10.153 MARKET NEWS FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Cotton Statistics and Estimates; 7 U.S.C. 471-473, 4736; 475-476; Tobacco Stocks and Standards; 7 U.S.C. 501-508; Tobacco Inspection Act; 7 U.S.C. 511h; Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946; 7 U.S.C. 1622k. OBJECTIVES: To provide timely information on prices, demand, movement, volume, and quality on all major agricultural commodities. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The information can be used by anyone as a basis for judging prevailing commodity values. Market news information is disseminated by the news media, as well as by mimeographed reports, bulletin boards, telephone, and telegraph. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Any public or private organization, or individual may apply to receive existing market news reports or bulletins pertaining to specific agricultural commodities. Beneficiary Eligibility: Not applicable. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: Not applicable. Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-32-2500-0-1-355. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $7,885,025; FY 71 est $8,259,825; and FY 72 est $8,257,825. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, there were 19,200,918 mimeographed releases to growers, shippers and others. Currently, there are 197,610 names on mailing lists. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: "Federal-State Market News Reports A Directory of Services Available," C&MS-21, no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Persons are encouraged to communicate with the Officers in charge of market news field offices or contact the Headquarters Office. Headquarters Office: Deputy Administrator, Marketing Services, Consumer and Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7191. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.250, Agricultural and Rural Economic Research; 10.700, National Agricultural Library Service; 10.750, Information on Agricultural Activities; 10.950, Agricultural Statistical Reports; 11.001, Census and Statistical Reports; 11.200, Business Assistance, Services, and Information. 10.154 MARKET SUPERVISION FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Naval Stores Act, U.S. Warehouse, Produce Agency Act, Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, Tobacco Seed and Plant Exportation Act, Export Apple and Pear Act, Export Grape and Plum Act, Federal Seed Act, Cotton Research and Promotion Act. 7 U.S.C. 95-97, 241-273, 491-497, 499a-499s, 516, 581-589, 591-599, 1291, 1551-1610, 1622(j), 2101-2218. Agricultural Fair Practices Act of 1967; Public Law 89-388. OBJECTIVES: To eliminate deceptive, unfair and fraudulent trade practices in the processing and marketing of food and agricultural products; provide assistance to those striving to achieve this objective; provide assistance in obtaining and maintaining equitable transportation rates and services on farm products; and prevent discrimination of members belonging to bargaining associations. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Training; Investigation of Complaints; Advisory Services and Counseling. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assistance provided to assure a fair and open marketing distribution system for agricultural products. No specific restrictions. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Any state or local government, public and private organizations and institutions, business and industry or individuals may apply for technical assistance or service under the respective programs. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: Vary, as provided for in application acts. Award Procedure: Not applicable. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: As provided for in applicable Acts. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-32-2500-0-1-355; 05-32-5070-0-2-355. Obligations: (Salaries and Expenses) FY 70 $6,082,472; FY 71 est $6,676,000; and FY 72 est, $7,025,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 1,725 licensed warehouses were examined in accordance with the U.S. Warehouse Act; 13,036 seed samples were tested under the Federal Seed Act; and 18,873 license actions were completed in accordance with the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: PA-804 The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Fair Trading in the Fruit and Vegetable Industry. C&MS-49 Federal Seed Act. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Persons are encouraged to communicate with applicable regional and local offices in their area; otherwise contact Headquarters Office. (Sce appendix). Headquarters Office: Deputy Administrator, Regulatory Programs, Consumer and Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-3203. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.150, Agricultural Product Grading; 10.155, Marketing Agreements and Orders; 10.505, Extension Programs for Marketing and Distribution; 10.800, Livestock and Poultry Market Supervision; 36.001, Consumer and Business Protection; 69.001, Consumer Affairs. FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended Section 608(b) and (c); Public Law 75-137. 10.155 MARKETING AGREEMENTS AND ORDERS hold public hearings, investigations and to conduct a referendum. Approximately 1 year after start of public hearings. Appeals: Not applicable. OBJECTIVES: To assure ample supplies of agricultural products, maintain adequate producer pieces, and provide consumers with quality products at reasonable prices. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Advisory Services and Counseling; Provision of Specialized Services. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The provisions of orders are designed specifically to meet the marketing and economic problems of the commodity or area covered. For dairy products, the orders establish orderly marketing conditions in the sale of milk by dairy farmers to handlers, whereas fruits, vegetables, nuts, and tobacco orders are established to regulate the quantity and quality of products sold in commercial channels. ELIGIBIILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Producers or handlers in the industry or marketing areas may request a referendum to establish or modify an agreement or order. Beneficiary Eligibility: All producers or handlers are eligible in the area covered by the approved agreement or order. Credentials/Documentation: Evidence (usually hearings) required indicating that agreement or order will assist in the orderly marketing of a commodity. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: Made in the form of a letter to the Secretary of Agriculture fully documenting the need for an agreement or order. Award Procedure: Decision to establish or not to establish an agreement and order is made by the Secretary of Agriculture after public hearings and referendums are conducted. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Subject to time required to Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: None. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Duration of agreement and order. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Quarterly and yearly financial and statistical reports are to be made to the applicable commodity division by each agreement and order. Audits: Financial and program audits pertaining to marketing agreements and order transactions are made periodically. Records: Financial and statistical records relating to the operation of the agreement and order are to be maintained for 3 years. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-32-5209-0-2-351. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $2,575,796; FY 71 est $3,084,000; and FY 72 est $3,233,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: None. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, $5.5 billion of marketing was conducted under agreement and orders. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 7 CFR 900-1201; Marketing Bulletin No. 27; Federal Milk Marketing Order Program, no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Deputy Administrator, Regulatory Programs, Consumer and Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-3203. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.051, Commodity Loans and Purchases; 10.154, Market Supervision; 10.158, Plentiful Foods; 10.505, Extension Programs for Marketing and Distribution; 36.001, Consumer and Business Protection; 69.001, Consumer Affairs. 10.156 MARKETING SERVICES - MATCHING FUND GRANTS FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Section 204 b; 7 U.S.C. 1623 (b). OBJECTIVES: To solve marketing problems at the state and local level through projects proposed by state agencies, but approved and financed in part by the Federal government. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Maintaining and improving the quality of agricultural products; developing new and expanded markets of farm products; improving efficiency of distribution facilities and reducing marketing costs; assembling and disseminating new and timely market information; and improving the organizational structure of the market system. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: State Department of Agriculture, or other appropriate state agencies. Beneficiary Eligibility: Producers, processors, marketing agencies, and consumers. Credentials/Documentation: A cooperative agreement is entered into between the administering Federal agency and the state agency which makes application. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Application Procedure: The state agency submits a work plan and fund request setting forth specific nature of work to be undertaken and amount of funds required. This request is submitted to the Director of the Matching Fund Program. Award Procedure: The Director of Matching Fund Program reviews the request and determines the amount of funds to be granted. Notification of the amount awarded is made on SF-240. Deadlines: May 1. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 30 to 45 days. Appeals: None. Renewals: A project can be approved for a period of up to 5 years, after which time it is updated or discontinued. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: States contribute at least half the cost and perform the work with state personnel. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Annual. Payments are made to the states on a monthly basis. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Monthly cost accrual report; annual actual expenditure report; annual narrative report of activities and project accomplishments; annual field reviews by Matching Fund Program personnel. Audits: Office of Inspector General audits state programs at least once every 5 years. Records: States must keep records on file to identify all items and amounts until audit by U.S. Department of Agriculture. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-32-2501-0-1-355; 05-32-2500-0-1-355. Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $1,710,769; FY 71 est $1,794,000; and FY 72 est $1,719,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $1,500 to $96,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 44 states participated and 150 projects were conducted. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: A Guide to Procedures Relating to Marketing Service Programs, no charge; C&MS-64, Highlights of Matching and Fund Marketing Service Programs, no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.505, Extension Programs for Marketing and Distribution. 10.157 MEAT AND POULTRY INSPECTION FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, OBJECTIVES: To assure that all meat and poultry and their products produced in plants, shipping in interstate and foreign commerce, are Federally inspected for wholesomeness. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Provision of Specialized Services. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Any meat or poultry plant engaged in slaughtering or processing meat and poultry products for shipment in interstate commerce is required to have Federal inspection. The Department of Agriculture is reimbursed for the inspection services. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Any meat or poultry plant planning to engage in slaughtering or processing meat and poultry products for shipment in interstate commerce. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: A request for inspection should be submitted to the Regional Director of the Consumer Protection Program or to the Deputy Administrator for Consumer Protection. Award Procedure: Certification is made by the Department that the applicant meets the Department's sanitation standards for plant facilities and equipment. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The Department of 10.158 PLENTIFUL FOODS FEDERAL AGENCY: CONSUMER AND MARKETING SERVICE, AUTHORIZATION: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935, as amended TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The Department publishes a monthly plentiful foods list and coordinates various local and nationwide promotional programs. The programs assists producers and marketing groups in stimulating special merchandising efforts and consumer interest in seasonally available and other abundant foods. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: All agricultural producer and marketing groups may request assistance. Beneficiary Eligibility: Benefits producers and marketing groups by expanding markets for foods experiencing marketing difficulties and benefits consumers by informing them of seasonally available and other abundant foods. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedures: Made in the form of a letter to the Secretary of Agriculture fully documenting the need for a program. Award Procedure: None. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Can range from 1 week to 3 months depending on need for a program. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: None. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Varies according to length of time the commodity is in abundant supply. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Audits: None. Records: None. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-32-5209-0-2-351. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $818,848; FY 71 est $886,000; and FY 72 est $886,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: None. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 70,000 monthly plentiful food lists were distributed, 5 area, state, and local food drives were conducted, and 14 national food drives were conducted. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Your Plentiful Foods Program, (PA-686), no charge. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Persons with inquiries regarding the plentiful foods program are requested to contact their regional Food Trades Office; see the appendix for a list of the addresses. Headquarters Office: Deputy Administrator, Marketing Services, Consumer and Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-7191. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.155, Marketing Agreements and Orders; 10.505, Extension Programs for Marketing and Distribution; 49.005, Emergency Food and Medical Services. COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH SERVICE 10.200 CONTRACTS AND GRANTS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (Scientific Research) FEDERAL AGENCY: COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Section 2 of Public Law 89-106; 7 U.S.C. 450i. OBJECTIVES: Research grants are made for basic and applied research to further the programs of the Department of Agriculture. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Project Grants. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Basic and applied research to further the programs of the Department of Agriculture. Areas of research are generally limited to cotton and soybean research, livestock, plant proteins and human resource development. Other areas currently considered are rural community development, environmental quality, human nutrition, and plant and animal diseases. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Grants are generally awarded to the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, forestry schools eligible under the Act of October 10, 1962, and land-grant colleges established under the Second Morrill Act of 1890. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: Each year a letter is sent to all State Agricultural Experiment Stations, land-grant colleges, and other eligible institutions, inviting applications for research projects in specific areas of research. Application Procedure: Proposals/project outlines required including but not limited to title, objectives, plan of work, principal investigator(s) with brief biographical sketch(es) and a list of four or five recent significant publications, facilities and major equipment available, duration (5 year maximum) and budget including grantee's inputs submitted to the headquarters office listed below. Award Procedure: Proposals are analyzed by independent panels of scientists with results reduced to integral ratings. Administrative analysis of rating, including institutional capabilities and appropriateness yield outstanding proposals that are funded within appropriation limitations. Deadlines: March 15 of each fiscal year. Renewals: Requests for continued support must be documented as new proposals and considered in equal competition with other pending proposals. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: No matching requirement, but cost sharing is generally practiced. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: 1 to 5 years. Funds provided intermittently upon request as needed to finance current operations. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Annual financial report due September 1. Annual progress report due January 15. Final financial and final summary progress report. Audits: On-site audit by Office of Inspector General, USDA or other Federal agency (cognizant agency). Records: Maintained by grant or project. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-08-1500-0-1-355. Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $2,000,000; FY 71 est $2,000,000; and FY 72 est $4,000,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $10,000 to $140,000; $75,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Significant accomplishments include development of lower cost cotton and soybean production practices, providing means to utilize research expertise to meet rural and farm problems, and identifying improved sources of plant proteins. Other accomplishments include developing counselling procedures for migrant workers, the carrying out of a critical evaluation of malnourishment among children in poverty families and initial identification of social indicators. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Agriculture Procurement Regulations Amendment No. 25 (negotiated research agreements with educational institutions); "Funds for Research," CSRS-15-x published annually (no charge). INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Cooperative State Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4423. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.202, Cooperative Forestry Research; 10.203, Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations under Hatch Act; 10.250, Agricultural and Rural Economic Research; 10.001, Agricultural Research - Basic and Applied Research; 10.651, Forestry Cooperative Research; 10.652, Forestry Research. 10.202 COOPERATIVE FORESTRY RESEARCH FEDERAL AGENCY: COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Cooperative Forestry Research Act of October 10, 1962; Public Law 87-788; 16 U.S.C. 582a-582a-7. OBJECTIVES: To encourage and assist the states in carrying on a program of forestry research at forestry schools. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Formula Grants. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Reforestation and management of land for the production of crops of timber and other related products of the forest; management of forest and related watershed lands to improve conditions of waterflow and to protect resources against floods and erosion; management of forest and related rangeland for production of forage for domestic livestock and game and improvement of food and habitat for wildlife; management of forest lands for outdoor recreation; protection of forest land and resources against fire, insects, diseases, or other destructive agents; utilization of wood and other forest products; development of sound policies for the management of forest lands and the harvesting and marketing of forest products; and such other studies as may be necessary to obtain the fullest and most effective use of forest resources. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Funds are appropriated by Congress for distribution to state institutions certified as eligible by a state representative designated by the Governor of each state. Grants are apportioned among states by the Secretary of Agriculture after consultation with a National Advisory Board representing not less than 7 forestry schools of the state certified as eligible colleges and universities. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None. Application Procedure: No application required for the release of funds but funds can only be expanded on projects approved by CSRS. Award Procedure: Notification of approved grants are provided to the State Central Information Reception Agency on Standard Form 240. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: The Act provides that the apportionment among states shall be determined by the Secretary after consultation with a National Advisory Board of not less than seven officials of the forestry schools of the state-certified eligible colleges and universities chosen by a majority of such schools. Distribution by formula considering such elements as (1) area of non-Federal commercial forest land (2) volume of timber cut annually from growing stock (3) non-Federal funds expended for forestry research. The act limits the Federal payments to amount made available and budgeted from non-Federal sources for expenditure for forestry research. Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Annual Financial Report due September 1. Annual Progress Report due January 15. Certification of Offset due prior to July 1. Certification of Entitlement due prior to July 1. Current Program and Past Year Obligations by Project. Audits: On-site audit by Office of Inspector General, USDA or other Federal Agency (cognizant agency). Records: Maintained by project. Retain payment documents 5 years. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 05-08-1500-0-1-355. Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $3,785,000; FY 71 est $4,412,000; and FY 72 est $4,672,000. Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $15,346 to $154,821; $88,000. PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A better knowledge of forest soils concerning how water and nutrients affect tree growth and how trees affect water supplies in streams has been obtained, permitting improved management. New products from parts of trees once wasted have been developed. Techniques to produce wood for various uses at faster rates such as fertilization have been developed. New varieties of trees resistant to certain pest problems have been bred and are being tested. The number of forestry graduate students has gradually increased, as the appropriations have, and involved 366 persons during 1969. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Administrative Manual for the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program, Agriculture Handbook No. 324 - Funds for Research, CSRS-15-x- Forestry Research Progress. (No charge for these publications.) INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: None. Headquarters Office: Administrator, Cooperative State Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone: (202) 388-4423. RELATED PROGRAMS: 10.651, Forestry Cooperative Research; 10.652, Forestry Research. 10.203 PAYMENTS TO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS UNDER HATCH ACT (Hatch Act) FEDERAL AGENCY: COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AUTHORIZATION: Hatch Act of 1887 as amended by the Act of August 11, 1955; Public Law 84-352; 7 U.S.C. 361a-361i. OBJECTIVES: To support agricultural research at State Agricultural Experiment Stations established in accordance with the Act of July 2, 1862, Its purpose is to promote efficient production, marketing, distribution, and utilization of products of the farm as essential to the health and welfare of our peoples and to promote a sound prosperous agriculture and rural life. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Formula Grants. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Moneys appropriated pursuant to this Act shall also be available, in addition to meeting expenses for research and investigations conducted under authority of section 2, for printing and disseminating the results of such research, retirement of employees subject to the provisions of an Act approved March 4, 1940 (54 Stat. 39), administrative planning and direction, and for the purchase and rental of land and the construction, acquisition, alteration, or repair of buildings necessary for conducting research. The State Agricultural Experiment Stations are authorized to plan and conduct any research authorized under section 2 of this Act in cooperation with each other and such other agencies and individuals as may contribute to the solution of the agricultural problems involved, and moneys appropriated pursuant to this Act shall be available for paying the necessary expenses of planning, coordinating and conducting such cooperative research, ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Agricultural Experiment Stations established in accordance with the act approved July 2, 1862. Funds are appropriated by Congress for distribution to states in accordance with the statutory formula as stated in the Act. Application Procedure: No application necessary for the release of funds but funds can only be expended on projects approved by CSRS. Award Procedure: Notification of approved grants are provided to the State Central Information Reception Agency on Standard Form 240. Deadlines: None. Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable. Appeals: Not applicable. Renewals: Not applicable. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Formula. Payments to states for fiscal year 1955 is a fixed base and sums appropriated in excess of 1955 level shall be distributed as follows: 20 percent allotted equally to each state - not less than 52 percent to states as follows: one-half. in an amount which bears the same ratio as the rural population of the state bears to the total rural population of all the states and one-half in an amount which bears the same ratio as the farm population of the state bears to the total farm population of all the states not more than 25 percent to states for cooperative research in which 2 or more state Agricultural Experiment Stations are cooperating to solve problems of the agriculture of more than one state. Three percent shall be available to the Secretary of Agriculture for the administration of this Act. States must match total fiscal year allocation (exclusive of regional research portion) less $90,000 each state. |