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cover page. Commnnicate with them for whatever you want in their line.

HAVE you yet sent for that sample of Sozoderma, the celebrated antiseptic thymoline soap, as invited in our last number? If not, please send request to Hall & Ruckel, 216 Greenwich St., New York, N. Y.

THE Pill of Coca made by W. H. Schieffelin & Co.. New York, is a valuable agent.

TRY the saline tonic, Salitonia, prepared by the Phenique Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.

ONE of the finest laxatives in the world is the Cascara Aromatic of Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit, Mich. Sample free.

WHEN prescribing Hoff's Malt Extract specify "Tarrant."

THE Empire Mfg. Co., Lockport, N. Y., make reliable goods in woven elastic ware.

AVARICE is always poor, but poor by its own fault -Johnson.

GUEST (angrily)-"Say boy, I've been waiting here an hour." Waiter-"That's all right, boss. I've been waiting here five years.-Detroit Free Press.

FOR your weaning mothers use the Mizpah Breast Pump, and for your bottle fed babies the Mizpah Nipple, made by Walter F. Ware, 70 North Third St., Philadelphia.

FOR good surgical instruments and the lowest rates, send to I. Phillips, 694 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.

THE Compound Syrup of the Hypophosphites, of Fellows, is a reliable and standard preparation.


Dr. Felkin, of Edinburg, in recommending his gymnastic method was not aware of the production of a much better and more rapid agent, Pytoline (Walker) in the reduction of superfluous fat. Had he known of its existence he would have prescribed a remedy and a treatment which obesity patients would consider a pleasure to take, rather than one which in a short time becomes very distasteful to them.


A full dose of quinine and antikamnia will promptly relieve any case of la grippe. In the gastric catarrh of drunkards this combination is valuable. Quinia is a poison to the minute organism-sarcina; and antikamnia exerts a soothing quieting effect on the nerve filaments. A full dose of antikamnia and quinia will often arrest a commencing pneumonia of pleuritis. This combination is also useful in the typho malarial fever of the South-particularly for the hyperpyrexia -both quinia and antikamnia, as previously said, being decided fever reducers. The combination of antikamnia with quinia is valuable in the racking headache, with high fever, attendant upon malarial disorders. It is likewise valuable in cases of periodical attacks of headache of nondefined origin; of the so-called 'bilious attacks': of dengue; in neuralgia of the trigemini; in that of ovarian catarrh '; and, in short, in nearly every case where quinine would ordinarily be prescribed.- Vir. Med. Monthly

DAVID SLOWPAY-"I shall bring you those dark trousers to be reseated, Mr. Snip."

Snip (tailor)-“ All right, and if you'll bring the

bill I sent you six months ago, I shall be pleased to receipt that also.

"It ain't no wonder that city folks don't live long," said old Mrs. Jason. "Law me! If I had as many neighbors to look after as folks that lives in cities must have, I'd be dead in less'n a year.

FOR a ready laxative use Syrup of Figs.

PRESENT your wife, son, daughter, husband, brother, sister or friend a copy of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

THE St. Louis Medical Era, in an editorial on syphilis, recommends in the treatment of the disease the Elixir of Six Iodides, made by the Walker-Green Pharmaceutical Co., Kansas City, Mo.

THE wisdom of a large number of French and other eminent European physicians is found in the French Doctors' Book, 1200 Favorite Prescriptions, published by W. Von Berger, 89 Court St., Boston.

As a tonic alterative use Henry's Tri-iodides. Renz & Henry Pharmacal Co., Louisville, Ky.

FOR Dr. Hinkle's Cascara Cathartic Pill address Wm. R. Warner & Co., 1228 Market St., Phila.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-Please send WORLD for one year and oblige. I have been sick for one year with pulmonary trouble, though I am getting very much better through the assistance of God and Freligh's Constituent Tablets. Please ask some of the fraternity a remedy for insomnia to take the place of opium. DR. S. A. SUMBY,

315 F. St., S. W., Washington, D. C.

RUDISCH'S Beef Tontc is a valuable article of diet. Sample free. The Rudisch Co., 317 Greenwich St., New York, N. Y.

