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WE have always had the utmost satisfaction in dealing with G. W. Flavell & Bro., 1005 Spring Garden street, Phila., for supporters, stockings, etc.

MENTION this journal and you will receive a free sample of Sozoderma (antiseptic soap) by addressing Hall & Ruckel, 216 Greenwich street, New York, N. Y.

A PROBLEM.-Mr. Daddy-I wish our baby could talk more plainly; Brown's baby is a month younger, and one can understand almost every word it says. I wonder why it is ?"

Mrs. Daddy (offended)-I'm sure I don't know (To the baby). Comesey tooty mommy itte sweety. Does 'oo wicked popper scold 'oo dear ittle wopsy dodkins?" -Puck.

WE have used cases made by the Western Leather Manufacturing Co., 81 Illinois street, Chicago, and were well pleased. It is surprising how cheap they sell them.

FOR recent literature on important new remedies (europhen, trional, etc) send to W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 William street, New York.


CUSTOMER-Got a cure for headache? Yes, 10 grains of capitine. Customer-Put me up 20 grains, then. Druggist-It's two doses you want, eh? Customer-No, one. It's for the two-headed boy at the dime show.-Life.

SEND for fine sample of Marsh-mallow Cream to Diamond Laboratory Co., Naugatuck, Conn.

FOR the ideal "Ladies' Perfect" Syringe send to the Aloe & Penfold Co., Omaha, Neb.

EMPTY hollow suppositories-the ideal method of administering certain remedies-are made by Hall & Ruckel, 218 Greenwich street, New York, N. Y.

TRY Micajah's uterine wafers.

FELLOWS' Syrup is well known the world over.
We always use Weinhagen's reliable thermometers.
ANTIKAMNIA is quite extensively used.


Family Physician-I can assure you, my dear lady, that you have not the least trace of liver complaint. Patient, who longs to go to Carlsbad-But, my dear doctor, can you provide me with it if I want it very badly?-Fliegende Blaetter.

DID you ever notice how idiotic the smile of a pretty girl is-when it is directed towards some one else?

HAYDEN'S Viburnum Compound is an old and standard preparation.

THE Upjohn Pill and Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., make a specialty of fine goods.

FOR acid dyspepsia I have had great success in using Frye's Pancreo-bismuth and Pepsin advertised in THE MEDICAL WORLD. THE MEDICAL WORLD, I am highly pleased with. I find instruction and help in ever number. DR. L. M. HOLMES,

46 Union Park, Boston, Mass.

WHEN you use opium use the purified formsvapnia. Sample. Charles N. Crittenton Co., 115 Fulton street, New York, N. Y.

HUNGRY GUEST-How is this? I ordered a steak and a poached egg. I see the egg, but not the steak" Table Attendant-Dat's all right sah. De steak am under de egg.

FROM THE DIARY OF A QUACK.-Kase 230, Mary An Perkins. Bisnes, wash-woman. Sickness in her bed. Fisik, some blue pils, a soaperifik; aged 52. Ped me one dollar, 1 kuarter bogus. Mind get good kuarter and mak her tek mo fisik.

Kase 231,Tummes. Krinks Bisnes, NIrishman. Lives with Pady molonny whot keeps a dray-Sikness digg in ribs and two blak eys. Fisik, to drink my mixter twice a day of sasiperily, bere and jellop, and fish ile, with asifedity to make it taste fisiky. Rubbed his face with Centaur Liniment. Aged 39 years of age. Drinked the mixter and wouldn't pay me bekase it tasted nasty, but the mixter'll work his innards, I

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HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate has won an enviable position in the estimation of the public.

EVERY physician should send to the Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis., for one of their new and useful desk tools, a ruler, measure and paper cutter combined. They are sent free and postpaid to any physician on application. Liberal samples of Horlick's Malted Milk will be sent also to physicians who wish to give this food a trial in their practice.

It is an excellent preparation for use as a diet in typhoid fever and all wasting diseases, for debilitated conditions and digestive troubles, affording as it does all the elements of nutrition in a concentrated yet very pleasant and easily assimilated form. Ask your druggist to keep it.

