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current reports on manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, selected services, construction, imports and exports, State and local government finances and employment, and other subjects; and makes searches of decennial census records and furnishes transcripts to individuals for use as evidence of age, relationship, or place of birth.

Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) (11.025-11.027)

Provides a clear picture of the U.S. economy through the preparation, development, and interpretation of the national income and product accounts, summarized by the gross national product (GNP); the wealth accounts, which show the business and other components of national wealth; the input-output accounts, which trace the interrelationships among industrial markets; personal income and related economic series by geographic area; the U.S. balance of payments accounts and associated foreign investment accounts; and measures relating to environmental change and to welfare within the framework of the national economic accounts. The data and analyses prepared are disseminated mainly through its monthly publications, the Survey of Current Business, and Business Conditions Digest.

International Trade Administration (ITA) (11.106-11.114)

Promotes world trade and strengthens the international trade and investment position of the United States.

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) (11.150)

The activities of the Bureau of Industry and Security in the Department of Commerce are designed to enforce U.S. export trade laws consistent with national security, foreign policy, and short supply objectives. The program strives to achieve a balance between the interests of U.S. exporters, the U.S. economy and U.S. national security requirements.

Economic Development Administration (EDA) (11.300-11.313)

The EDA's mission is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (11.40011.474,11.477,11.478,11.481)

Reports the weather of the U.S. and its possessions and provides weather forecasts to the general public, issues warnings against such destructive natural events as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and tsunamis and provides special services in support of aviation, marine activities, agriculture, forestry, urban air-quality control, and other weather-sensitive activities; monitors and reports all nonfederal weather modification activities conducted in the U.S.; conducts an integrated program of management, research, and services related to the protection and rational use of living marine mammals; prepares and issues nautical and aeronautical charts, provides the Nation's precise geodetic surveys, and conducts broad research programs in marine and atmospheric sciences, solarterrestrial physics, and experimental meteorology, including weather modifications; predicts tides, currents, and the state of the oceans, conducts research and development aimed at providing alternatives to ocean dumping; provides Federal leadership in promoting wise and balanced management of the Nation's coastal zone; provides satellite observations of the environment by establishing and operating a national environmental satellite system; conducts integrated program of research and services relating to the oceans and inland waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, space environment, and the earth; acquires, stores, and disseminates worldwide environmental data through a system of meteorological, oceanographic, geodetic, and seismological data centers; develops a system of data buoys for automatically obtaining and disseminating marine environmental data; promotes the development of technology to meet future needs of the marine community.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) (11.550, 11.552)

Exercises significant responsibility in the areas of communication security, privacy protection, and the application of public service satellites, public telecommunications facilities planning and construction; formulates policies to support the development, growth and regulation of telecommunications, information, and related industries; furthers the efficient development and use of telecommunications and information services; provides policy and management

for the use of electromagnetic spectrum; provides telecommunications facilities grants to public service users.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (11.601-11.617) NIST ¿s mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. This mission is carried out through four major programs: the NIST Laboratories, the Advanced Technology Program (ATP), the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, and the Baldrige National Quality Program.

The NIST Laboratories maintain world-class expertise in measurements, standards, data evaluation, and test methods and conduct research that advances the Nation¿s technology infrastructure and is needed by U.S. industry. The NIST Laboratories also provide a wide range of technology services, including standard reference materials and data, information on national and international standards, laboratory accreditation, and equipment calibration.

ATP is a rigorously competitive cost-sharing program that has provided R&D funds to U.S. businesses and industry-led joint ventures to accelerate early-stage development of high-risk, broad-impact technologies that promise widespread benefits for the economy. The President¿s budget request for fiscal year 2007 proposes no new funding for ATP.

The Hollings MEP program works to raise the productivity and competitiveness of smaller U.S. manufacturers by providing information, decision support, and implementation assistance in adopting advanced manufacturing technologies, techniques, and business best practices through a network of local manufacturing extension centers which are linked to state, university, and private sources of technology and expertise.

