Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
answer APN/PC asked the Minister Assistant Minister says Attorney-General attract investors Awori Barclays Bank beg to reply bumps Cabinet Ministers Changamwe Coast Province Commission of Inquiry councillor Credit Investments directors Division Bell driver dual carriage dual carriageway electoral area electoral wards EREGI-SHIKOKHO hawa watu headmaster Holdings and Credit Kamusinga Keah Kenya Kiliku Kimilili Kisauni Kisumu Kituyi Kshs9 million Magwaga Maundu Members Meru Minister aware Minister for Public misleading this House Murungi Mvita Mzee Naibu Spika Nairobi Nairobi-Mombasa Road Nassir Nkubu Obwocha Office point of order President Private Notice Prof Question by Private Question is stood revolving fund Rift Valley road a dual road accidents road licences Seme Location Serikali Sondu Stephen Maroko Chuma swindled talk tarmacking tell this House Temporary Deputy Speaker urgent steps victims of Likoni victims of thuggery Wameyo WANANCHI weigh bridges Western Province Youth Development Fund Zonal Holdings