47.074 Biological Sciences (B) 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (B) 47.076 Education and Human Resources (B) 47.078 Polar Programs (B) 47.080 Office of Cyberinfrastructure (B) 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program (B) 81.114 University Reactor Infrastructure and Education Support (B) 10.903 Soil Survey (L) 11.114 Special American Business Internship Training Program (B) 11.604 Standard Reference Materials (H) 11.610 National Center for Standards and Certification Information (L) 11.800 Minority Business Enterprise Centers (B) 11.900 Patent and Trademark Technical Information Dissemination (L) 43.002 Technology Transfer (L) 47.076 Education and Human Resources (B) 47.078 Polar Programs (B) 47.080 Office of Cyberinfrastructure (B) 81.003 Granting of Patent Licenses (L) 81.022 Used Energy-Related Laboratory Equipment Grants (H) 81.036 Inventions and Innovations (B,K,L) 81.039 National Energy Information Center (L) 88.001 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (L) TRANSPORTATION Capital Assistance Program for Elderly Persons and Persons with Public Transportation Research (B,L,M) 20.515 State Planning and Research (A) 20.516 Job Access-Reverse Commute (B) 20.518 Capital and Training Assistance Program for Over-the-Road Bus 20.521 New Freedom Program (A) 20.522 Alternatives Analysis (B) 20.607 Alcohol Open Container Requirements (B) 20.610 State Traffic Safety Information System Improvement Grants (B) 20.760 University Transportation Centers (B) 88.001 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (L) Highways, Public Roads, and Bridges 10.903 Soil Survey (L) 11.300 Grants for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities (B) 11.307 Economic Adjustment Assistance (B) 12.105 Protection of Essential Highways, Highway Bridge Approaches, and Public Works (J) 15.033 Road Maintenance-Indian Roads (C) 15.916 Outdoor Recreation-Acquisition, Development and Planning (B) 20.233 Border Enforcement Grants (B) 20.235 Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Training Grants (B) FI-41 A Academic facilities see, Education facilities Accident prevention see, Occupational safety and health see, Public safety Addiction see, Alcoholism see, Narcotics, drug abuse Adult education 84.002, 84.191, 84.213, 84.214, 84.257, 84.258, 84.287, 97.010 see also, Vocational education development Advanced technology see, Trade adjustment assistance Aeronautics, space 43.001, 43.002 AFDC see, Aid to Families with Dependent Children Age discrimination see, Civil rights Aging and the aged abuse and neglect prevention 16.547, 16.583, community services 93.104, 93.138, 93.150, dwelling weatherization 81.042 employment 12.404, 16.101, 17.207, 17.235, employment discrimination 14.412, 16.101, food, nutrition 10.550, 10.551, 93.045, 93.047, health, medical 84.177, 93.043, 93.052, 93.156, home health services 64.009, 64.011, 93.052, housing 10.427, 14.138, 14.149, 14.157, 14.191, line of credit 14.183 loans for mortgagees 62 years and older 14.183 Senior Companion Program (SCP) 94.016 social services 93.042, 93.044, 93.047, 93.048 tax counseling 21.006 transportation services 20.500, 20.513, 20.518 SUBJECT INDEX 15.108, 15.146, 84.245, 84.250, 93.048 Agriculture commodities 10.051, 10.055, 10.078, 10.079, 10.084, 10.085, see also, Agriculture marketing see also, Agriculture stabilization see, Farmworkers Agriculture loans 10.056 business, industrial 10.768 commodities 10.051, 10.603 construction, irrigation, drainage systems 10.437 farm operating expenses 10.406, 10.437 farm ownership 10.407, 10.437 interest assistance 10.437 meat, poultry inspection 10.477 natural disasters 10.404, 10.444, 10.449 soil, water conservation 10.069, 10.070, 10.072, Agriculture marketing 10.055, 10.080, 10.081, 10.153, 10.155, 10.156, Agriculture research, education agriculture marketing 10.203, 10.250 basic and applied research 10.001, 10.200, 10.215, disease and injury prevention 10.304 economic research 10.224, 10.250, 10.670, 10.778, energy 