WHEN you want the medicinal effects of iodine use Hostelley's Syrup of Hydriodic Acid. When you want to prescribe the hypophosphites, use his Compound Syrup of the Hypophosphites. See his SPECIAL OFFER on back cover page.

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One of the most skilled dentists in New York gives these rules for the care of the teeth:

Use a soft brush and water the temperature of the mouth. Brush the teeth up and down in the morning, before going to bed, and after eating, whether it is three or six times a day. Use a good tooth powder twice a week, not oftener, except in case of sickness. when the acids from a disordered stomach are apt to have an unwholesome effect upon the dentine. Avoid all tooth pastes and dentifrices that foam in the mouth; the lather is a sure sign of soap and soap injures the gums, without in any way cleansing the teeth.

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The very best powder is of precipitated chalk; it is absolutely harmless and will clean the enamel without affecting the gums. Orris root or a little winter-green added gives a pleasant flavor, but in no way improves the chalk. At least a quart of tepid water should be used in rinsing the mouth. A teaspoonful of Listerine in half a glass of water used as a wash and gargle after meals is excellent; it is good for sore or loose gums; it sweetens the mouth, and is a valuable antiseptic, destroying promptly all odors eminating from diseased gums and teeth. Coarse, hard brushes and soapy dentifrices cause the gums to recede, leaving the dentine exposed. Use a quill pick if necessary after eating, but a piece of waxed floss is better. These rules are worth heeding.

Be assured of the genuine Listerine by purchasing an original bottle.


(School Commissioner)-Uf I buy meinselluf dree kegs of beer effery day vat vill I haf at der endt of one year? Scholar-De kegs.-Bulletin of Pharmacy.

FOR fine pills of special formulas aud for effervescing preparations send to William R. Warner & Co., Phila.

WILKES-BARRE, PA., Feb. 24, 1893

I am using Freligh's Tablets with most gratifying results. I deem there is no superior remedy in consumption, and in cases where a good tonic is called for. Class of 1889. E. H. STEVENS, M.D.

R Benzoate sodium. Glycerine......

Liq. tong, sal.....


Aqua, mentha pip..

oz ....1 oz .....8 ozs 2 ozs

M. Sig. Tablespoonful every two to four hours.

HAVE you tried Keith's Tincture of Avena Sativa for the morphine habit? Address B. Keith & Co., 75 William street, New York, N. Y.

FOR Hagee's Cordial of Cod Liver Oil send to Katharmon Chemical Co., St. Louis.

AN ounce of keeping your mouth shut is worth a pound of explanation.-Christmas Puck.

BONES-What am de difference between a display of woven goods and quarantine against yellow fever?

Tambo-One is textile fabrics and the other febrile tactics.-Puck

THE Maltine Manufacturing Co. has sent out a calendar to physicians only, containing excellent portraits of leaders of the profession. We regret to say that one or two of the men whose portraits were thus presented objected to the same, when the Maltine Company immediately ceased sending out the calendars. We think the motives of the Maltine Company were very commendable in wishing to present to the profession really good portraits of the eminent physicians whose faces all the profession like to become familiar with, and we hope that the objection above referred to will be withdrawn.

HIS REASONS.-"Still a bachelor, "Yes." "Necessity or choice?" "Both. my necessity."-Christmas Puck.

Winters?" Her choice,

WE are well acquainted with Dr Charles L. Mitchell, 1016 Cherry street, Phila., and can recommend his medicated gelatin preparations. They are strictly ethical.

DR. W. B. MASK, Flat Creek, La., uses sanmetto in cases of menstrual irregularity with general debility and undeveloped mammaries.

WHY, OF COURSE.-Stivets-The German investigators are experts in bacillus hunting, aren't they?

Whiffet-Well, wouldn't you naturally expect a germ-man to cholera microbe?-North American Practitioner.

