Table 18.-TENURE, VACANCY STATUS, AND CONDITION AND PLUMBING FACILITIES, FOR PLACES OF 25,000 TO 50,000 INHABITANTS: 1960 [Some data based on sample; see text. "U" denotes an unincorporated place] 11 001 10 610 6 386 10 176 31 103 11 562 7 621 515 66 351 296 587 762 7 43 107 35 Table 19.-STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS, FOR PLACES OF 25,000 TO 50,000 INHABITANTS: 1960 [Some data based on sample; median not shown where base is insufficient; see text. "U" denotes an unincorporated place. Plus (+) after number indicates median above that number] SUBJECT ROOMS OR 93 66 69 255 362 ... 10 167 142 96 257 ... 12 Table 20.-Occupancy Characteristics, Year Built, and Heating Equipment, for PlaceS OF 25,000 TO 50,000 INHABITANTS: 1960 [Based on sample; see text. "U" denotes an unincorporated place] 8 433 5 633 4 744 4 346 6 106 3 350 5 280 6 799 1 254 3 860 1 994 2 048 2 975 2 458 227 3 673 2.957 235 2 104 317 1571 926 3747 2 451 1 248 811 2 541 2 838 225 952 Table 21.-FINANCIAL CHARACteristics, Year Moved into Unit, and Duration of VacanCY, FOR PLACES OF 25,000 to 50,000 INHABITANTS: 1960 [Based on sample; see text. "U" denotes an unincorporated place. Median not shown where base is less than 200; plus (+) or minus (−) after number indicates median above or below that number] AVAILABLE THAN 1 MONTH UP TO 4 MONTHS MONTHS OR ... 66 52 ... ... ... 66 : ... 55 ... ... 275 129 36 190 74 16 55 20 94 96 |