10.200, 10.857, 10.859, 81.022, 81.113, experiment stations 10.200, 10.203, 10.206, food quality, nutrition 10.200, 10.206, 10.212, food, agricultural sciences 10.200, 10.203, 10.206, international agriculture 10.224, 10.960, 98.005 natural resources management 10.215, 10.223, patent licensing 10.001 research, results 10.001, 10.203, 10.205, 10.307, RMA Act - Agricultural Omnibus Bill 10.001 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 10.212, soybean 10.200 Special Research Grants 10.200 technical agricultural assistance 10.443, 10.574, training 10.306, 10.455, 10.670, 12.350, 15.608, Agriculture stabilization emergency conservation 10.054 salinity control 10.070 soil, water conservation 10.069, 10.070, 10.072, water pollutants 10.069 wetland restoration 10.072 wildlife, woodland conservation 10.069 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) AIDS 93.006, 93.153, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.924, see also, Communicable diseases Air pollution 66.001, 66.032, 66.033, 66.034, 66.110, 66.508, Air transportation 20.106, 20.109, 20.901, 20.930 dental care 93.288 economic development 10.225, 10.446, 10.767, health education 93.107, 93.145, 93.185, 93.186, maternal and child health 93.288 nutrition 10.565, 93.047, 93.228, 93.237, 93.288, 93.971, 93.972 psychiatric care 93.228, 93.288 public health nursing 93.288 real estate 15.055 see also, Hawaiian natives subsistence 15.055 vocational education 17.805, 84.169, 84.245, Alcoholism 16.616, 16.727, 16.728, 20.607, 64.019, 84.186, 93.150, 93.193, 93.230, 93.238, 93.243, 93.271, see, Alaskan natives see, Health professions 10.025, 10.029, 10.207 see, Veterinary medicine see, Laboratory animals SUBJECT INDEX 84.177, 84.246, 88.001 reader services 84.126 research, training centers 84.133, 93.867 see also, Disabled entries see also, Medical research see also, Vocational rehabilitation veterans rehabilitation centers 64.007 see, Blindness and the blind Bridges see, Highways, roads, bridges see, Communications, telecommunications Building rehabilitation, renovation see, Homeownership, homebuying see, Housing construction and rehabilitation see, Veterans interment and related services C business, industry financing 10.768, 10.769 export counseling 11.110 management, technical assistance 10.773, 11.617, see also, Disadvantaged, business development see also, Small business Cancer research 93.393, 93.394, 93.395, 93.396, 93.397, 93.398, Cardio-vascular system research see, Medical research Career education see, Vocational education development see, Veterans interment and related services Census services 11.001, 11.002, 11.004, 11.005, 11.006, 11.025 see, Pesticides Child abuse and neglect see, Child welfare Child development see, Early childhood education see, Maternal and child health Child health see, Disabled children see, Indian children see, Maternal and child health abuse and neglect prevention 16.547, 16.583, abuse and neglect treatment 16.547, 93.643, adoptive placement 93.551, 93.603, 93.645, 93.652, 93.659, 93.667 alternate homes 93.645 Child Care and Development Fund 93.596 child care institutions licensing 93.645 child protective services systems 93.557, 93.591, childhood lead poisoning, detection and prevention day care 15.144, 39.003, 93.667 emergency medical services 20.600, 93.127, Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) 94.011 parental choice 93.575 personnel training 16.542, 16.712, 84.103, 93.242, research 10.070, 10.200, 10.207, 10.212, 11.417, residential care 93.551 runaway, homeless youth 93.550, 93.557, 93.623, see also, Homeless entries see also, Indian children see also, Juvenile delinquency see also, Maternal and child health State Formula Grants 16.540, 93.041, 93.042, 93.043, 93.586 support enforcement, Title IV-D 93.563, 93.564, Children, disabled see, Disabled children Children, education see, Early childhood education see, Elementary and secondary education Citizenship education see, Refugees, aliens Civil defense communications equipment 12.401, 