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Revenues, martial law affects, L. I. 10,

Rights, and duties of neutral powers and
persons in case of war on land, conven-
tion concerning, H.C. 1907. V. 135,
230; ratified (note), 240; and duties of
neutral powers in naval war, conven-
tion concerning the, H.C. 1907. XIII.
136, 317; ratified (note), 331; and du-
ties of neutrals, vou concerning, H.C.
1899. 20


uncommissioned, non-uni-
formed, squads engaged in intermit-
tent warfare shall be treated as pirates
and, L. IV. 82, 364

Robbing or mutilation of the dead is for-
bidden, O.M. II. 18, 392
Roumania, reservation to H.C. 1899. I.
90; to H.C. 1907. I. 340

Ruses de guerre. See Deception, Ruses
of war, and Stratagem
Ruses of war allowed, H.C. 1899. II. a.
24, 60; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 24, 220
Russia, reservation to H.C. 1907. IV.
344; to H.C. 1907. VI. 344
Russia, secretary of state to U.S. repre-
sentatives, expressing pleasure at gen-
eral willingness to hold second con-
ference, with exception of Japan and
(1904), 97
Russian ambassador, secretary of state
to, acknowledging note of Russia of-
fering to call second conference (1905),


secretary of state to, objects to
date proposed, because of conflict with
Rio de Janeiro conference (1906), 101;
to secretary of state, gives list of res-
ervations to programme proposed by
powers (1907), 108; regarding ad-
hesion of states not present at first
conference (1906), 106; suggests pro-
gramme (1906), 103; circular proposing
conference regarding limitation of
armaments (1898), 1; programme of
first conference (1898), 3

Safe-conduct, by whom given, L.V. 86,
87. 365; refusal of is not an inter-
national affront, L.V. 87, 365;
when ambassadors may receive, L. V.

St. Petersburg, declaration of (explo-
sive bullets), 381

Salary of neutralized person, G.C. 1868.
Ad. II. 378; O.M. II. 15, 391
Salvador, reservation to H.C. 1907. II.
343; reservation to H.C. 1907. XII
Sanitary formations and establishments
and personnel, only shall use red cross

or Geneva cross, either in peace of
war, G.C. 1906. 23, 407; shall be
protected and respected by beig
erents, G.C. 1906. 6, 404: arms taken
from wounded, if found in sanitary
formations do not cause them
forfeit protection, G.C. 1906. 8, 405:
may be protected by armed detach-
ment or sentinels, G.C. 1906. 8, 405.
personnel may be armed for self-
defense or defense of sick and wounded,
H.C. 1906. 8, 405; protection ceases
if they are used to injure enemy,
G.C. 1906. 7, 404; and volunteer aid
societies continue operations after
falling into power of enemy, personnel
of, G.C. 1906, 12, 405; convoys of evac-
uation shall, with certain exceptions,
be treated as mobile, G.C. 1906. 17,
406; enemy may use and return
material of mobile, G.C. 1906. 14.
406; in hands of enemy fly only red
cross flag, G.C. 1906. 21, 407; neutral,
G.C. 1906. 22, 407; shall retain
matériel, mobile, G.C. 1906. 14.
406; may not be used for other
purposes unless sick and wounded
are first taken care of, matériel and
buildings of fixed, G.C. 1905. 15, 406;
must fly red cross and national flags,
G.C. 1906. 21, 407; must fly red cross
and national flags of belligerent to whom
attached, G.C. 1906. 22, 407; service
of armies, red cross is emblem of,
G.C. 1906. 18, 407

Scientific establishments, shall be treated

as private property, property of;
it shall not be seized, destroyed, or
damaged, D.B. VIII. 383: O.M.
II. 53, 396; H.C. 1899. II. a. 56,
69; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 56, 229; should
be designated during bombardment,
D.B. XVII. 384; O.M. II. 34, 393;
H.C. 1899. II. a. 27, 61; H.C. 1907.
IV. a. 27, 220; H.C. 1907. LX. 5,
263; should be protected during bom-
bardment, D.B. XVII. 384; O.M. II.
33, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a. 27, 61; H.C.
1907. IV. a. 27, 220; H.C. 1907. IX.
5, 262
Scientific instruments and works of art
must be protected, L. II. 35, 356
Scientific purposes, vessels are exempt
from capture if devoted to, H.C. 1907.
XI. 4, 283: war ships are exempt
from 24-hour rule if devoted to, H.C.
1907. XIII. 14, 323

