Loans plus other debts against the security property owned cannot exceed $100,000 or the normal value of the security, whichever is less.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, loans were made to 938 farmers.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, as amended, Subchapter 1 Real Estate Loans, (Section 304); 7 U.S.C. 1924, (Section 305); 7 U.S.C. 1925.

Loans for Water Development and Soil Conservation, PA 554, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture. INFORMATION CONTACTS:

Regional or Local Office: Interested persons should contact the FHA County Office.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7967.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.409, Irrigation, Drainage, and Other Soil and Water Conservation Loans; 10.508, Extension Programs for Soil and Water Conservation; 10.902, Soil and Water Conservation. FEDERAL AGENCY: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE



(Section 504 Housing Loans)

AUTHORIZATION: Housing Act of 1949, as amended, sec. 504; Public Law 89-117 and Public Law 89-754; 42 U.S.C. 1474. OBJECTIVES: To give very low-income rural homeowners an opportunity to make essential minor repairs to their homes to make them safe and remove health hazards to the family or the community.


USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: To assist owner-occupants in rural

areas who do not qualify for section 502 loans to repair or improve their dwellings in order to make such dwelling safe and sanitary and remove hazards to the health of the occupants, their families, or the community. This includes repairs to the foundation, roof or basic structure as well as water and waste disposal systems.

Restriction on the use of loans are that, maximum loan of $2,500 for improvement of any one farm or nonfarm with an additional $1,000 authorized if additional amount involves the buying or installing of a water or waste disposal system or plumbing supplies for the bathroom or kitchen. Loans may not be made to assist in the construction of new dwellings or farm buildings.


Applicant Eligibility: Applicant must own and occupy a farm or rural nonfarm tract; be without sufficient income to qualify for a section 502 loan and have no reasonable prospect of improving his income to the extent that a section 502 loan to improve his housing could be repaid; and have sufficient income to repay the loan.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: Evidence of ownership and verification of income and debts.


Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Made on application form obtainable in the

local FHA offices.

Award Procedure: Delegated to County Supervisor.
Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: From 30 to 60 days.
Appeals: Applicants request for reconsideration by county
committee is granted. Applicant may meet with county committe
to present facts concerning his situation, needs, and potential.
Renewals: Applicants may reapply at any time.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable.
Reports: None.

Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 05-60-4141-0-3-352.

Face Value of Loans: (Direct) FY 70 $5,244,590; FY 71 est $10,000,000; and FY 72 est $10,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $300 to $3,500; $1,100. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Approximately 23,000 families

have been provided loans totaling $23,800,000 to make repairs to
their homes. In fiscal year 1970, 4,750 loans valued at $5,244,590
were made.


Regional or Local Office: Interested persons should contact the county Farmers Home Administration office.

Headquarters Office: Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7967.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.410, Low- to Moderate-Income Housing Loans; 10.420, Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance: 14.108, Major Home Improvement Loan Insurance - Housing Outside Urban Renewal Areas; 14.142, Property Improvement Loan Insurance - All Existing Structures.



AUTHORIZATION: Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, as amended, Section 306; 7 U.S.C. 1926.

OBJECTIVES: To provide basic human amenities, alleviate health hazards and promote the orderly growth of the rural areas of the Nation by meeting the need for new and improved rural water and waste disposal systems.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants; Direct Loans; Guaranteed/ Insured Loans.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Funds may be used for the installation, repair, improvement, or expansion of a rural water system including distribution lines, well, pumping facilities and costs related thereto. The installation, repair, improvement, or expansion of a rural waste disposal system including the sewer lines, waste collection, and treatment of all wastes including solid wastes.

Restrictions include a total indebtedness including both loans and grant not to exceed $4,000,000. Development grants for construction cannot exceed 50 percent of the development cost. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: Public or quasi-public bodies and corporations not operated for profit which will serve residents of open country and rural towns and villages up to 5,500 population may receive assistance when: (1) they are unable to obtain needed funds from other sources at reasonable rates and terms; (2) the proposed improvements will primarily serve farmers and other rural residents; and (3) they have legal capability to borrow, repay, and pledge security for the loan and to operate the facilities or


Beneficiary Eligibility: Eligibility for this assistance is limited to public or quasi-public bodies and corporations not operated for profit which serve residents of open country and rural towns and villages of not more than 5,500 population.

Credentials/Documentation: The applicant must furnish evidence of legal capacity to borrow and repay the loans, to pledge security for loans and to operate the facilities or services. Plans and specifications must be developed to comply with state and local health regulations and other requirements.


Preapplication Coordination: All project proposals are reviewed by state, metropolitan, and local units of government before an application is filed. Up to 60 days is allowed for the review. Intent to file an application must be coordinated with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-95.

Application Procedure: SF 101 Application, Federal Assistance for Public Works and Facility Type Projects, is sent to local FHA


Award Procedure: After application has been approved by the county supervisor and the county committee, it is given final approval - depending on the size of the application by the county supervisor, district supervisor or the state director. Following approval, payment authorization is forwarded to the National Finance Office who issues the check. Notification must be made to the public and designated State Central Information Reception Agency (SF 240).

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 30 to 90 days.


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