97.056, emergency management training 97.002, 97.005, management, planning, staffing 97.002, 97.008, National Guard facilities 12.400, 12.401 see also, Disaster assistance Student Expense Program (SEP) 97.026 training 10.306, 10.455, 10.670, 12.350, 15.608, 84.264, 84.265, 84.331, 93.142, 93.244, 97.005, warning systems maintenance 12.401 Civil rights age discrimination 30.008, 34.001 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 16.108, complaint investigation 14.401, 14.412, 14.415, employment discrimination 14.412, 16.101, Equal Enjoyment of Rights in Public Facilities equal pay 30.010 Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) 14.401 housing 10.427, 14.138, 14.149, 14.157, 14.191, information and referral services 16.108 information clearinghouse 29.001 institutionalized persons 16.105 involuntary servitude/slavery 16.109 official misconduct 16.109 police brutality 16.109 racial violence/hate crimes 16.109 school desegregation 16.100, 29.001, 84.004, see also, Legal services sex discrimination 14.406, 14.415, 29.001, 59.043, technical assistance, training 84.004, 84.165, Title VIII enforcement 14.408 violent interference with federally protected activities 16.109 voting rights 16.104, 29.001 women 17.700, 59.043, 84.083 Civil Service employment see, Federal employment Claims see, Foreign claims Clean air see, Air pollution Coal mining Abandoned Mine Lands 15.252 coal, non-coal reclamation 15.252 mine land reclamation 10.910, 15.252 regulation, inspection 15.250 Rural Abandoned Mine Program (RAMP) 10.910 see also, Occupational safety and health Coastal Zone 11.419, 11.420, 11.429, 15.616 see, Labor management relations College and university facilities see, Education facilities Colleges and universities SUBJECT INDEX see, Higher education entries 78.004 see also, Agriculture commodities acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) AIDS research 93.936 AIDS surveillance and prevention 93.006, 93.118, AIDS, patient care and treatment 93.006, 93.257, AIDS, reimbursement of health care treatments Centers for Disease Control 93.068, 93.185, childhood immunization 93.185, 93.268, 93.283 epidemic aid 93.283, 93.914 health education 93.107, 93.145, 93.185, 93.186, National VD Hotline 93.978 research 10.070, 10.200, 10.207, 10.212, 11.417, Serologic tests 93.977 tuberculosis 93.116, 93.947 vaccine purchase, storage 93.185, 93.268 Communications, telecommunications 10.863, 11.550, 84.203, 84.286, 84.295, 97.055, see also, Radio, television Community colleges 47.076, 84.353 Community health services 93.104, 93.129, 93.150, 93.197, 93.204, 93.224, see also, Homeless, community services block grants, entitlement grants 14.218, 14.514 12.607, 12.610, 12.611, 12.612, 12.614, 14.248, Community-Based Resource Centers 93.009, 93.590 economic development 10.225, 10.446, 10.767, economically disadvantaged and minority students energy conservation 14.506, 64.114 Federal surplus property 12.600, 12.607, 39.002, land development 10.769 neighborhood revitalization 10.670, 14.198, new communities 10.767 police community relations 16.200 public facility construction 14.225, 14.227, 14.246, race relations 16.200 school and community based programs 94.004 see also, Disaster assistance see also, Economic development see also, Environmental entries see also, Fire prevention and control see also, Indian economic, business development see also, Water resources Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 10.212, technical assistance 10.446, 10.673, 10.901, telephone bank loans 10.852 see, Water resources see, Insurance, benefits see, Unemployment Complaint investigation advertising, false, misleading 36.001 air transportation 20.900 commodity futures 78.004 Complaints and Inquiries 58.001 credit reporting 36.001 debt collection 36.001 food, drug advertising 36.001 monopolistic, unfair trade 36.001 political candidates, equal time 32.001 price-fixing conspiracies, boycotts 36.001 securities market 58.001 subdivided land purchase, full disclosure 14.168 |