HUSBAND-Are you going to Miss Twickenham's tea? Wife-No, I haven't anything to wear. Husband-Why don't you wear the same gown you did at the last tea she gave? Wife-I have too much respect for you. People would say you were running down hill.

As A laxative use Syrup of Figs.

FOR your enciente patients use Aletris Cordial. Sample free if you pay the express. Rio Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.

FOR fine tablet goods address the P. J. Noyes Manufacturing Co., Lancaster, N. H.

AN Irishman, struggling to get on a new pair of boots, exclaimed: "I shall never get 'em on at all till I wear em a day or two."

HIGH World's Fair honors were given to Charles Marchand for his Peroxide of Hydrogen.

FOR fine electrical instruments address McIntosh Battery and Optical Co., 141 Wabash avenue, Chicago. FOR reliable pharmaceutical preparations patronize Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.

SEE the fine "Western Leader" buggy case for only $5.50 offered by Willis H. Davis, Keokuk, Ia.

Ar the County Fair.-"Among other attractive features of this great fair there will be highly amusing horse, donkey and pig races. Competition in these three contests open to citizens of the county only."

No young man ever climbed the ladder of success with a bottle of whiskey in his pocket.

SOLICITOR (to Irish client who has been arrested for horse stealing)-Now tell me the truth; it's no use concealing it if I am to do any good for you. Did any one see you steal the horse? Murphy-Yis, sorr. There was wan man seen me steal the harse an' he's goin' to come into court and swear to it, the low, contimptible blackguard. Solicitor-In that case I'm very much afraid it'll go hard against you. You can't escape with evidence like that. Murphy-But, sorr, look ye here. Oi can bring twinty men an' more that'll swear they didn't see me steal the harse.-PickMe-Up.

IN these hard times you want to get cut rates in sur gical instruments. Send to I. Phillips, 694 Whitehal street, Atlanta, Ga

IF you want to know what is worse in soap than free alkali, write to Bloudeau et Cie, 73 Watts street, New York, N. Y., proprietors of Vinolia Soap.

"Phenosalyl" by addressing Schulze-Berge & Kocehl. FREE sample of the new antiseptic compound 79 Murray street, New York, N. Y.

WHERE there's a pill there's a way.-Sharland's Journal.

We have understood that more than 50,000 physicians are using tablets made by the H. K. Mulford Company, of Philadelphia, with most satisfactory results. This firm received the highest medals at the Columbian Exposition for the superiority of their tablets, triturates, lozenges and hypodermics. If you have not already used Mulford's tablets you should by all means write for one of their latest Columbian price lists and resume of winter remedies.

UNGUENTINE is a good base for ointment. Send for sample to Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N. Y.

YOUR fat patients will do well on Phytoline. Address Walker Pharmacal Co., St. Louis.

FOR your new suit send to E. O. Thompson, 1338 Chestnut street, Phila., Pa.

HER PREFERENCE.-"If I were to commit suicide," said young Mr. Spatts, "I should use prussic acid." "And I," replied the artless maiden, "would select the poison found in ice cream-tyrotoxicon, I think they call it."-Life.

WHEN will doctors learn to make their prescriptions so clear that they cannot be misunderstood? A German paper reports this dialogue:

(Continued on next leaf.)

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Dr. Murrell, of the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, London, states as follows:

"Myrtus Chekan I have tested in fifteen cases of chronic bronchitis, all the patients with one exception being men. The age of the woman was 51; the ages of the men ranged from 36 to 58. They were all bad cases, most of them of many years' duration. Many of them had been attended at the hospital for some considerable time, and almost without exception they had in former years undergone much medical treatment with comparitively little benent. Their occupations exposed them to cold, and wet, and draught, and in some instances they had the additional disadvantage of working in a dusty atmosphere. They complained chiefly of paroxysmal cough, with thick, yellow expectoration, and much shortness of breath on exertion. On physical examination of the chest, emphysema was detected, with or without a little rhonchus of the bases behind. They were, in fact, ordinary cases of winter-cough, The FLUID EXTRACT of Chekan was ordered in two-drachm doses in a little water every four hours, the dose usually being increased at the expiration of a week to half an ounce. The medicine was always taken without difficulty. In all cases the patient obtained some benefit, and in most instances the relief was very marked. There was in a few days a decided improvement in the cough expectoration was from the first easier and soon diminished in quantity, and finally the dyspnoea was less."