The Baldrige National Quality Program promotes performance excellence among U.S. manufacturers, service companies, educational institutions, health care providers, and nonprofit organizations through outreach programs and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which recognizes performance excellence and quality achievement.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) (11.650)

Simplifies and improves public access to Department of Commerce publications and to data files and scientific and technical reports sponsored by Federal agencies. NTIS is the central point in the United States for the public sale of Government-funded research and development reports and other analyses prepared by Federal agencies, their contractors, or grantees. The public may quickly locate abstracts of interest from among the 650,000 federally sponsored research reports completed and published from 1964 by using the agency's on-line computer search service (NTI Search). Current abstracts of new research reports and other specialized technical information in various categories of interest are published in some 26 weekly abstract newsletters. An all-inclusive biweekly journal (Government Reports Announcements and Index) is published for librarians, technical information specialists, and those requiring such comprehensive volumes.

Office of the Secretary (11.702)

The General Administration account within the Office of the Secretary provides funding for the Secretary, Deputy Secretary and support staff. Responsibilities involve policy development and implementation affecting U.S. and international activities as well as establishing the internal goals and operations of the Department. The functions include serving as the primary liaison with the Executive Branch, and Congressional and private sector groups, and acting as the management and administrative control point for the Department. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) (11.800-11.803, 11.806) Assists minority businesses in achieving effective and equitable participation in the American free enterprise system and in overcoming social and economic disadvantages that have limited their participation in the past. The agency provides national policies and leadership in forming and strengthening a partnership of business, industry, and government with the Nation's minority businesses. Management and technical assistance is provided to minority firms on request, primarily through a network of local business development organizations funded by the Agency.

Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) (11.900)

Examines applications for three kinds of patents: design patents, plant patents,

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and utility patents (issued for 20 years from date of filing). Also processes international applications for patents under the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty. In addition to the examination of patent and trademark applications, issuance of patents, and registration of trademarks, the Office sells printed copies of issued documents; records and indexes documents transferring ownership; maintains a scientific library and search files containing over 20 million documents, including U.S. and foreign patents and U.S. trademarks; provides search rooms for the public to research their applications; hears and decides appeals from prospective inventors and trademark applicants; participates in legal proceedings involving the issue of patents or trademark registrations; helps represent the United States in international efforts to cooperate on patent and trademark policy.


Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) (12.002)

Provides effective and economical support to the military services, other Department of Defense components, Federal civil agencies, foreign governments, and others as authorized, for assigned material commodities and items of supply, logistics services directly associated with the supply management function, contract administration services, and other support services as directed by the Secretary of Defense.

Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers (12.10012.114,12.640)

Civil functions of the Department of the Army include the Civil Works Program, the administration of Arlington and Soldiers' Home National Cemeteries, and other related matters. The Army's Civil Works Program, a responsibility of the Corps of Engineers is the Nation's major Federal water resources development activity and involves engineering works such as major dams, reservoirs, levees, harbors, waterways, locks, and many other types of structures. These works provide flood protection for cities and major river valleys, reduce the cost of transportation, supply water for municipal and industrial use, generate hydroelectric power, provide recreational opportunities for vast numbers of people, regulate the rivers for many purposes including the improvement of water quality and the enhancement of fish and wildlife, protect the shores of the oceans and lakes, and provide still other types of benefits. Planning assistance is also provided to States and other nonfederal entities for the comprehensive management of water resources, including pollution abatement works. In addition, through the Civil Works Program the Federal government protects the navigable waters of the United States under legislation empowering the Secretary of the Army to prohibit activities which would reduce the value of such waters to the Nation.

Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Research (12.300) Includes two lead offices: the Office of Naval Research and the Office of Naval Technology. The Chief of Naval Research is responsible for the Department of Navy Research (6.1) and Exploratory Development (6.2) Programs. The Chief of Naval Research is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy through the Assistant Secretary (Research, Engineering and Systems) and is a principal adviser to the latter. The Chief of Naval Research is also responsible for providing leadership, management, and direction to the Department of Navy research and exploratory development programs and other research, development, technology, and equipment programs assigned to and conducted by the Office of the Chief of Naval Research; developing and formulating viable and responsive naval research and technology requirements based on current and projected Navy and Marine Corps long-range objectives and considerations of national security; and coordinating naval research and promoting cooperative research efforts within the Department of the Navy with other elements of the Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Energy, and other government research groups. The Office of Naval Research also conducts research in conjunction with the research and development conducted by other Department of Navy activities, coordinates the Naval Basic Research Program, and conducts a contract management program with educational institutions in support of all Federal agencies. The Office of Naval Technology, established in October 1980, manages the Department of Navy's Exploratory Development (6.2) Program, assessing, planning, programming, budgeting, directing, and monitoring the program, and manages the oversight activities in regard to the Industrial


Independent Research and Development Program.

