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Do not fail to see notice of reduction in price of the venerable Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter, just below contents on page xix. WORLD and Reporter together for 1894 only $3.25; formerly $6. Send order to either office.

As a rule, reprints mentioned in these columns are offered to be sent free, unless a price is stated, upon application to the author, mentioning THE MEDICAL WORLD.

SYSTEM OF DISEASES OF THE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. By Charles H. Burnett, M.D., Vol. II. Complete in two volumes. Price, cloth, $6.00 per J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. This is, as we stated in our notice of the first volume in our last June issue, a complete system by authors eminent in the different specialties. Any one wishing to practice intelligently the treatment of diseases of these regions must have a comprehensive work of this kind.

A THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT AND HEREDITY. By Prof. Henry B. Orr, Ph. D., of Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Cloth, 255 pages, $1.50. Macmillan & Co., New York.

The learned author has given us a work of extended research and profound reasoning which the physicians interested in the science of life will find of exceeding interest and value. The activity of investigation into this subject, of such great importance to us as students of the physical history of the race, has been steadily increasing of late. It is with pleasure that we commend this scholarly work to our readers.

INTERNATIONAL CLINICS Series 3. vol. 3. Price $2.75. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila.

This is a series of the best clinical lectures by emi

nent specialists in the various departments of medicine and surgery. To the physician who is too busy to take a trip to the great medical centers annually, these lectures will serve the purpose of keeping him in line with the progress of the profession.

THE full number of words and terms in the various dictionaries is as follows: Stormonth. 50,000; Worcester, 105,000; Webster (International), 125,000, Century (six volumes, complete), 225,000; Standard, published by Funk & Wagnall's, New York, 280,000.

ALCOHOLISM AND ITS TREATMENT. By J. E. Usher, M.D. Cloth, 151 pages, $1.25. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

This is a thoroughly scientific consideration of this disease and its modern treatment. Any practicing physician of ordinary ability, by following out its plain and easy teachings, can treat his cases at home and thus save the enormous expense to his patients attend. ed upon a "course" on a so-called "institute." The following is an outline of its contents.

Pathological changes in alcoholism, (two chapters); Inherited, Acquired and Infantile forms of alcoholism; Insanity and Alcoholism; Alcoholic trance and crime; Legal relations; Treatment (three chapters); Advertised nostrums (formulas given).

THE FRENCH DOCTORS' BOOK. Published by Wm. Van Bergen, 89 Court St., Boston, Mass. Price $2.00.

This is a book of 1200 favorite prescriptions selected from the practice of eminent French and other foreign physicians

THE TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT EPITHELIOMATA. By A. R. Robinson, M.D., L. R. C. P. & S. (Edin). Cloth, 63 pages, $1.00. International Journal of Surgery Co., 14 Platt St., New York, N. Y.

In this little book a pretty full consideration of the pathology of cancer is given, followed by what the author recommends as a generally desirable treatment by the various caustic agents. These are treated of in detail, appropriate formulas being given.


A. Dennison, A.M., M.D. Price 35 cents. Chain & Hardy, 1609 Arapahoe St., Denver, Col. This is an excellent little work showing in detail the extreme value of pulmonary exercise.

HOW TO JUDGE A HORSE. By Captain F. W. Bach,

12mo cloth, fully illustrated, $1.00. New York, W. R. Jenkins.

Everybody loves a horse. Everybody ought to study its conformation. Every purchaser knows by experience how difficult it is to arrive at correct conclusions as to its soundness and qualities.

Unlike many valuable books on the exterior of the horse, this little treatise has the advantage of great conciseness in pointing out, in few pages, the most important guiding points for the judging, and some points on methods of training young or obstinate horses are added, as it may become necessary for the owner to break-in his young stock himself or correct those having formed bad or dangerous habits, especially if living in the country with nobody near capable of handling young or obstinate horses.

A few remarks, concerning how to handle the reins properly in driving, may be of interest to some of the readers. Also bits and bitting, saddles and saddling, and stable drainage are considered.

All horse owners or persons intending to purchase a horse should read this work.


THE CONNECTICUT STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Published by the Danbury Medical Printing Co., Danbury, Conn.

THE ERA KEY TO THE U. S. P., 1893. A vest pocket manual, price 25 cents. D. O. Haynes & Co., Detroit, Mich.

