Chap. V Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor XII Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Title 30-Mineral Resources I Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior Title 31-Money and Finance: Treasury SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Treasury I Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury Title 32-National Defense I National Guard and State Guard, Department of the Army III Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior VI Selective Service System II Title 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters I Coast Guard, Department of the Treasury Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army III Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce Title 34-National Military Establishment SUBTITLE A-Secretary of Defense SUBTITLE B-Regulations of the National Military Establishment I Munitions Board II Research and Development Board III Joint Chiefs of Staff IV Joint Regulations of the Armed Forces V Department of the Army VI Department of the Navy VII Department of the Air Force Title 35-Panama Canal I Canal Zone Regulations Title 36-Parks, Forests, and Memorials I National Park Service, Department of the Interior Chap. III Title 36-Parks, Forests, and Memorials—Continued Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army IV American Battle Monuments Commission Title 37-Patents, Trade-Marks, and Copyrights I Patent Office, Department of Commerce II Copyright Office, Library of Congress Title 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief I Veterans Administration Title 39-Postal Service I Post Office Department Title 40-Prisons I Federal Prison Industries, Department of Justice Title 41-Public Contracts I Bureau of Federal Supply, Department of the Treasury Title 42-Public Health I Public Health Service, Federal Security Agency II Children's Bureau, Social Security Administration, Federal Security Agency III St. Elizabeths Hospital, Federal Security Agency II Title 43-Public Lands: Interior SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior Title 44 Public Property and Works I National Archives Establishment II Bureau of Community Facilities, Federal Works Agency III Library of Congress IV War Assets Administration V Department of State VIII United States Philippine War Damage Commission Title 45-Public Welfare SUBTITLE A-Federal Security Agency, General Administration Chap. II I Office of Education, Federal Security Agency Bureau of Public Assistance, Social Security Administration, III Bureau of Federal Credit Unions, Social Security Administration, IV Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Federal Security Agency Title 48-Territories and Insular Possessions I Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior II Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, Department of the Interior Title 49-Transportation I Interstate Commerce Commission II Office of Defense Transportation Title 50-Wildlife I Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior II Alaska Game Commission III International Regulatory Agencies |