National Guard Bureau (12.400-12.401, 12.404)

Provides a combat-ready reserve force and facilities for training and
administering the Army National Guard units in the 50 States, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
U.S. Army Medical Command (12.420)

The Commanding General, United States Army Medical Command, performs health services for the Army within the United States, and, as directed, for other governmental agencies and activities. Responsibilities include command of the Army hospital system within the United States and other organizations, units, and facilities as directed; medical professional education for Army personnel; health promotion and wellness for all beneficiaries; medical research and development; and development of medical doctrine, concepts, organizations, materiel requirements, and systems in support of the Army.

U.S. Army Materiel Command (12.431)

The Commanding General, United States Army Materiel Command, develops and provides materiel and related services to the Army, To Army elements of unified commands and specified commands, to Department of Defense agencies, and to other United States and foreign agencies as directed. His principal missions are to equip and sustain a trained, ready Army; to provide equipment and services to other nations through the security assistance program; to develop and acquire non-major systems and equipment; to provide development and acquisition support to program managers; to define, develop, and acquire superior technologies; to maintain the mobilization capabilities necessary to support the Army in emergencies; and to continue to improve productivity and quality of life. Office of the Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Requirements) (12.55012.552)

Principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) and the Secretary of Defense on national security strategy and defense strategy and in the requirements, forces and contingency plans necessary to implement those strategies.

Office of Economic Adjustment (12.600-12.614)

Is responsible for planning the Department's economic adjustment programs and for assisting Federal, State, and local officials in cooperative efforts to alleviate any serious social and economic side effects resulting from major departmental realignments or other actions.

Office of the Secretary (12.630)

The Secretary's responsibilities include matters pertaining to organization, training, logistical support, maintenance, welfare of personnel, administrative, recruiting, research and development, and other activities prescribed by the President or the Secretary of Defense. The principal assistant to the Secretary is the Under Secretary, who acts with the full authority of the Secretary on all affairs of the Department.

Secretaries of Military Departments (12.700)

Donates or lends obsolete combat material to veterans' organizations, soldiers' monument associations, State museums, incorporated museums, and incorporated municipalities.

Office of the Air Force, Materiel Command (12.800)

The Air Force Materiel Command researches, develops, tests, acquires, delivers, and logistically supports every Air Force weapons system. It has responsibilities from inception of a weapons system through its operational life and final disposition. The Air Force Materiel Command operates major product centers, logistics centers, test centers, and laboratories. It was created in July 1992 through the integration of the Air Force Logistics Command and the Air Force Systems Command.

National Security Agency (12.900-12.902)

The National Security Agency/Central Security Service is responsible for the centralized coordination, direction, and performance of highly specialized technical functions in support of U.S. Government activities to protect U.S. communications and produce foreign intelligence information. The National Security Agency was established by Presidential directive in 1952 as a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense. In this directive, the President designated the Secretary of Defense Executive Agent for the signals


intelligence and communications security activities of the Government. The Agency was charged with an additional mission, computer security, in a 1984 Presidential directive, and with an operations security training mission in a 1988 Presidential directive. In 1972 the Central Security Service was established, in accordance with a Presidential memorandum, to provide a more unified cryptologic organization within the Department of Defense and appointed the Director, National Security Agency, as Chief of the Central Security Service. The Agency has three primary missions: an information systems security mission, an operations security training mission, and a foreign intelligence information mission.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (12.910)

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense under a Director appointed by the Secretary of Defense. The Agency engages in advanced, basic, and applied research and development projects essential to the Department of Defense, and conducts prototype projects that embody technology that may be incorporated into joint programs, programs in support of deployed U.S. forces, or selected Military Department programs and, on request, assists the Military Departments in their prototype efforts. In this regard, the Agency arranges, manages, and directs the performance of work connected with assigned advanced projects by the Military Departments, other government agencies, individuals, private business entities, as appropriate; recommends through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition to the Secretary of Defense assignment of advanced projects to the Agency; keeps the Under Secretary, the Organization of Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Military Departments, and other Department of Defense agencies informed on significant new developments and technological advances within assigned projects; and performs other such functions as the Secretary of Defense or the Under Secretary may assign.