THE PHYSICIAN'S VISITING LIST. Price $1.00. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1012 Walnut St., Phila. This is an old favorite, whose excellent qualities are kept up to the standard.

WE take unusual pleasure in announcing the approaching appearance of a new illustrated Dictionary of Medicine and Collateral Sciences, by P. Blakiston, Son & Co, Phila. We have examined the advance sheets and are able to pronounce it most excellent. SCIATIC NEURITIS, ITS PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT. By Robert Simpson, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Price one shilling. John Wright & Co., Stone Bridge, Bristol, England.

This is a handsome little work of convenient pocket size, giving what we believe to be the only rational and successful treatment for the obstinate disease, sciatica -that of electrical and mechanical stimulation of the nutrition of the parts.

"WHAT IS PHRENOLOGY?" AND "AMATEUR PHENOLOGISTS." Price 10 cents each. Fowler & Wells Co., 27 East 21st St.. New York.

MECHANICAL AIDS IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC FORMS OF DISEASE. By George H. Taylor, M.D. Paper, 109 pages, published by Gerge W. Rogers, New York, N. Y. Price 50 cents.

This book is one of those that give far more than the trifling cost price back to the doctor in the shape of practical ideas in using natural forces in the treatment of disease.

OUTLINES OF OBSTETRICS. By Charles Jewett, A. M., M.D. Cloth, 264 pages, $2.00. W. B. Saunders, 925 Walnut St., Phila., Pa.

This book is a syllabus of lectures delivered at the Long Island College Hospital. It is useful as an outline of the subject, well classified.


This is a students' quiz manual. The illustrations are many of them from The American Text book of Surgery.

HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. By Jacob A. Riis. 304 pages, $1.00. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

This is a book which touches the heart of every lover of humanity. It deals with the life and lot of the poverty-stricken in our densely populated communities. It shows the base corruption and the miserable failure (in all that constitutes true, honest public service) of Republican and Democratic politics. It demonstrates the necessity of controlling and finally entirely wiping out the abominable rum power. It suggests the neces sity of modifying our immigration laws and guarding our franchise so that none but the better elements of European population could gain citizenship and political power among us. A careful perusal of its pages should suggest to the reader the proper scope of all true, consistent missionary work-that we should first

cast the "logs" of squalid misery, vice and crime from
the eyes of our own body politic before presuming to
send emissaries to other countries to try to pluck the
infinitesimal mote of possible theological error from
the eyes of their contented inhabitants. The illustra-
tions are from photographs taken from real scenes and
actual life by the author.

Bertha Meyer. Translated from the German by
M. L. Holbrook, M.D. Paper, pages 208. Pub-
lished by the translator, 46 East 21st St., New

This book is a sensible adaptation of the principles and ideas of the kindergarten to the home-life. Every father and mother in the land should read it and consult it daily. No idea of its true worth can be given in a brief notice. The price is a mere bagatele compared to its value.

HEALTH AND WORK. By M. L. Holbrook, M.D.
Cloth, 246 pages, price $1.00. Published by the
author, New York.

We have examined this book with great care and consider it a valuable presentation of this important subject, useful to physicians, nurses, managers of institutions, teachers, parents, cooks and every individual who wishes to wisely regulate his own nutritions.



Bertha Meyer, translated from the German by
Frederick Salomon. Paper, pages 155, price 50 cts.
Published by M. L. Holbrook Co., 46 East 21st
St., New York.

This little book is the advice of a mother, according to the teachings and experience of hygienic science, and is useful as a guide for mothers and educators.

Cloth, 161 pages, price $1.00. Published by the
author, 46 East 21st St., New York.

So great is the desire to have our knowledge easily
at our command that there is as eager a search for
means to acquire a prodigious memory as there is for
Almost every new
the mythical philosopher's stone.
avenue for such a search proves to be a disappoint-
ment. This is mainly because we expect too much.
There is no such thing as a magical method by which
we may rapidly acquire and surely retain knowledge
to a marvelous extent. This little book gives sensible,
intelligent directions for training, cultivating and
strengthening the memory by systematic and suitable
exercise. By a careful study and practice of its teach-
ings every day for a few months we feel sure that the
memory may be very much improved. This is quite
worth the effort required and ought to satisfy any
seeker. The book exposes the absurdities of most of the
machine methods of mnemonics. We hope that some
time in the future the ideal work on this subject will
be written and adopted in our school system.

THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE LIBRARY. In order to place our publications within reach of persons of limited means and to obtain thereby a wider circulation for the same, it is proposed to issue, commencing in June, the following list of works in paper covers under the general heading, "The Religion of Science Library." The books will be issued bi-monthly as second class matter, and will be printed from large type on good paper, and well bound. The subscription price will be $1.50

a year, postpaid in the United States, Canada and Mexico; 75 cents for six months, and 25 cents for single numbers.

The "library" will contain among others: "The Religion of Science," by Paul Carus, Ph. D. "Three Introductory Lectures on the Science of Thought," by Prof. F. Max Muller. "Three Lectures on the Science of Language," by Prof, F. Max Muller, "The Psychology of Attention," by Th. Ribot. "The Lost Manuscript," a novel, double number, by Gustav Freytag. "The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms, by Alfred Binet. "Fundamental Problems, by Paul Cares, Ph. D. "On Double Consciousness," by Alfred Binet. "The Diseases of Personality," by Th. Ribot "The Ethical Problem," by Paul Carus Ph. D. "Epitomes of Three Sciences," Prof. H. Oldenberg, Prof. Joseph Jastrow, Prof. C. H. Cornill. "Homilies of Science," by Paul Carus, Ph. D. The Open Court Publishing Co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago.

[We have read the first and second number of this series and find them to be very valuable books for thoughtful students of science in its higher aspects.ED.]


This is a neat pamphlet giving a number of the choicest essays read at the recent Parliavaluable ment of Religions at Chicago, with a It is "the introduction by Dwight Baldwin. world's greatest religions clearly defined by their greatest living exponents." Published by the Latin Historical Society, Owings Building, Chicago, price, 25 cents. It is worth many times its price to one not possessing a fuller report of that important gathering, or to one not having time to read a fuller report.

The Medical Quarterly is the title of a journal to appear soon, with Dr. Joseph M. Matthews as editor and Dr. Henry E. Tuley as business manager, box 434 Louisville, Ky. The journal will be devoted to gastrointestinal and rectal surgery and diseases.

The Pacific Medical Record, Portland, Oregon, has
It is edited
changed its name to the Medical Sentinel
and published by the same parties, and is well con-

Monthly, $1.00 per year.

It is

This is a new medical journal that has the courage to face a cold world in these troublesome times. a well-prepared journal and we wish it success. Two articles especially deserving of notice in the first num ber are "Appropriations of Condemned Criminals to to the Experimental Physiologist" and "The Country Doctor."

LITTELL'S LIVING AGE FOR 1894.-Lovers of choice literature will feel themselves repaid for a subscription to this rare and valuable old periodical. Closing its fiftieth year, and entering upon its 200th volume, it was never better than now, and it enters the new year with renewed vigor and vim.

Elaborate reviews of recent publications; the latest results of scientific research; biographical sketches of eminent characters; travel exploration. literary criticism and every phase of culture and progress in the European world; with fiction and choice poetry, all these make up The Living Age

This magazine at $8 00 a year is cheap. Sample copies with descriptive and club circulars may be obtained by sending 15 cents to Littell & Co., Boston, Mass.

WE are pleased to note that the Christian Standard, 921 Arch St,. Phila., has announced its intention not

to accept of any patent medicine advertisement or any medical advertisement whatever, hereafter. Acting upon this rule they have already returned a number of profitable contracts offered them for various medical preparations.

THE FUNNY-BONE. Price 50 cents. The FunnyBone Publishing Co, 1421 Market St., St. Louis, Mo.

This is a collection of a lot of the funniest jokes and illustrations (original and selected) that we have ever seen. It is fully worth its price to place on your of fice table to draw patients to your office.

FOR any of the following reprints and pamphlets send to the respective addresses given.


This is a pamphlet which every physician should read, as the entirely unnecessary use of tobacco should be thoroughly understood by the profession.

A NOVEL proposition, revolutionizing the distribution of wealth. Freight transported at a uniform rate for all distances. Send to David Lubin, Sacramento, Cal.

RESULTS OF ASEPTIC CELIOTOMY. By W. H. Wathen, M.D., Louisville, Ky.


A CONVENIENT PRISM SCALE. By S. Lewis Ziegler, M.D., 1504 Walnut St., Phila.

