Arts awards more than $100 million annually investing in every state which in turn generates more than $700 million in additional support. The Arts Endowment has played a transformative and sustaining role in the development of regional theater, opera, dance, orchestras, museums, and other arts both contemporary and traditional that Americans now enjoy. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES (NEH) (45.129 45.167) Promotes and supports the production and dissemination of knowledge in the humanities. The term "humanities" includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences that employ historical or philosophical approaches. The Endowment makes grants to individuals, groups, or institutions (schools, colleges, universities, museums, public television stations, libraries, public agencies, and nonprofit private groups) to increase understanding and appreciation of the humanities. and the victims of floods or other catastrophes, or certain types of economic injury; and licenses, regulates, and makes loans to small business investment companies. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Veterans Health Administration (64.005-64.024) Provides hospital, nursing home and domiciliary care, and outpatient medical and Veterans Benefits Administration (64.100-64.129) Conducts an integrated program of veterans benefits: The Compensation and FEDERAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES (45.201) INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES (45.301-45.313) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB) (46.001) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF) (47.041-47.080) RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD (57.001) Administers comprehensive retirement-survivor and unemployment-sickness SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) (58.001) SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (SBA) (59.002-59.046, 59.049- Aids, counsels, assists, and protects the interests of small business; ensures that small business concerns receive a fair proportion of Government purchases, contracts, and subcontracts, as well as of the sales of Government property; makes loans to small business concerns, State and local development companies, 1805; automobile allowances and special adaptive equipment; claims for specially readjustment education benefits for post-Vietnam era veterans and recently- Administers the National Cemetery Administration, which provides cemeterial emergency response programs. The functions of these programs include ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Air and Radiation (66.001-66.034, 66.651) Develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for air pollution control; establishes national standards for ambient air quality, and emission standards for stationary sources: mobile sources and fuels; monitors acid deposition; environmental radiation, and other pollutants; provides technical, training, and financial support to states, tribes, and local governments. Also, develops national partnership programs and policies to address climate change and indoor pollution, and demonstrates new low emission vehicle technology. Office of Water (66.418-66.473, 66.474-66.476) Develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for water pollution control and water supply; ground water protection; marine and estuarine protection; enforcement of standards; water quality standards and effluent guidelines development; technical direction, support, and evaluation of regional water activities; development of programs for technical assistance and technology transfer; and provision of training in the field of water quality. Office of Research and Development (66.500) The Office of Research and Development is responsible for a national research program in pursuit of technological controls of all forms of pollution. It directly supervises the research activities of EPA's national laboratories and gives technical policy direction to those laboratories that support the program responsibilities of EPA's regional offices. Close coordination of the various research programs is designed to yield a synthesis of knowledge from the biological, physical, and social sciences that can be interpreted in terms of total human and environmental needs. General functions include management of selected demonstration programs, planning for Agency environmental quality monitoring programs, coordination of Agency monitoring efforts with those of other Federal agencies, the States, and other public bodies, and dissemination of Agency research, development, and demonstration results. Office of Administration (66.600, 66.605-66.608) useful energy from solid waste; and provision of technical assistance in the development, management, and operation of waste management activities. Office of Environmental Education (66.950-66.951) Establishes, maintains, and disseminates a clearinghouse of information about available and planned multimedia environmental education products; identifies gaps in existing environmental education materials and works in collaboration with academia, other agencies, private industry and public interest groups to fill these gaps with quality products; establishes an Environmental Education and Training Grants Program through a grant awarded to a consortium of universities to support the training of education professionals in reaching environmental issues; establishes an Environmental Education Grants Program to support the design, demonstration and dissemination of environmental education materials, practice or techniques; provides for environmental internships through postsecondary level studies with agencies of the Federal government; establishes a National Environmental Education Advisory Council to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Administrator on matters relating to environmental education activities, functions, and policies of the Agency; establishes an Environmental Education Foundation; establishes the EPA as the key source for Federal, National and international communication and cooperation in environmental education activities; and coordinates and tracks EPA environmental efforts. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART (NGA) (68.001) The National Gallery's collections embrace every major school of western European art from the 13th century to the present and of American art from colonial days to the present. A professor-in-residence position is filled annually by a distinguished scholar in the field of art history; graduate and postgraduate research is conducted under a fellowship program; programs for children and the general public are conducted daily; and Extension Programs produces and distributes education resources for loan throughout the world; audiovisual materials include films, slide teaching programs, videocassettes, videodiscs, and CD-ROMS. OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION (OPIC) (70.002 Provides for support grants as an alternative grant delivery mechanism to allow a 70.003) Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (66.604, 66.700- Develops national strategies for the control of toxic substances; directing the pesticides and toxic substances enforcement activities; developing criteria for assessing chemical substances, standards for test protocols for chemicals, rules and procedures for industry reporting and regulations for the control of substances deemed to be hazardous to man or the environment; and evaluating and assessing the impact of existing chemicals, new chemicals, and chemicals with new uses to determine the hazard and, if needed, develop appropriate restrictions. Additional activities include control and regulation of pesticides and reduction in their use to ensure human safety and protection of environmental quality; establishment of tolerance levels for pesticides that occur in or on food; monitoring of pesticide residue levels in food, humans, and nontarget fish and wildlife and their environments; and investigation of pesticide accidents. It also coordinates activities under its statutory responsibilities with other agencies for assessment and control of toxic substances and pesticides. Office of Environmental Justice (66.604, 66.710, 66.714) Provides support for community-based projects, programs, and activities that Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (66.801-66.812) Offers United States investors assistance in finding investment opportunities, insurance, and loans and loan guaranties to help finance their projects in developing countries. It encourages investment projects that will help the social and economic development of these countries. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION (CFTC) (78.004) Promotes healthy economic growth, protects the rights of customers, and ensures fairness and integrity in the marketplace through regulation of futures trading. To this end it also engages in the analysis of economic issues affected by or affecting futures trading. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of the Secretary (ED) (84.002-84.354, 84.357-84.569) The Secretary of Education advises the President on education plans, policies, and programs of the Federal government. The Secretary directs Department staff in carrying out the approved programs and activities of the Department and promotes general public understanding of the Department's goals, programs, and objectives. The Secretary also carries out certain Federal responsibilities for four federally aided corporations: The American Printing House of the Blind, Gallaudet University, Howard University, and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs Administers programs designed to fund activities that assist students with limited English proficiency and minority languages populations by providing support for programs, activities, and management initiatives meeting the special educational needs of those populations. Office of Educational Research and Improvement Provides national leadership in expanding fundamental knowledge and improving education. The Office is responsible for conducting and supporting educationrelated research activities; monitoring the state of education through the collection and analysis of statistical data; promoting the use and application of research and development to improve instructional practices in the classroom; and disseminating these findings to States and local education entities. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education The Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education formulates policy for, directs, and coordinates the activities relating to preschool, elementary, and secondary education. Included are programs of grants to State educational agencies and local school districts, postsecondary schools, and nonprofit organizations for State and local reform, compensatory, migrant, and Indian education; drug-free schools; other school improvement programs; and impact aid. Office of Postsecondary Education The Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education formulates policy, directs, Provides leadership to ensure that people with disabilities have services, resources, Office of Student Financial Assistance The Office is headed by the Department's Chief Operating Officer and is the HARRY S TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION (85.001) Awards college scholarships of up to $5 thousand annually for 4 years to persons who demonstrate outstanding potential for and who are preparing to pursue a career in public service. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION (85.100) Established by Congress in 1992 to award fellowships to encourage and support research, study, and labor designed to produce new discoveries in all fields of endeavor for the benefit of mankind. BARRY GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP AND EXCELLENCE IN Established in 1983 to honor former Senator Barry Goldwater through the THE WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR Established by Congress in 1968 to honor the legacy and ideals of Woodrow THE MORRIS K. UDALL SCHOLARSHIP AND EXCELLENCE IN JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION (85.500) PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORPORATION (PBGC) (86.001) The Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education administers programs Regional Offices Each regional office serves as a center for the dissemination of information and provides technical assistance to State and local educational agencies and other institutions and individuals interested in Federal education activities. At present, offices are located in 10 cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Seattle. 