Office of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner (14.103-14.199; 14.310-14.314)

The Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner directs the Department's housing functions. He or she oversees aid for the construction and financing of new and rehabilitated housing and the preservation of existing housing. The Assistant Secretary is responsible for: Underwriting single family, multifamily, property improvement, and manufactured home loans; administering special purpose programs designed specifically for the elderly, the handicapped, and the chronically mentally ill; administering assisted housing programs for lowincome families who are experiencing difficulties affording standard housing; administering grants to fund resident ownership of multifamily housing properties; protecting consumers against fraudulent practices of land developers and promoters, and administering housing development grants, where HUD provides grants to cities, urban counties, and States acting on behalf of local governments to support the development of rental housing in areas with severe rental housing shortages. Grantees use the HUD funds to provide capital grants or loans, interest-reduction payments, rental subsidies, or other types of assistance to facilitate the construction or substantial rehabilitation of rental projects by private owners.

Office of Community Planning and Development (14.218-14.250)

The Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development administers the grant programs that help communities plan and finance their growth and development, increase their capacity to govern, and provide shelter and services for homeless people. In addition, the Assistant Secretary is responsible for: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for Entitlement Communities, States and HUD- administered Small Cities, Section 108 Community Development Loan Guarantees, and Special Purpose Grants for Insular Areas, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Technical Assistance; Home Investment in Affordable Housing (HOME), providing Federal assistance for use by participating jurisdictions or Indian tribes for housing rehabilitation, tenant-based assistance, assistance to first time homebuyers and new construction when a jurisdiction is determined to need new rental housing; the Department's programs to address homelessness, including the Supportive Housing Program (Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing components), Shelter Plus Care, Surplus Property for Use to Assist the Homeless, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program, Housing

Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, and Emergency Shelter Grants; The Youthbuild Program to provide opportunities and assistance to very low-income young adults who have dropped out of high school; Consolidated Plans; and Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities.

Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (14.400-14.415) The Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) supervises HUD's housing and community development activities to promote fair housing and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion, sex, or national origin. He or she also promotes equal opportunity for disabled people and families with children. FHEO administers: Fair Housing laws and regulations; and the Fair Housing Assistance Program that provides financial and technical assistance to State and local government agencies to implement local fair housing laws and ordinances.

Office of Policy Development and Research (14.506-14.519)

The Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research (PD&R) supervises the Department's research activities and the development of its policies and is responsible for experimental housing and technical studies. PD&R develops a research agenda to reflect the overall policy needs of the Department; performs background analyses, studies, and priority assessments concerning housing and community development issues; provides economic analyses and recommendations, performs housing and financial market research, and designs and monitors several housing related data series; evaluates existing and new HUD programs to determine whether these programs are reaching their intended beneficiaries and providing the intended results, whether program costs are reasonable, and whether programs are having any unintended effects; analyzes the adequacy of existing and proposed program information systems and implement improvements or create systems to support new programs; evaluate new housing and construction materials and techniques and develop ways to encourage use of new technology; supports the Secretary in carrying out his regulatory oversight of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and prepares annual reports to the Congress; manages research contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants; and administers the Office of University Partnerships and oversees grants awarded for general research and technology, the Community Development Work Study Program, HispanicServing Institutions Work Study Program, and the Community Outreach Programs.