Scouts, L. IV. 83, 365
Secret communication with the enemy
is treasonable, L. V. 98, 307

Secretary of state, Netherlands minister
to, making final arrangements for
newly invited states to adhere to H.C.
1899. I. (1907), 110; Russian ambassa-
dor to, gives list of reservations from
programme proposed by powers (1907),
108; regarding adhesion of states not
present at first conference (1906),
107; suggests programme (1906), 103;
to Russian ambassador, acknowledg-
ing note of Russia offering to call
second conference (1905), 99; objects
to date proposed, because of conflict
with Rio de Janeiro conference (1906),
101; to United States representatives
expressing pleasure at general will-
ingness to hold second conference
with exception of Japan and Russia
(1904), 97; to United States rep-
resentatives to ascertain feeling of
foreign powers regarding second con-
ference (1904), 93

Sentinels, when they must not be fired
upon, L. III. 69, 362

Servia, reservation to H.C. 1899. I. 91
Services, demanded of inhabitants of
occupied territory must be by authority
of commander, H.C. 1899. II. a. 52,
68; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 52, 228
Sex does not alter rule regarding spy,
war rebel, or war traitor, L.V. 102, 367.
Siam, reservation to H.C. 1907. VIII.
345; to H.C. 1907. XII. 347; to
H.C. 1907. XIII. 348

Sick and wounded, belligerents may
appeal to neutral merchant ships and
yachts to take, H.C. 1907. X. 9 (n),
272; belligerents may demand that
hospital ships, private yachts, etc.,
hand over, H.C. 1907. X. 12 (n),
273; belligerents shall send to each
other marks of identification of dead
and description of, H.C. 1907. X.
17 (n), 275; brought through neutral
territory must be prevented by neutral
from taking part in hostilities again,
H.C. 1899. II. a. 59, 71; H.C. 1907.
V. 14, 234; contracting powers will
enact criminal legislation to prevent
misuse of special marks and badges,
and pillage of G.C. 1906. 28, 408;
H.C. 1907. X. 21 (n), 276; each
belligerent shall keep the other ad-
vised of changes in dead, G.C.
1907. 4, 404; each belligerent shall
send to the other a list of, G.C.
1906. 4, 404; Geneva Convention
covers, D.B. XXXV. 387; H.C. 1899.
II. a. 21, 59; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 21,
218; in hands of enemy are pris-