1980 (29 U.S.C. 1001) revised the law applicable to multi-employer pension plans by changing the insurable event from plan termination to plan insolvency. In accordance with the Act, the Corporation provides financial assistance to plans that are unable to pay basic benefits. The plans are obligated to repay such assistance. The act also made employers withdrawing from a plan liable to the plan for a portion of its unfunded vested benefits. Premium Collections: All defined benefit pension plans covered by Title IV of Employee Retirement Income Security Act are required to pay premiums under prescribed rates to the Corporation. ARCHITECTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION BARRIERS COMPLIANCE Ensures compliance to Federal laws requiring accessibility for physically NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) (89.001-89.003) Establishes policies and procedures for managing the records of the United States Government. NARA assists Federal agencies in adequately documenting their activities, administering their records management programs, scheduling their records, and retiring their noncurrent records to Federal Records Centers. The mission of the National Archives and Records Administration is to ensure, for the Citizen and the public servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence. Managing the Presidential Libraries system, assisting the National Historical Publications and Records Commission in its grant program for State and local records and edited publications of prominent Americans, and publishing the laws, regulations, Presidential, and other public documents are also key functions of the National Archives and Records Administration. DENALI COMMISSION (90.100) Created by Congress in 1998, the Denali Commission is the Federal government and the State of Alaska working together to assist the most remote of American citizens to help themselves move closer to economic self-sufficiency, while preserving ancient cultural values and new opportunities to people living in American's last frontier. With the creation of the Denali Commission, Congress ¿ establish a program to provide funds to States to replace punch card voting systems, to establish the Election Assistance Commission to assist in the administration of Federal elections and to otherwise provide assistance with the administration of certain Federal election laws and programs, to establish minimum election administration standards for States and units of local government with responsibility for the administration of Federal elections, and for other purposes. Excerpt from The Help America Vote Act of 2002 The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) requires the Election Assistance Generate technical guidance on the administration of federal elections. Research and report on matters that affect the administration of federal Otherwise provide information and guidance with respect to laws, procedures, and Manage funds targeted to certain programs designed to encourage youth Develop a national program for the testing, certification, and decertification of Maintain the national mail voter registration form that was developed in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), report to Congress every two years on the impact of the NVRA on the administration of federal elections, and provide information to States on their responsibilities under that law. acknowledged the need for increased inter-agency cooperation and focus on these Audit persons who received federal funds authorized by HAVA from the General remote communities. This Federal-State partnership is intended to promote rural development, provide power generation and transmission facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems and other infrastructure needs. ELECTIONS ASSISTANCE COMMISSION U.S. Election Assistance Commission (90.400) About the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. The U.S. Election Assistance Information Related to the Election Assistance Commission The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) was established by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). Central to its role, the Commission serves as a national clearinghouse and resource for information and review of procedures with respect to the administration of Federal elections. According to the text of HAVA, the law was enacted to, AIS-16 Services Administration or the Election Assistance Commission. UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE (91.001-91.002) The United States Institute of Peace was established as an independent, Federal, 09-06 as U.S.-Soviet summitry and a National Peace Essay Contest for high school students. The in-house Research and Studies is completing a broad, systematic examination of peace and conflict management theories and features workshops and seminars. Institute publications include biennial report to Congress and the President; a newsletter, The Untied States Institute of Peace Journal; and short issue papers, in brief. For more information please visit the Institute's web sit at DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES The Secretary of Health and Human Services (OS)(93.001-93.995) The Secretary of HHS advises the President on health, welfare, and income security plans, policies, and programs of the Federal government. The Secretary administers these functions through the Office of the Secretary and the Department's 11 operating divisions, including a budget of $460 billion and a workforce of 65,000 employees. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Provides services and assistance for 60 programs to needy children and families, administers the new State-Federal welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, administers the national child support enforcement system, and the Head Start program, provides funds to assist low-income families in paying for child care, and supports State programs to provide for foster care and adoption assistance. Administration on Aging (AOA) Supports a nationwide aging network, providing services to the elderly, especially to enable them to remain independent. AOA supports some 240 million meals for the elderly each year, including home-delivered "meals on wheels," helps provide transportation and at-home services, supports ombudsman services for elderly, and provides policy leadership on aging issues. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Supports cross-cutting research on health care systems, health care quality and cost issues, and effectiveness of medical treatments. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Works with States and other Federal agencies to prevent exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites. The agency conducts public health assessments, health studies, surveillance activities, and health education training in communities around waste sites on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Priorities List. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Provides a system of health surveillance to monitor and prevent the outbreak of diseases. With the assistance of States and other partners, CDC guards against international disease transmission, maintains national health statistics and Supports a network of 37 hospitals, 60 health centers, 3 school health centers, 46 health stations and 34 urban Indian health centers to provide services to nearly 1.5 million American Indians and Alaska Natives of 557 federally recognized tribes. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Works with 17 separate institutes, serves as the world's premier medical research organization, supporting some 35,000 research projects nationwide in diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, arthritis, heart ailments and AIDS. Program Support Center (PSC) A service-for-fee organization, utilizes a pioneering business enterprise approach to provide government support services throughout HHS as well as other Departments and Federal agencies. Administrative operations, financial management and human resources are solution-and customer-oriented, state-ofthe-art and highly responsive to customer needs. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Works to improve the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services. CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (CNCS) (94.002-94.016) The Corporation for National Service is a federal agency working in partnership with state and local governments and non-profit organizations. The Corporation administers the AmeriCorps national service program, which includes national and state grant programs, AmeriCorps* VIST A and the AmeriCorps*National Civilian Community Corps; the National Senior Service Corps (Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program); and the Learn and Serve America service-learning program. The Corporation's mission is to engage Americans of all backgrounds in communitybased service. This service addresses the nation's education, public safety, human and environmental needs to achieve direct and demonstrable results. In doing so, the Corporation fosters civic responsibility, encourages community teamwork, and provides educational opportunity for those who make a substantial commitment to service. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (SSA) (96.001-96.020) On March 31, 1995, the Social Security Administration (SSA) became an independent agency. SSA administers a national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers, and the self-employed pay contributions which are pooled in special trust funds. When earnings cease or are reduced because the worker retires, dies, or becomes disabled, monthly cash benefits are paid to provides for immunization services, and supports research into disease and injury replace part of the earnings the family has lost. Part of the workers contribution prevention. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Assures the safety of foods and cosmetics, and the safety and efficacy of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) formerly the Health Administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs, that provide health care to America's aged and indigenous populations. About one in every four Americans, including nearly 18 million children and nursing homes for low-income elderly persons are covered. CMS also administers the new Children's Health Insurance Program through approved State plans that cover more than 2.2 million children. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Helps provide health resources for medically underserved populations. HRSA Supports a nationwide network of 643 community and migrant health centers, and 144 primary care programs for the homeless and residents of public housing, serving 8.1 million Americans each year. HRSA also works to build the health care workforce and maintains the National Health Service Corps oversees, the Nation's organ transplantation system, works to decrease infant mortality and improve child health, and provides services to people with AIDS through the Ryan White CARE Act programs. Indian Health Services (IHS) goes into a separate hospital insurance trust fund. This fund helps disabled workers, retirees, and their dependents with their hospital bills. They may also elect to receive assistance with medical expenses. This is done by the workers paying a percentage of supplementary medical insurance premiums. The Federal government pays the balance. Together, these two programs are often referred to as "Medicare." Medicare protection is also provided, under certain conditions, to Railroad Retirement beneficiaries based on a disability. The principal functions of SSA include, but are not limited to; research and recommendations oriented to the problems of poverty; health care for the aged, blind, and disabled; long-range planning, design, and development of SSA administrative plans; data processing systems used in establishing and maintaining records essential to its' various programs; statistical measurement and systematic evaluation of its' programs; policy guidance for the administration of the OASDI and SSI programs; and development of programs and materials to assure that Congress, Federal and State agencies, and the general public have an adequate understanding of the protections, rights, and responsibilities under SSA administered programs. In addition, SSA, through a world-wide organization of ten regional offices, six program service centers, and over 1,300 field offices, guides and directs all aspects of the cash benefit program operations of SSA DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) (97.001-97.059) On January 23, 2002, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created through the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The Act provides grants award authority for DHS to award grants, cooperative agreements and other assistance |