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DIC (veterans dependency-indemnity compensation), 64.110 Donation program, 39.003

coal miners, special benefits, 13.806

disability insurance (Social Security), 13.802

permanently and totally disabled, aid, 13.705

permanently and totally, social services, 13.754

rehabilitation services support, 13.746

rehabilitation training, 13.733

rehabilitation training services grants, 13.745

rehabilitation training, industry contracts, 13.730

rehabilitation, expansion of services, 13.731

rehabilitation, innovative programs, 13.732

Social Security beneficiaries, vocational rehabilitation,


Social Security benefits, 13.803

veterans, see Veterans medical facilities and services
see also Handicapped

Dropout prevention

civil service, stay-in-school campaign, 27.003

innovative projects, grants, 13.410

Drug abuse, see Narcotics and drug abuse

Drugs see Food and drug research

Duty-free importation, educational and scientific material,


Early childhood education, see Education, early childhood
Early education program, 13.444


building codes, earthquake hazards, 11.403

hazard potential, information, 11.403
seismological investigations, 11.403

study, 60.011


leases of public lands, 15.201


ECM, 10.054

Ecology, see Environmental health; Environmental science
Economic and business development

agriculture, see Agricultural loans and loan insurance
community, special impact, 49.011

economic analyses, U.S. economy, 11.700

foreign, see Foreign aid programs; Foreign commerce

and investment

Indian areas, 15.117

information, see Information sources and services, general
institutional centers to aid foreign development, 19.006

materials, production, quality control, 11.604

minority business enterprise, 11.800

research for less developed countries, 19.007
small business, see Small business

State and local development companies, 59.013
technical assistance, economic, 11.200

Tennessee Valley, see Tennessee Valley Region

see also Community development; Economic development
areas; Minority enterprises; Redevelopment areas

Economic development areas

business loans, 11.301

feasibility studies, 11.303

financial assistance, 11.300

planning assistance for distressed areas, 11.302

planning, Appalachia, 23.009

redevelopment, 11.301, 11.302

regional, Appalachia, 23.001, 23.002

regional, Coastal Plains, 28.001

regional, Four Corners, 38.001

regional, Great Plains, 10.900

regional, New England, 48.001

regional, Ozarks, 52.001

regional, Upper Great Lakes, 63.001
technical and other assistance, 11.303
unemployment assistance, 11.302

Economic indicators, see Economic statistics

Economic Opportunity Act, Title I-D, 49.011
Economic opportunity loans, 59.003
Economic statistics

agricultural, 10.250

Consumer Price Index, 17.003

economic growth data, 17.006

GNP, 11.007

labor and manpower, see Labor and manpower statistics

prices, living conditions, 17.003

productivity and growth, 17.004

technology, 17.004

U.S. economy, 11.700

see also Statistical data and services


adult education, see Adult education

arts, 45.003, 68.001

aviation, FAA assistance program, 20.100

colleges and universities, see Colleges and universities

continuing education, see Continuing professional education
cooperative education, 13.510

counseling, 13.519

early childhood, see Education, early childhood
elementary and secondary education, see Elementary and


secondary education

environmental awareness, 15.902

equipment, see Educational equipment

experimental, 13.485

facilities, see College and university facilities; Educational

facilities; School construction

guidance, 13.519

Head Start, 13.600

health professions, see Health professions

higher, see Higher education

humanities, see Humanities

importation of educational materials, duty-free, 11.201

Indians, see Indian education

marine sciences, see Marine sciences

maritime, 11.506

media, see Educational media and audiovisual aids

medical, see Medical education

Merchant Marine Academy, 11.507

Morrill Act grants, see Land-grant colleges and universities

music education projects, 45.005

nonpublic school testing arrangements, 13.519

nursing, see Nursing

public health, see Public health education and training

school library assistance, 13.480

science, see Science education

State agencies, see State educational agencies
technician training, see Technical training

testing, 13.519

veterans assistance, see Veterans

vocational, see Vocational education

volunteers in education, 13.515

water pollution control, see water pollution
see also Adult education

Education for the disadvantaged

administrative assistance, 13.430
bilingual education, 13.403

Career Opportunities Program (COP), 13.421
college, Educational Opportunity Grants (EOG), 13.418

college, special services, 13.482

Cuban refugee student loans, 13.409

Dropout Prevention, 13.410

Follow Through, 13.433

Head Start, 13.600

incentive grants, 13.512

institutionalized neglected or delinquent children, 13.431

local school assistance, 13.428

migrant children, 13.429

preschool, Head Start, 13.600

Talent Search, 13.488

teacher education, Teacher Corps, 13.489

Title I ESEA - Part B, 13.512

Title I ESEA - Part C, 13.511

Upward Bound, 13.492

veterans, counseling, 64.107

vocational education, 13.493, 13.499, 13.502

vocational education, work study, 13.501

vocational education, special needs, 13.499
see also Indian education

Education for the handicapped

children, 13.427 Deaf-Blind regional centers, 13.445 demonstration projects, 13.516 early childhood, 13.444, 13.449 educational opportunities, 13.452 learning disabilities research, 13.520 physical education, 13.447, 13.448 recreation, 13.447