oners of war, G.C. 1906. 2, 403; in
neutral territory, G.C. 1864 applies
to, O.M. II. 82, 399; inhabitants
shall have special immunities if they
care for, G.C. 1906. 5, 404; in-
terned in neutral territory, Geneva
convention applies to, D.B. LVI.
389; H.C. 1899. II. a. 60, 71; H.C.
1907. V. 15, 235; left in hands of
enemy shall be accompanied by sani-
tary service, G.C. 1906. I, 403; may
be carried across territory of neutral
by its authorization, D.B. LV. 389;
H.C. 1899. II. a. 59, 70; H.C. 1907.
V. 14, 234; may be mutually restored
after engagement, G.C. 1906. 2, 404;
may be returned to their country,
G.C. 1906. 2, 404; may be sent to
neutral to be interned, G.C. 1906. 2,
404; merchant vessel is protected
by neutrality in removing, G.C. 1868.
Ad. X. 379; not prisoners of war, may
pass through neutral territory, evacua-
tions of, O.M. II. 83, 399; of armies
in the field, convention for the ameli-
oration of the condition of the, G.C.
1864, 376; G.C. 1868. Ad. 378; G.C.
1906. 402; of whatever nationality
shall be cared for, G.C. 1864. VI.
377; O.M. II. 10, 391; H.C. 1899.
III. 8, 76; G.C. 1906. I, 403; H.C.
1907. X. 11, 273; on the field shall be
protected by captor, after battle,
G.C. 1906. 3, 404; shipwrecked, bellig-
erents after engagement see to ex-
amination of dead, take care of and
prevent ill treatment of, H.C. 1907.
X. 16 (n), 275; cared for by neutral
shall be paid for by their home country,
H.C. 1907. X. 15 (n), 274; landed
at neutral port must be prevented
from taking part in hostilities again,
H.C. 1907. X. 15 (n), 274; neutral
merchant ships and yachts committing
no violation of neutrality, will not be
captured for saving, H.C. 1899. III.
6, 76; H.C. 1907. X. 9⋅(n), 272;
of one belligerent are prisoners of war
in hands of other, H.C. 1899. III.
9, 77; H.C. 1907. X. 14, 274; places
are neutral where are gathered, O.M.
II. 36, 394; prisoners of war, disposal
of, H.C. 1899. III. 9, 77; H.C.
1907. X. 14, 274; sailors of whatever
nationality shall be protected by cap-
tors, G.C. 1868. Ad. XI. 380; spe-
cial agreement may be entered into
concerning, H.C. 1906. 2, 404; taken
on board neutral war ship must not
take part in war again, H.C. 1907.

X. 13 (n), 274; while in power of
enemy shall receive same pay as enemy's
corps, personnel for treatment of, G.C.
1906. 13, 406

Sick wards, are not protected if used for
injuring the enemy, H.C. 1907. X.
8 (n), 271; may be used for other
purposes if necessity requires it, and
sick and wounded are cared for, H.C.
1907. X. 7 (n), 271; on board shall
be protected in fight, H.C. 1907. X.
7 (n), 271
Signatures, table of H.C. 1899. 86;
H.C. 1907. 336

Slaves, escaping from their country are
free, L. II. 42, 358; escaping from
hostile country to U.S. can not
be returned as slaves, L. II. 43, 358
Soldiers are not individually responsible
for warlike acts, L. III. 57, 361; must
wear distinguishing mark, L. III.
64, 361; shall be returned to their
country, incapacitated, G.C. 1864.
VI. 377; O.M. II. II, 391
Special mediation. See Mediation and
good offices

Special order, conclusion of martial law

by, L. I. 2, 350

Spies, aeronauts are not, O.M. II. 23,
392; are not prisoners of war, O.M.
22, 392; bearers of flags of truce
obtaining military knowledge may be
considered, L. VI. 114, 369; couriers
are not, O.M. II. 23, 392; defined,
L. V. 88, 366; D.B. XIX. 385; O.M.
II. 23, 392; H.C. 1899. II. a. 29, 61;
H.C. 1907. IV. a. 29, 221; exchange
of, L. V. 103, 367; must be convicted
before a tribunal, O.M. II. 24, 392;
must be tried before punishment,
H.C. 1899. II. a. 30, 62; H.C. 1907.
IV. a. 30, 222; messengers are not,
O.M. II. 23, 392; D.B. XXII. 385;
uniformed men seeking information
are not, D.B. XXII. 385; messengers
in balloons are not, D.B. XXII. 385;
punishment of, L. V. 88, 366;
captured after successful espionage
shall not suffer punishment, D.B. XXI.
385; O.M. II. 25, 393; H.C. 1899.
II. a. 31, 62; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 31,
222; scouts if disguised in enemy cos-
tume, shall be treated as, L. IV. 83,
365; sex does not alter rule regarding,
L. V. 102, 367; shall be tried by laws of
capturing army, D.B. XX. 385; treat-
ment of successful, L. V. 104, 367
States invited to second conference, 108
Status of enemy merchant ships at the