Clinical reports from private and hospital practice promptly forwarded upon request, and samples to physicians who will defray expressage.


Detroit, New York, Kansas City, U. S. A.,


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Tonsillitis (Mulford Co.).

Corros. Sublim., 1 grain (colored blue, antiseptic).
Qaininæ Sulphat., 1 grain.

Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1-10 grain.

Kermes Mineral Comp. (Dr. E. Wilson).

These cases are a permanent advertisement for us, as they are constantly being refilled with our standard preparations, which physicians use because they are so reliable, valuable, convenient and elegant-all compressed. We continue this attractive $3.00 offer for a limited period. Send check, money-order or postal note. We deliver it free of postage.


Syrupus Roborans.

Syr. Hypophos. Comp. with Quin. Mangan. and Strych. 1-128 gr.
Strychnine to teaspoonful.

Syrupus Roborans as a Tonic during Convalescence has no equal.
As a nerve stimulant and restorative in wasting and debili-
tating diseases, as a constructive agent in Insomnia, Pneu-
monia, Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Marasmus, Strumous
Diseases and General Debility, this compound has no superior.
SYRUPUS ROBORANS is in perfect solution and will keep
in any climate.

Dr. W. O. ROBERTS says:-In cases convalescing from "La Grippe" Syrupus Roborans has no equal.

Samples sent upon application.

2132 Market Street, Philadelphia.

Peter's Peptic Essence.

A Powerful Digestive Fluid in Palatable Form.

Please note that Essence and Elixir Pepsin contain only Pepsin
while in Peter's Peptic Essence we have all the
digestive Ferments.

It is a Stomachic Tonic, and relieves Indigestion, Flatuleney, and has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting during pregnancy. It is a remedy of great value in Gastralgia, Enteralgia, Cholera Infantum, and intestinal Derangements, especially those of an inflammatory character. For nursing mothers, and teething children it has no superior.

Express Charges at your Expense.
For Sale by all Wholesale Druggists
ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky.


Worn Day and Night with Comfort. No Displacement.


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FIG. 15.

DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING.-Give circumference of abdomen on line of rupture. State if for single or double, right or left. Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of price, or Express C. O. D., charge for returning added.


No. 1005 Spring Garden Street,

Philadelphia, Pa

The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowisage that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power.


rest hangs like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.-FROUDE

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New and Prompt Antidote to Morphine and Opium Poisoning.

Dr. William Moore, of 355 Boulevard, W., New York City, has recently made a discovery which will prove of the greatest value in the science of toxicology. It is nothing less than a complete and rapid antidote for poisoning by opium and its alkaloids, the remedy itself being comparatively harmless. Heretofore one great difficulty in the treatment of morphine poisoning was the danger of poisoning the patient with. the antidote-atropine.

Dr. Moore has found that PERMANGANATE OF POTASSIUM is the long sought ideal antidote to morphine and opium. His theory is that the permanganate, which is ordinarily deoxidized in the stomach by the gastric juices, would, if morphine be present in solution, first attack and oxidize it, thereby rendering it harmless.

Dr. Moore is still pursuing further experiments, and will give a detailed report to the profession.

How far this fact may be available in the treatment of the morphine habit, or whether it will be of any value at all in that field, does not yet appear.

Thus permanganate of potassium has recently assumed a position of great importance among the leading drugs in the matera medica, especially as an emergency drug, it having been demonstrated to be effective in snake bite, phosphorus poisoning and morphine poisoning.

We hope to give further details upon this subject next month.

Preparation for Medical Practice.

In these days of active compitition in all branches of human activity and learning, none but those fairly competent can long hope to

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