HAVE you tried Sanmetto in the treatment of bladder troubles?

DR. O. W. HOLMES, who once made some remarks in reference to a charge that in his writings he drew all his villians from the clerical and legal profession, said: "I am afraid I shall have to square accounts by writing one more story with a physician figuring in it. I have long been looking in vain for such a one to serve as a model. I thought I had found a very excellent villian at one time, but it turned out he was no physician at all, only a-I mean not what we consider a practitioner of medicine. I will venture to propose a sentiment which, as I am not a working physician, need not include the proposer in its eulogy: The medical profession-so full of good people that its own story tellers have to go outside of it to find their villians.

MR. LANKS (the new boarder)-Please help me to another portion of the wild duck. Mrs. Flint."

Mrs. Flint (the landlady)-"I'm sorry Mr. Lanks, but there is a limit to this little game."-Brooklyn Life.

"MONEY talks," but the least little scare will shut it up tight.-Binghamton Republican.


1. Leave your bedroom window open at the top, except in damp weather; the night air is purer than that of the day, despite the alarming fairy tales of our

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3. If you will drink intoxicating liquors, do so only at the time of eatin. This, at least, will mitigate the direct effects of alcohol on the lining of the stomach; for the presence of food causes the gastric juices to flow, and this protects the delicate membrane. To avoid a bad taste in your nouth in the morning show your good taste in what you put in it at night. If the bad taste persists, and is not due to indiscrte eating or drinking, have your heart examined.

4. If you will smoke, give a better price for your cigars and reduce the number. And do not smoke your cigars" to the bitter end," but throw the stumps into the street. The Italian gamins will gather them in to sell to the cheap cigarette makers; so you may some day meet your old flame again under a different guise.

5. In partaking of joints eat only the flesh and fat, cutting out the veins and other vessels. They are useless to the economy, and only give the stomach work that will not be paid for.

6. When, by friction of the surface of the limbs or body, little rolls of solid are produced, they are the flotsam of wrecked tissues, which encumbers the functions of the skin. Get a Turkish bath and throw oft your debris. You will then breath through your whole body.

-Louis Lewis, M.D., in Times and Register.

B. KEITH & Co., 75 Williams St., New York, make a useful line of concentrations. They are always reliable.

FOR hollow suppositories and glycerine suppositories address Hall & Ruckel, 216 Greenwich St., New York. Sample free.

IT is said that the tendons found in the tail of a dog make better sutures than either catgut or kangaroo tendon when properly prepared in sublimate.

HAVE you tried Micajah's Uterine Wafers? Samples for trial free. Micajah & Co., Warren, Pa.

FOR reliable electrical apparatus send to Jerome Kidder Mfg. Co., 820 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

FINE dosimetric granules can be had of the Detroit Metric Granule Co, Detroit, Mich.

THE Vinolia Soaps are indeed fine preparationsveritable luxuries. Sample. Blondeau et Cie, 73 Watts St., New York, N. Y.

FOR fine elastic trusses address G. W. Flavell & Bro., 1005 Spring Garden St., Phila

SAMPLE free of Syrupus Roborans and Peter's Peptic Essence if you will pay express charges. Arthur Peter & Co., Louisville, Ky.

A MAN's idea of economy is to preach it three times a day to his wife.

GUEST-"Landlord, you may bring me a sirloin steak. Let it be fresh and juicy, broiled half through, but not too rare, very tender, and be sure that you use

real fresh butter." Landlord-"Why, if I had such a fine thing as that, sir, I'd eat it myself."-Fliegende Blaetter.

"I CAN only be assister to you,' as the typewriter said to her employer.-Plain Dealer.

A BEAUTIFUL and useful Christmas present would be one of the elegant hollow physician's canes made by W. J. Connor, M. D, Labette City, Kan.

FOR first-class pills and granules address the Upjohn Pill and Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.

PARKE, DAVIS & Co, Detroit, Mich, are known and respected as reliable manufacturing pharmacists and chemists.

NEWFOUNDLAND dogs are to be employed to rescue the persons who fall or throw themselves into the Seine. The dogs are to be housed upon barges anchored in the river. The skill with which these dogs recognize the falling of persons into the water, and the unerring certainty with which they reach the body by the most direct route and seize it at the proper place and swiftly bring it to the barge or shore are matters of marvel to all observers.—American Lancet.