outbreak of hostilities, convention rel-

ative to the, H.C. 1907. VI. 136, 240;
not ratified (note), 246

Statute, military jurisdiction by, L. I.
13, 352; executed in U.S. by courts-
martial, L. I. 13, 353
Stratagem is permissible, D.B. XIV.
384. See Ruses of war, Deception
Submarine cables, between neutral and
occupied territory may be destroyed by
occupant if restored and compensation
made, H.C. 1907. IV. a. 54 (n), 228,
contact mines, convention relative to
the laying of automatic submarine,
H.C. 1907. VIII. 136, 252; not ratified
(note), 259; mines can not be laid
unanchored unless harmless after one
hour, H.C. 1907. VIII. 1, 253; mines
must observe same rules as belliger-
ents, neutral powers laying, H.C. 1907.
VIII. 4, 254
Summary arbitration procedure. See
Arbitration procedure, summary
Supplies and loans are not unneutral acts
in all cases, H.C. 1907. V. 18, 236
Support of army, martial law affects,
L. I. 10, 352

Surrendered enemy, it is forbidden to
murder, D.B. XIII. (c), 384; shall
not be killed or injured, O.M. II. 9
(b), 391; H.C. 1899. II. a. 23, 59.
H.C. 1907. IV. a. 23, 219

Sutlers, may be detained only so long as
military necessity demands, O.M. II.
21, 302; must show certificate, D.B.
XXXIV. 386; H.C. 1899. II. a. 13,
55; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 13, 215
Switzerland, reservation to H.C. 1907.
I. 340;
to recommendation No. 1,
H.C. 1907. 348
System, international arbitration. See
Arbitration system, international

Taxes, martial law affects, L. I. 10, 352
Telegraph or telephone cables, public
or private, neutral need not forbid
belligerent to use, H.C. 1907. V. 8, 232
Telegraphs or telephones of private com-
panies may be seized by occupant
but must be restored with compensa-
tion at end of war, H.C. 1899. II. a.
53, 68; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 53, 228
Third conference, recommendation con-
cerning meeting of, H.C. 1907. 139
Time of payment of claim, in arbitra-
tion of contract debts, award shall
determine validity, amount, and, H.C.
1907. II. 2, 195

Torpedoes must become harmless when
they miss their mark, H.C. 1907. VIII.
1, 253

Traitor, punishment of war, L. V. 91,
366; treatment of successful war,
L. V. 104, 367; who is war, L. V. 90,
92, 95, 366
Traitors, exchange of war, L. V. 103,
Transportation, must be restored in
original condition at end of war, means
of, O.M. II. 51, 395; occupant may
take possession of, O.M. II. 51, 395;
H.C. 1899. II. a. 53, 68; H.C. 1907. IV.
a. 53, 228
Treacherous deception, punishment for,
L.V. 101, 367; killing of enemy forbid-
den, D.B. XIII. (b), 384; H.C. 1899.
II. a. 23, 59; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 23,


Treason, L. X. 157, 376

Treasonable, secret communication with
the enemy is, L. V. 98, 367
Treaty of peace, armistice is not neces-
sary during discussion of. If not es-
tablished war continues, L. VIII. 147,
373; martial law concluded by, L. I.
2, 350

Truce, flag of, admission of bearer
during engagement, L. VI. 112, 369;
bearer is inviolable, D.B. XLIII. 387;
O.M. II. 26, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a.
32, 62; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 32, 222;
bearer takes risk of seeking entrance
during engagement, L. VI. 113, 369;
bugler is inviolable, D.B. XLIII. 387;
H.C. 1899. II. a. 32, 62; H.C. 1907.
IV. a. 32, 222; drummer is inviolable,
D.B. XLIII. 387; H.C. 1899. II. a.
32, 62; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 32, 222;
envoy may be detained if he abuses his
mission, D.B. XLIV. 387; O.M. II.
30, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a. 33, 63;
H.C. 1907. IV. a. 33, 223; firing does
not cease upon appearance of, L. VI.
112, 369; flag-bearer is inviolable,
D.B. XLIII. 387; O.M. II. 27, 393;
H.C. 1899. II. a. 32, 62; H.C. 1907.
IV. a. 32, 222; guide is inviolable,
O.M. II. 27, 393; if bearer incites to
treason he forfeits inviolability, D.B.
XLV. 388; O.M. II. 30, 393; H.C.
1899. II. a. 34, 63; H.C. 1907. IV. a.
34, 223; interpreter is inviolable, O.M.
11. 27, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a. 32, 62;
H.C. 1907. IV. a. 32, 222; misuse is
forbidden of, D.B. XIII. (f), 384;
O.M. II. 8 (d), 390; H.C. 1899. II.
a. 23, 60; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 23, 219;
need not always be received, L. VI.
III, 368; D.B. XLIV. 387; O.M. II.
28, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a. 33, 63;
H.C. 1907. IV. a. 33, 223; need not