regional centers, children, 13.450 research and demonstration, 13.443 supplementary centers and services, 13.519 teacher and teacher aide education, 13.417 teacher education, 13.451 teacher recruitment, 13.452 vocational education, 13.493 Education, early childhood demonstration projects, 13.516 Follow Through, 13.433 handicapped, 13.444, 13.449 Head Start, 13.600

research, 13.412

special projects, 13.511

staff education, 13.416

Education, medical, see Medical education

Educational administration, see State educational agencies
Educational administration program, 13.514
Educational curriculum development, see Curriculum


Educational equipment and resources

audio-visual materials, see Educational media and

audiovisual aids

elementary and secondary schools, 13.479, 13.483 equipment program, 10.554

Federal surplus property, 39.003

libraries, see College and university libraries; Libraries

machine tool loan to vocational training institutions, 12.001. nonprofit private school loans, 13.479

nuclear equipment, grants of used, 24.022

nuclear reactor fuel cycling assistance, 24.016

nuclear reactor sharing, 24.021

television, see Radio and television

Educational evaluation

experimental program, 13.521

Federally affected areas, see Federally affected areas
State planning and evaluation, 13.432, 13.486

Educational exchange programs

Fulbright, graduate students, 19.101

Fulbright, professors and research scholars, 19.102 U.S. research in excess currency countries, 13.481 Educational facilities

architectural-engineering evaluation, 13.607
community colleges, construction, 13.459
construction, Appalachia, vocational, 23.012
construction, colleges and universities, 13.457
disaster relief, 13.477

Federal surplus property donations, 13.606
Federally affected areas, 13.477

handicapped, 13.427

higher education act, planning, 13.456

Educational facilities-Continued

higher education act, State administration, 13.455
nurse training, improvement grants, 13.359
nursing school construction, 13.369
public lands, lease or purchase, 39.002
remodeling assistance, 13.479
technical institutes, construction, 13.459

Educational media and audiovisual aids

adult education, 13.401 agricultural exhibits, 10.750 art exhibits, 68.001

deaf, captioned films, 13.446

drug abuse prevention, 16.004, 16.005

fisheries industry motion pictures, 11.412

media specialists, 13.508

National Audiovisual Center, 39.005

nuclear science exhibits, films, demonstration, 24.025

nuclear science literature and information services, 24.023

nuclear science, public information, 24.002 radio and television, see Radio and television radio and TV equipment, 13.413 Smithsonian public affairs programs, 60.017 see also Films, slides, film strips Educational personnel development administrators, training, 13.514 bilingual education, 13.506 career ladder, 13.425 college teacher fellowships, 13.462 drug abuse education, 13.420 early childhood, educators of, 13.416 handicapped, teachers of, 13.417 higher education personnel, 13.461 higher education teachers, 13.407

language and area study, 13.435

learning disabilities research, 13.520

media specialists, 13.508

physical fitness clinics, 55.004

physical fitness demonstration center schools, 55.005

professors emeriti, 13.454

pupil personnel specialists, 13.509

social work, 13.740

teacher development for desegregating schools, 13.507

teacher training, 13.425

training of teacher trainers, 13.490

urban/rural school development, 13.505

vocational education, 13.503, 13.504

vocational educational training, 13.498

volunteers in education, 13.515

see also Teacher education; Teacher recruitment

Educational research

art education, 13.474

basic research and development projects, 13.422

computer applications and computing services, 47.003 curriculum development, see Curriculum development

dissemination, 13.513

foreign area studies, 13.436

foreign countries, excess currency, 13.481 handicapped children, 13.443, 13,447

humanities education, 13.474

institutional centers to aid foreign development, 19.006

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Environmental health-Continued

training grants, 13.329

water pollution, see Water pollution

Environmental management

research grants, 15.950

solid waste disposal, see Solid waste disposal Environmental sciences

center for short-lived phenomena, 60.011

Family planning

community action agencies, services, 49.006 contraception and fertility information, 13.217 Indians, see Indian health

maternal care, 13.232

research for less developed countries, 19.007

see also Maternal and child health services

Farm labor, see Agricultural labor; Migrant workers

Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, 60.004 Farm structures, see Agricultural loans and loan insurance

earthquake hazards, 11.403

forecasting, 47.037

FBI field police training, 16.302

FBI identification division, 16.303

foreign currency programs, Smithsonian Institution, 60.016 FBI laboratory, 16.301

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