EUREKA SPRINGS, Ark., Nov. 9th, 1893. Dios Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., Gentlemen:-The sample of Sennine you sent me came safely to hand, and I happened to have some cases that visited my office daily for treatment. In two cases of eczema covering the inner side of thigh I applied the Sennine just as I received it from you; that is, full strength, dry, and, I am happy to say, it acted like a charm in both cases. Again I applied Sennine to venereal ulcer and must say that it did all anyone could ask. I look upon Sennine as the antiseptic of all others and shall continue to use it in my practice. W. R. HARDESTY, M.D.

PROF. HARVEY L. BYRD, of Baltimore, writes: "You are at liberty to say that after two years' use of Dr. McArthur's Chemically Pure Syrup of the Hypophosphites in my practice, I am prepared to reiterate with emphasis what I said in a medical journal at that time, viz.: 'I do not hesitate to commend it to the profession as worthy of confidence."

I HAVE used Peacock's Bromides with success. In epileptic fits, especially one case of ten years' standing, in which I exhausted all remedies at my command, it has proven a valuable remedy, always positive and conI cheerfully recommend it to the medical proHORACE C. GEORGE, A.M., M.D.

stant. fession.



We have long been acquainted with the reputation of this fine pharmaceutical preparation. Celerina is a nerve tonic, stimulant and antispasmodic. It is prepared from celery, coca kol, viburnum and aromatics, and is specially indicated in loss of nerve power, nervous headache, neuralgia, brain fag, neurasthenia, alcoholic excess, inebriety, drunkenness, opium habit, paralysis, dysmenorrhea, hysteria, sexual incapacity, spermatorrhea, impotency, and, in fact, in all languid and debilitated conditions of the system arising from excessive expenditure or abuse of the sexual functions, or over-indulgence in alcohol and confirmed drunkenSo far as our experience goes in the use of Celerina, we have found it an excellent and efficient nerve tonic, acting especially upon the organs of generation, giving tone to the nervous system and contin


(Continued on next leaf.)

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Castor Oil as a Lubricant.......... 37
The Great Medical Error of the
Sanitation is True Economv.....

A Common Precaution not Suffi-
ciently Observed...

Antiseptic Ointments for Eruptive

Arsenite of Copper for Typhoid

Proper Out Houses for School Chil-

Malaria Cured by Hydrochlorate
of Phenocoll..

Pilocarpine for Diphtheria......
Treatment of Typhoid Fever....
Antypyretics in Typhoid Fever......
The Chicago Grip.-A New Remedy
in Morphinism.-Replies.........
Thoughts on the Principle of Care
of Malaria......

Milk Sickness....................................................

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Letter to Dr. Waugh. His Reply... 49




Diurnal Enuresis.




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[ocr errors]

To Those Who Read Society Medi-
cal Papers....

The Impending Revolution in
Military Surgery Caused by the
New Infantry Rifle....

How to Administer Chloroform

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Ergot Unsuitable for Obstetric Use 60
Rules Governing the Management
of Labor Cases...


[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]


Class-Room Notes..............................................

Creasote Treatment of Phthsis,
Not Curative..............................
Time Rights a Wrong....

The Spelling of Some Medical

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small]

Immunity From Small-Pox De-
stroyed by Typhoid Fever...


A Form of Obstetric Record.


Administering Chloroform During


Pathology of Influenza...

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The Brooklyn Method of Treating
True Croup......


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[ocr errors]

Treatment of Port Partum Hemor

Kerosine in Alcoholism...

Anesthesia by Cocaine Deprived of
Its Disadvantages...