be received for given period, D.B.
XLIV. 388; recipient may take precau-
tions to prevent abuse of mission,
O.M. II. 29, 393; H.C. 1899. II. a.
33, 63; H.C. 1907. IV. a. 33,
223; trumpeter is inviolable, D.B.
XLIII. 387; O.M. II. 27, 393; H.C.
1899. II. a. 32, 62; H.C. 1907. IV. a.
32, 222; who is bearer of, H.C. 1899.
II. a. 32, 62; H.C. 1899. IV. a. 32,


Turkey, reservation to H.C. 1899. I. 92;
to H.C. 1907. I. 341; to H.C. 1907.
IV. 344; to H.C. 1907. VII. 345; to
H.C. 1907. VIII. 345; to H.C. 1907.
X. 347;
to H.C. 1907. XII. 347; to
H.C. 1907. XIII. 348
Twenty-four hour rule, H.C. 1907. XIII.
12, 13, 14, 16, 322; does not apply to
war ships devoted to religious, scien-
tific, or philanthropic purposes, H.C.
1907. XIII. 14, 323

Tyranny forbidden, O.M. I. 4, 390

Uncommissioned, non-uniformed squads,
engaged in intermittent warfare shall
be treated as pirates and robbers,
L. IV. 82, 364

Unfriendly act, neutral power using rights
secured to it by H.C. 1907. XIII. is
not committing, H.C. 1907. XIII.
26, 327; offer of mediation on the
part of third powers is not an, H.C.
1899. I. 3, 25; H.C. 1907. I. 3 (m),
157; reminding disputants of ex-
istence of arbitration court is not an,
H.C. 1899. I. 27, 34; H.C. 1907. I.
48, 175

Uniform of enemy, it is forbidden to
misuse, D.B. XIII. (f), 384; H.C.
1899. II. a. 23, 60; H.C. 1907. IV.
a. 23, 219

United States, reservation to H.C. 1899.
I. 90; to H.C. 1907. I. 340
Unneutral acts, services in neutral or
civil administration are not, H.C.
1907. V. 18, 236

Uruguay, reservation to H.C. 1907. II.
343; to H.C. 1907. XII. 347

Validity, amount and time of payment
of claim, in arbitration of contract
debts, award shall determine, H.C.
1907. II. 2, 195

Vou, concerning bombardment of towns
by naval forces, H.C. 1899. 21;
judicial arbitration court, H.C. 1907.
138; laws and customs of naval war,
H.C. 1907. 139;
limitation of war
budgets, H.C. 1899. 20; military

charges, H.C. 1907. 139; naval guns
and rifles, H.C. 1899. 20; pacific re-
lations between inhabitants of bellig-
erent and neutral states, H.C. 1907.
139; private property in naval war,
H.C. 1899. 20; revision of Geneva
convention, H.C. 1899. 20; rights
and duties of neutrals, H.C. 1899. 20
Volunteer aid societies, belligerents will

notify to each other names of, G.C.
1907. 10, 405; continue operations
after falling into power of enemy,
personnel of, G.C. 1906. 12, 405;
under military regulations are pro-
tected, personnel of, G.C. 1906. 10,
405; when no longer needed will be
sent back to their army or country,
personnel of, G.C. 1906. 12, 405. See
Aid societies