This is a vast improvement over any scale now in use. Our long acquaintance with the talented author of this paper has given us the highest confidence in his ability and judgment. The physician who is at all interested in the treatment of the eye should request this valuable reprint.

MANUAL OF U S. HAY FEVER ASSOCIATION FOR 1893. S. S. Bishop, M.D., 719 Adams St. Chicago. THE CONCENTRATED RAYS OF THE SUN AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT. O. V. Thayer, M.D., 2121 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.


HEPATIC ABSCESS. By W. B. Stewart, A.M., M.D., Bryn Mawr, Pa.



These are two valuable papers by a rising surgeon, Dr. John B. Deaver, of the Univ., of Penna., Phila. A NEW METHOD OF FIXATION OF THE FRAGMENTS

IN COMPOUND AND UNUNITED FRACTURES. By Nicholas Senn, M.D., Ph. D., LL. D., Chicago. Two CASES OF LAMINECTOMY. By H. O. Pantzer, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind.

The following are valuable reprints by Dr. Mary A. Dixon Jones, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Microscopical Studies in Pelvic Peritonitis," "Sterility in Woman, Causes and Treatment,” “Carcinoma of the Floor of the Pelvis."

As A Christmas present we have received a handsome pocket visiting list and case from the Antikamnia Co., St. Louis, Mo.

THE WAGE-WORKERS OF AMERICA: THE RELATION BETWEEN CAPITAL AND LABOR. By John Stolze, M.D., Reading, Pa. 221 large pages; cloth, $1.50. Address the author.

The physician comes into intimate association with the capitalist and laborer. Hence he is peculiarly fitted to study into those profound problems that are now puzzling the people, not only of this country, but of the entire civilized world. Dr. Stolze has taken up these important questions with the ability born of wide reading and an analytical mind. However, we cannot help thinking that he has undertaken this task with a mind largely biased in favor of capital, as he seems to incline in that direction in all points of doubt. Ten years ago his thoughts might have been regarded as somewhat advanced; now they seem to us to be obsolescent, so rapidly does human evolution proceed. The signs of the times seem to point to the fact that before another ten years have elap-ed we may see the blossoming out of the full cooperative commonwealth. -J. J. T

Those who miss the December number of the Cosmopolitan (the World's Fair number) for only 12 cents, miss a rare treat. Published in New York. The Columbia Desk Calendar, by the Pope Mfg. Co., of Columbia Bicycle fame, is out for 1894. It is a pad calendar, having a leaf for each day, space on each page for memoranda, and contains many testimonials and suggestions concerning the use of bicycles. Among them we notice a number from physicians We often wonder why physicians are so slow in taking advantage of the pleasant and time saving qualities of the cycle in their everyday work. Physicians writing to Pope Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass., and enclosing 10 cents for packing and postage, will receive the calendar free.

Wit and Wisdom.

Those Strumous Children.

Why give them iodide of potassium, or iodide of any other alkaline base? True, they need the alterative effect of iodine, but the alkalies further weaken their tissues. Syrup Hydriodic Acid (Hostelley's) is just the thing. It is pleasant to take. It is effective. It is as cheap, or cheaper than the iodide of potassium for the therapeutic effect produced, and it carries no injurious effect with it. The fact is, wherever iodine is indicated, the alkalies are contra-indicated. This is true in struma. syphilis, incipient phthisis, and wherever an alterative is indicated, with perhaps the single exception of rheumatism, and even here, in the chronic or sub-acute form, hydriodic acid acts with peculiar energy. The fact is, that iodine in the form of hydriodic acid is ready for assimilation immediately, and it goes directly to work at its therapeutic mission, while when given in any other form, its assimilation is a matter of uncertainty. This is one reason why hydriodic acid is so much more efficient than any other form of iodine. Iodine is the king of alteratives. Hydriodic acid is its pleasantest and most active form. Why not use it thus instead of in the form of alkaline salts? Formerly the objection to it was its liability to decompose. Hostelley's preparation is absolutely stable. Send for literature giving formulas for its combination with other alteratives, and with tonics. Advise your druggist to always keep it in stock for you. If he hasn't it at the present time, see very liberal offer at bottom of last cover page this issue.

See new adv. of the McIntosh Battery and Optical and Battery Co. this month on page opposite contents. Hereafter it will be in their old position on third

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