Office of Public and Indian Housing (14.312,14.850-14.872) The Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing (PIH) directs the Department's low-income public housing program. This program provides funds for the development, operation, and modernization of public housing, including such housing for American Indians. It also promotes resident management and ownership of public housing. PIH administers Public and Indian Housing Programs, including rental and homeownership programs and provides technical and financial assistance in planning, developing, and managing low-income projects; provides operating subsidies for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs), including procedures for the review of the management of PHAS and IHAs; administers the Capital Fund Program for the modernization of low-income housing projects to upgrade living conditions, correct physical deficiencies, and achieve operating efficiency and economy; administers the Resident Initiatives Program for resident participation, resident management; homeownership, economic development and supportive services, and drug-free neighborhood programs; implements and monitors program requirements related to program eligibility and admission of families to public and assisted housing, tenant income and rent requirements pertaining to continued occupancy; administers the HOPE VI and Vacancy Reductions Programs; administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers Program and the Moderate Rehabilitation Program; coordinates all departmental housing and community development programs for Indian and Alaska Natives; and awards grants to PHAS and IHAs for the construction, acquisition and operations of Public and Indian Housing Projects.

Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (14.900-14.901) The Office is responsible for: Increasing awareness of the public and building industry of the dangers of lead-based paint poisoning and the options for detection, risk reduction, and abatement; encouraging the development of safer, more effective, and less costly methods for detection, risk reduction, and

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abatement; encouraging State and local governments to develop lead-based paint programs covering primary prevention, public education, certification of contractors, hazard reduction, financing, and enforcement.


Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) (15.021-15.065, 15.103-15.146) Administers Federal Indian policy and discharges the Federal trust responsibility for American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives. Provides services directly, or through self-determination contract, grant and compact agreements with tribes and tribal organizations, to over 1.2 million American Indians and Alaska Natives to strengthen tribal governments, enhance the quality of life, promote economic opportunity, and protect and improve trust assets. The Bureau administers more than 43 million acres of tribally-owned land, over 10 million acres of

It also operates 69 national fish hatcheries, 64 Fisheries Resource offices and78 ecological services field stations. The agency enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign governments with their conservation efforts. Geological Survey (15.805-15.810, 15.976-15.978)

Perform surveys, investigations, and research covering topography, geology, biology, hydrology, and the mineral and water resources of the United States; classify lands as to their mineral and water resources; and publish and disseminate data relative to the foregoing activities.

Indian Arts and Crafts Board (15.850)

Encourages and promotes the development of American Indian and Alaska

individually-owned land held in trust status, and 417,000 acres of Federally-owned Native arts and crafts.


Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (15.214-15.228)

Has responsibility for the total management of 341 million acres of public lands located primarily in the Far West and Alaska and scattered parcels located in other States. In addition to minerals management responsibilities on the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf, the Bureau is responsible for subsurface resource management of an additional 169 million acres where mineral rights have been reserved to the Federal Government. Resources managed by the Bureau include timber, minerals, oil and gas, geothermal energy, wildlife habitat, endangered plant and animal species, rangeland vegetation, recreation and cultural values, wild and scenic rivers, designated conservation and wilderness areas, and open space; provides for the protection (including fire suppression), orderly development, and use of public lands and resources under principles of multiple use and sustained yield. Land use plans are developed with public involvement to provide orderly use and development while maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment; manages watersheds to protect soil and enhance water quality; makes land available through sale to individuals, organizations, local governments, and other Federal agencies when such transfer is in the public interest. Lands may be leased to State and local government agencies and to nonprofit organizations for certain purposes; the Bureau issues rights-of-way, in certain instances, for crossing Federal lands under other agencies' jurisdictions; is responsible for the survey of Federal lands and establishes and maintains public land records and records of mining claims; and also administers a program of payments in lieu of taxes based on the amount of Federally-owned land in counties and other units of local government.

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (15.250-15.254) Creation of a nationwide program that protects society and the environment from the adverse effects of coal mining operations, while ensuring an adequate supply of coal to meet the Nation's energy needs. Major objectives of the Office include establishment of minimum national standards for regulating the surface effects of coal mining, assistance to the States in developing and implementing regulatory programs, and promotion of the reclamation of previously mined


Bureau of Reclamation (15.504-15.506)

The Bureau of Reclamation manages, develops, and protects water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. The agency is the nation's second largest wholesale water supplier, administering 348 reservoirs with 245 million acre-feet of water. One out of five western farmers uses Reclamation water to irrigate 10 million acres of land, producing 60 percent of the nation's vegetables and 25 percent of its fruits and nuts. The agency also serves as the fifth largest electric utility in the 17 States west of the Mississippi River. Reclamation encourages and supports water conservation and environmental restoration through partnerships, incentive programs, and challenge grants. It also supports efforts to meet increasing water demands through water reclamation, recycling, and reuse.