War, a means, not an end, L. I. 30, 355;
budgets, vou concerning limitation of,
H.C. 1899. 20; conditions of a state
of, O.M. I. 1, 389; convention re-
specting bombardment by naval forces
in time of, H.C. 1907. IX. 136,
259; ratified (note), 266; is not in-
terrupted by mediation, H.C. 1899.
I. 7, 25; H.C. 1907. I. 7, 158; laws of,
apply to militia and volunteer corps
under certain conditions, H.C. 1899.
II. a. 1, 51; H.C. 1907. IV. a. I, 209;
are liable as in criminal law, offenders
against laws of, O.M. III. 84, 399;
armed force must follow laws of,
O.M. I. 3, 390; govern neutral mail
ship except it can not be searched
unless absolutely necessary and then
with great expedition, laws of, H.C.
1907. XI. 2, 283; merchant ship con-
verted into war ship must observe
laws of, H.C. 1907. VII. 5, 248;
rise of inhabitants against occupying
army is a violation of laws of, L. III.
52, 360; to whom they apply, laws
of, D.B. IX. 383; mediation does not
delay preparation for, H.C. 1899. I. 7,
25; H.C. 1907. I. 7, 158; must be
notified to neutral powers, H.C. 1907.
III. 2, 199; must precede hostilities,
declaration of, H.C. 1907. III. 1, 199;
object of, L. I. 29, 355; L. III. 68,
362; naval, convention concerning
the rights and duties of neutral powers
in, H.C. 1907. XIII. 136, 317; rat-
ified (note), 331; naval, convention
relative to certain restrictions with
regard to the exercise of right of
capture in, H.C. 1907. XI. 136, 281;
ratified (note), 288; naval, convention


for the adaptation of the princip
of the Geneva Convention to, HC.
1899. III. 18, 71; H.C. 1907. X.
(r), 136, 267; ratified (note), 281;
naval, vou concerning laws ani
customs of, H.C. 1907. 139; on land.
convention regarding the laws and
customs of, H.C. 1899. II. 18, 45:
H.C. 1907. IV. (r), 135, 203: ratifi
(note), 229; on land, convention r
specting the rights and duties of neutral
powers and persons in case of, H.C.
1907. V. 135, 230; ratified (note
240; on land, laws and customs of,
H.C. 1907. IV. replaces H.C. 189
II., H.C. 1907. IV. 4 (n), 206;
land, laws and usages of, L. II.
40, 357; on land, laws of (Oxfor
Manual), 389; on land, payment of
compensation required for violation
of laws and customs of, H.C. 1907.
IV. 3 (n), 206; on land, regulations
respecting the laws and customs of,
H.C. 1899. II. a. 51; H.C. 1907.
IV. a. 209; on
land, signatory
powers shall issue instructions to
armies in accordance with laws and
customs of, H.C. 1899. II. 1, 48,
H.C. 1907. IV. 1, 205; project of an
international declaration concerning
the laws and customs of, adopted by
the conference of Brussels, 382; rebels-
see Rebels; ship, cf. Merchant ships;
ships, can only take food in neutral
ports to bring them up to peace
standing, belligerent, H.C. 1907. XIII.
19, 324; ships can not use neutral
harbor for increasing armament, crews,
or war material, H.C. 1907. XIII. 18,
324; ships, convention relative to the
conversion of merchant ships into, H.C.
1907. VII. 136, 246; not ratified
(note), 251; ships from repairing more
than necessary for seaworthiness,
neutral powers must prevent bellig-
erent, H.C. 1907. XIII. 17, 324; ships
in harbor of neutral at one time,
belligerent can not have more than
three, H.C. 1907. XIII. 15, 323; ship-
may stay in neutral port longer than
24 hours on account of damage or
stress of weather, belligerent, H.C.
1907. XIII. 14, 322; ships may take coal
in neutral harbor under certain con-
ditions, belligerent, H.C. 1907. XIII. 19.
324; ships not leaving neutral port as
they should, may be interned, belligerent,
H.C. 1907. XIII. 24, 326; ships not pro-
tected by H.C. 1907. VI, enemy mer-
chant ships intended for conversion into,

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