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One of the most satisfactory and generally applicable saline aperients, laxative or cathartic, for general use, at the command of the profession. In rheumatic conditions, use


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Nuclein is one of if not the most important of the defensive proteids of the body. It markedly increases the number and activity of the white bloodcorpuscles. In appropriate cases the exhibition of Nuclein also causes rejuvenation or disappearance of diseased red blood-corpuscles, increasing the number and vitality of the essential reds. Nuclein may therefore be regarded as a reconstructive of extreme value, to be used with full confidence that excellent results will follow.

It is indicated in all disorganized conditions of the blood, in infections of all kinds (especially tuberculous), in anemia, chlorosis, general debility, etc. Solution (oral), per doz. 1-oz. bottles.. In less than 1⁄2-doz. quantities, each. Solution (special hypodermic), per doz. 1-oz. bottles..

In less than 12-doz. quantities, each.





2-min. Tablets, 100, 23c; 500, 75c; 1000, $1.35 5-min. Tablets, 100, 30c; 500, $1.10; 1000, $2.05


This product is an ester of the fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic), with glycerophosphoric acid in chemical combination with choline. It is prepared from the brain and spinal cord of healthy animals.

It is indicated in phosphaturia,, marasmus, debility of obscure origin, in arrested growth or development, sexual debility, all neurasthenic conditions, loss of tissue and chorea.

100, 67c; 500, $2.95; 1000, $5.75


Iron phosphate, gr. 1-12; calcium phosphate, gr. 1-12; potassium phosphate, gr. 1-12; magnesium phosphate, gr. 1-12; nuclein solution, minims 4.

A tonic, reconstructive and hematinic, supplying in available form the essential constituents of the cell. Iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium have been aptly termed "the building stones of the body," and presented as phosphates, especially when fortified by the addition of Nuclein as above, they give prompt results in rickets, anemia, marasmus, scrofula, nervous debility, convalescence (especially from protracted fevers), and most conditions marked by malnutrition and low vitality, as in phthisis, typhoid fever, etc.

100, 31c; 500, $1.15; 1000, $2.15

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"A Book That Every Practitioner Will Need In His Daily Practice"


Diet for the Sick

(Second Revised Edition)

Here at last is a work on diet that will materially aid the practicing physician in his daily work. In the first few chapters the physiology of digestion, the chemico-physiological problems of nutrition, and the chemistry of foods in general are explained in simple, comprehensive terms.

Then follow brief but interesting discussions of Infant Feeding, Alcohol in Diet, Caloric Feeding, Rectal Feeding, Food Poisoning, the Therapeutic Uses of Food, and finally, Feeding in Special Diseases.

An exceptionally complete index allows the reader to turn immediately to any particular disease and learn at once just what foods should or should not be given to a patient thus afflicted.

Throughout the text a large number of valuable tables are given, such as the analysis of different foods, the digestion time of various nutrients, the iron, arsenic and starch content of different articles of diet, caloric values of different foodstuffs, relative analysis of milk from different sources, alcoholic content of various beverages, etc., etc.

Handy to use, convenient in size and beautifully bound in cloth, this little manual on feeding the sick will be found indispensable by the physician who appreciates the careful regulation of diet in the management of his patients.

Price, $1.00, postage prepaid.

American Medical Publishing Co.

84 William Street, New York

The Blood Dyscrasias

with their train of symptoms pointing to tissue starvation and debility are notably responsive to the altero-reconstructive action of


Administered in this form the full therapeutic action of iodine is uniformly obtained with gratifying freedom from gastric disturbance or other ill effect. Blood impoverishment and depravity are promptly corrected and the corpuscular as well as the biochemic elements rapidly restored to the normal. Skin lesions heal readily, and the vital resistance of the tissues of the whole body is markedly increased.

When blood disorders and their complications prove intractable to ordinary reconstructive treatment, Burnham's Soluble Iodine may be relied upon to accomplish the results desired.

Send for valuable literature.

Auburndale, Mass.

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"The Lymphatic Stage of Tuberculosis"

says Sir R. W. Philip, M. D., of Edinburgh, "is the stage in which tuberculosis should always be opposed, inasmuch as when thus opposed, its further spread within the system is readily prevented." The truth of the foregoing is generally conceded, and it is the notable effect of



on the lymphatic structures that makes this remedy so serviceable in the modern conflict with tuberculosis.

Under its use the phagocytic power of the blood is substantially increased, the antitoxic forces of the body are augmented and the whole metabolism given a new impetus. As a consequence, cough subsides, sweating ceases, the appetite improves, the bodily weight increases and gradually but surely, the tuberculous process is controlled and arrested.

Clinical experience has shown conclusively therefore, that no remedy is more serviceable during the lymphatic stage of tuberculosis than Blancard's Iodide of Iron. Its purity, quality and established efficiency make it the remedy par excellence at this stage of the disease.

For further literature, address


6 Cliff St.,

New York City

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Diseased conditions of the Nose and Throat are happily and quickly responsive to treatment



Phenol Sodique Soap and Phenol Sodique Ointment are invaluable for Eczema, Pruritis, etc., or wherever Phenol Sodique is indicated, as an application or dressing.




Pharmaceutical Chemists

(Established 1855)

New York

The Management of Constipation


The Evil of

Deprivation of Fluids.


The Solution

of the Problem.


RECENT work on diet states that "in connection with the dietetic management of constipation attention should be directed to Schmidt's studies relative to the addition of some non-digestible but water-carrying substance to the daily food. He recommends agar-agar, which is best employed in the form of Regulin, the preparation evolved by Schmidt."

The foregoing points to the general interest that has been aroused by Schmidt's researches relative to hyperdigestion and the necessity of retaining ample moisture in the intestinal contents. This keen observer has determined conclusively that a large proportion of the human ills that can be traced to the alimentary canal, are really due to over-digestion and over-absorption of the intestinal mass. This tends to remove all or practically all of the fluids and leaves the waste material to be eliminated so dry and hardened that normal peristalsis is sadly embarrassed. Constipation is the inevitable result. Since prolonged retention of the intestinal contents favors excessive absorption it is easy to see the vicious circle thus created.

Realizing that moisture retention was the all-important detail in promoting intestinal elimination, Schmidt sought for a long time for a harmless, non-digestible moisture carrier. After much research he found what he was looking for, and in Regulin he has incorporated his views. This is made of a substance that has the capacity of retaining moisture, and passing through the intestinal canal absolutely unchanged. Mixing thoroughly with the fecal mass it keeps it soft, plastic and quickly responsive to peristalsis. A slight amount of a special solution of cascara sagrada is contained in Regulin, but it is the physical properties of Regulin that accounts for its direct action in all forms of bowel stasis or obstipation.

Regulin can be added to the daily food, as for instance the morning cereal, or apple sauce, and thus proves very acceptable for use in caring for children.

Its effects are gradual but very marked and gratifying. Regulin is not a physic in the ordinary sense, and while it can be taken to produce a free evacuation, its greatest benefits come from prolonged usage for several weeks or months. Administered systematically it corrects the whole intestinal condition and not infrequently produces complete and permanent relief of functional constipation when other remedies have proven valueless.

For further information and samples kindly address:

The Reinschild Chemical Co.

71 Barclay St.

New York City

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