Dr. Murrell, of the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, London, states as follows: "Myrtus Chekan I have tested in fifteen cases of chronic bronchitis, all the patients with one exception being men. The age of the woman was 51; the ages of the men ranged from 36 to 58. They were all bad cases, most of them of many years' duration. Many of them had been attended at the hospital for some considerable time, and almost without exception they had in former years undergone much medical treatment with comparatively little benefit. Their occupations exposed them to cold, and wet, and draught, and in some instances they had the additional disadvantage of working in a dusty atmosphere. They complained chiefly of paroxysmal cough, with thick, yellow expectoration, and much shortness of breath on exertion. On physical examination of the chest, emphysema was detected, with or without a little rhoncus of the bases behind. They were, in fact, ordinary cases of winter cough. The fluid extract of Chekan was ordered in two-drachm doses in a little water every four hours, the dose being usually increased at the expiration of a week to half an ounce. The medicine was always taken without difficulty. In all cases the patient obtained some benefit, and in most instances the relief was very marked. There was in a few days a decided improvement in the cough, expectoration was from the first easier and soon diminished in quantity, and finally the dyspnoea was less."

Clinical reports from private and hospital practice promptly forwarded upon request, and sampes to physicians who will defray expressage. PARKE, DAVIS & CO.,






"Western Leader."

100 Per Cent. Better

than the old Leader No. 600, No. 900, or any other so I called Leader Medicine Case. Fitted with the Capitain Patent Corners and the Latest Improved Western Comstock Patent One-piece Silver Plated Spring Bottle Holders. These all metal Bottle Holders are removable for cleaning, and the case can be kept absolutely sweet and pure very easily. Covered with a black, morocco grained, oil-filled, solid, water proof leather (cowhide), Hand-Stitched at Edges, with sides, bottom and top cut from one piece, making it dust and water proof. This one-piece cover extends over extra heavy hinges, thus protecting them from wear, and forming double hinges for the case. Has heavy hand-stitched handle with metal piece through it, looped around the rings. Strong nickel lock with key. Corks kept in by metal flanges. Contains 24 1-oz., 24 3 dr. and 4 3 oz. extra heavy, wide mouth, annealed bottles, with first quality of corks, and sundry space 51x4x1). Size of case 10x6x4. Weight, 20 per cent. less than other cases mentioned above. Dealer in all kinds Surgical Instruments and Supplies.


Send for Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Buggy Cases, mailed free.
Fresh Vaccine Virus always on hand, 10 points, $1.00.

WILLIS H. DAVIS, Keokuk, lowa.

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Syrupus Roborans as a Tonic during Convalescence has no equal.
As a nerve stimulant and restorative in wasting and debili-
tating diseases, as a constructive agent in Insomnia, Pneu-
monia, Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Marasmus, Strumous
Diseases and General Debility, this compound has no superior.
SYRUPUS ROBORANS is in perfect solution and will keep
in any climate.

Dr. W. O. ROBERTS says:-In cases convalescing from "La
Grippe" Syrupus Roborans has no equal.
Samples sent upon application.

Peter's Peptic Essence.

A Powerful Digestive Fluid in Palatable Form.

Please note that Essence and Elixir Pepsin contain only Pepsin
while in Peter's Peptic Essence we have all the
digestive Ferments.

It is a Stomachic Tonic, and relieves Indigestion, Flatulency, and has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting during pregnancy. It is a remedy of great value in Gastralgia, Enteralgia, Cholera Infantum, and intestinal Derangements, especially those of an inflammatory character. For nursing mothers, and teething children it has no superior.

For Sale by all Wholesale Druggists

Express Charges at your Expense.
ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky.

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DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING.-Give circumference of abdomen on line of rupture. State if for single or double, right or left. Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of price, or Express C. O. D., charge for returning added.


No. 1005 Spring Garden Street,

Philadelphia, Pa.


The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. rest hangs like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.-FROUDE.

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Making the Care of the Public (Peoples') Health a Public Function.

In an article in The Counselor, Lincoln, Neb., Dr. A. Coleman, of Denver, Col., argues very convincingly in favor of a general nationalizing of the entire range of medical servicepreventive medicine, medical and surgical treatment and providing medical and surgical supplies. When that takes place (as the function of public education is now conducted) we should have a healthy people, a steadily improving race, well educated and liberally paid doctors, the system of medicine exalted into a true science and its practice developed into a fine art. The doctor is not a pioneer in this advocacy, as Maurice J. Burstein, A. M., M.D., 180 Henry Street, New York City, published some years ago in The Doctor's Weekly,

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