Fish and Wildlife Service (15.602-15.634)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and ehancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Service manages the 95 million acres National Wildlife Refuge System, which encompasses 542 national wildlife refuges, thousands of small wetlands and other special management areas.

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Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (16.001-16.005)

Enforces the controlled substances laws and regulations, and brings to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations, and principal members of organizations involved in the cultivation, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for the illicit traffic in the United States. DEA's mission requires it to provide a leadership role in narcotic and dangerous drug suppression programs at the national and international level.

Office of State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support (OSLDPS) (16.006, 16.010)

Is responsible for enhancing the capacity and capability of State and local jurisdictions to prepare for and respond to incidents of domestic terrorism involving chemical and biological agents, radiological and explosive devices, and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD). It awards grants for equipment and provides training and technical assistance for State and local first responders.

Civil Rights Division (16.100-16.110)

Enforces the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1968; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended; the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act; the National Voter Registration Act; the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act; the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act; and additional civil rights provisions contained in other laws and regulations. These laws prohibit discrimination in education, employment, credit, housing, public accommodations and facilities, voting, and certain federally funded and conducted programs. In addition, the Division prosecutes actions under several criminal civil rights statutes which were designed to preserve personal liberties and safety. The Division also enforces the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act of 1980, which authorizes the Attorney General to seek relief for persons confined in public institutions where conditions exist that deprive residents of their constitutional rights; the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act; the Police Misconduct Provision of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994; and, Section 102 of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended, which prohibits

discrimination on the basis of national origin and citizenship status as well as document abuse and retaliation under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Community Relations Service (CRS) (16.200-16.202, 16.203)

Provides onsite conflict resolution and violence prevention assistance through its field staff of mediators and conciliators stationed in 10 regional offices and 4 field

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offices. Under its mandate, CRS responds to requests for services or offers assistance on a voluntary basis when there are community conflicts or violence related to race, color, or national origin. CRS helps to resolve disputes and conflicts and supports communities in developing local mechanisms to address conflicts. Primary CRS activities include the use of conciliation and/or mediation processes to settle differences through common understanding and voluntary action. Each process is composed of certain specialized techniques designed to deal with complex racial and ethnic issues. The goal of each is the immediate reduction of community tension and the establishment of viable alternatives for resolving difficulties short of coercion or litigation.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (16.300-16.309) Investigates all violation of Federal laws with the exception of those which have been assigned by legislative enactment or otherwise to some other Federal agency. The FBI's jurisdiction includes a wide range of responsibilities in the criminal, civil, and security fields. Among these are espionage, sabotage, and other domestic security matters; kidnapping; extortion; bank robbery; interstate transportation of stolen property; civil rights matters; interstate gambling violations; fraud against the Government; and assault or killing the President or a Federal officer. Cooperative services of the FBI for other duly authorized law enforcement agencies include fingerprint identification, laboratory services, police training, the National Crime Information Center. Uniform crime reports, and National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) (16.400)

Administers the immigration and naturalization laws relating to the admission, exclusion, deportation, and naturalization of aliens. Specifically, the Service inspects aliens to determine their admissibility into the United States; adjudicates requests of aliens for benefits under the law; guards against illegal entry into the United States; investigates, apprehends, and removes aliens in this country in violation of the law, and examines alien applicants wishing to become citizens. Through offices in the United States and in other areas around the world, the Service provides information and counsel to those seeking U.S. citizenship. Through numerous enforcement activities, such as the Border Patrol, the Service protects the national security of the United States and the welfare of those legally residing here. In addition to citizenship and immediately related matters, the Service, in cooperation with other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, works to stem the inflow of illegal drugs.

Violence Against Women Office (16.524-16.529,16.587-16.590)

The mission is to restructure and strengthen the criminal justice system's response to crimes of violence committed against women, in particular, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and enhance the services available to victims of such violence through the award of formula and discretionary grants to States, units of local government, Indian tribal governments, and other public and private entities in rural States.

Office of Justice Programs (OJP)

Provides policy coordination and general management authority over the Office

of Justice Programs, which includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. While each OJP Bureau and Office retains independent authority in awarding funds to carry out its programs, together these components function as a single agency whose goal is to promote innovative programs and to foster improvements in the Nation's criminal and juvenile justice systems.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) (16.523, 16.540-16.549, 16.726-16.733)

Federal leadership in responding to the problems confronting the Nation's juvenile justice system is vested in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Established in 1974 by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. OJJDP is the Federal agency responsible for providing a comprehensive, coordinated approach to preventing and controlling juvenile crime and improving the juvenile justice system. OJJDP administers State Formula grants, State Challenge Grants, and the Title V Community Prevention Grants in States and territories; funds gang and mentoring programs under Parts D and G of the Act; funds numerous projects through its Special Emphasis Discretionary Grant Program and its National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; and coordinates Federal activities related to juvenile

justice and delinquency prevention. OJJDP also serves as the staff agency for the Coordinating Council on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, coordinates the concentration of the Federal Efforts Program, and administers both the Title IV Missing and Exploited Children's Program and programs under the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) (16.550-16.555)

The primary source for justice statistics in the United States. BJS collects analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. BJS maintains more than two dozen major data collection series and publishes a wide variety of reports annually which receive nationwide distribution. Core statistical efforts include annual data on criminal victimization, populations under correctional supervision, federal criminal offenders, federal case processing, and criminal Justice expenditures and employment. Periodic data series are undertaken to provide statistical information on felony convictions, state court case processing, the composition and characteristics of correctional populations, prosecutorial practices and policies, and the administration of law enforcement agencies and correctional facilities. BJS conducts special studies and analyses on policy relevant issues and emerging areas in interest. In addition, BJS provides financial and technical support to State and local governments in developing capabilities in criminal justice statistics and improving their criminal history records and information systems.

National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (16.560-16.566)

Supports basic and applied research into criminal justice issues. Innovative approaches to controlling criminal behavior and improving law enforcement and criminal justice are tested and evaluated. Research results are disseminated through a wide variety of mechanisms including the quarterly "NIJ Reports" and a Research in Brief series designed for policy makers and criminal justice professionals. The Institute maintains a national and international clearinghouse on criminal justice issues. Its services are available to policymakers, criminal justice professionals, and the general public.

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) (16.571, 16.577-16.580, 16.592, 16.597-16.599, 16.609-16.616)

Administers programs designed to assist State and local governments with drug, crime, and violence control and prevention efforts, as well as criminal justice system improvements. The Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law enforcement Assistance Program, which was established by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, provides assistance to States to subgrant funds to locals in 26 broad purpose areas, as well as limited discretionary grant funds. The Public Safety Officers' Benefits Programs, the Regional Information Sharing Systems, the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, and the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program are also part of BJA's portfolio. Through its programs, BJA serves as a partner with State and local criminal justice systems. Program innovations of State and locals from across the country are tested, translated into

implementation strategies, and demonstrated. Training and technical assistance on program development, implementation, evaluation, and site specific problems are available to State and local agencies. Currently, BJA is providing broad assistance in the areas of community justice and strategic planning.

Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) (16.575-16.576, 16.582-16.583) The mission is to enhance the Nation's capacity to assist crime victims and to provide leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all victims of crime. OVC works with national, international, State, military, and tribal victim assistance and criminal justice agencies, as well as other professional organizations, to promote fundamental rights and comprehensive services for crime victims. OVC improves the criminal justice system response to victims of crime, including Native American crime victims, through the delivery of direct service and funding, training and technical assistance, and through monitoring the implementation of statutes providing victims rights and assistance.

Drug Court Program Office (DCPO) (16.585)

The mission is to improve public safety and reduce criminal recidivism through the support of drug court programs that intensively supervise drug treatment of drug addicted, non-violent offenders.

Corrections Program Office (CPO) (16.586, 16.593-16.594, 16.596)

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