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The literature of land reform is sufficiently extensive and significant to warrant research at the doctoral level. Satish Jha, in his dissertation "Indian Land Reform Research Literature: A Critical Appraisal" (Univ. of Illinois, 1967. University Microfilms, 1969) covered many of the essential issues of distribution, farm size and productivity, cooperative farms, tenancy and ownership. Reading this document is an excellent way to enter current literature.

P. T. George of the Gokhale Institute in Poona has prepared an extensive non-annotated bibliography. The typed version ran 42 foolscap pages yet he entitles it "A Select Bibliography of Indian Land Reforms." He also has review articles on land reform in the Indian Journal of

Agricultural Economics (January-March and July-September Issues, Vol. 23,
Nos. 1 and 3).

The Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform Branch, Rural Institutions
Division, FAO, has a special "Bibliography on Land Tenure in Asia, the
Far East and Oceania.' The India section is shorter than George's
but contains most of the important works, and is readily available.

For the context of land reform, and an annual, general-type progress report, the reader will find useful the statistical abstract prepared by Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Gov't of India entitled "India: A Reference Annual." For some purposes "Indian Agriculture in Brief" may be useful. See also the draft "Fourth Five Year Plan 1969-74" prepared by the Planning Commission, Gov't of India.

For two general references with Indian land reform content, one seems almost required to make separate mention of Gunnar Myrdal's

"Asian Drama" (1968) and Doreen Warriner's "Land Reform in Principle

and Practice" (1969).

Historical works from which material in this report was drawn include among others:

Vols. 1,

B. H. Baden-Powell. The Land Systems of British India.
3. London, Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1892.
Romesh Dutt. Economic History of India under Early British Rule.
5th ed. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd. 1906.
Michael Edwardes. A History of India from Earliest Times to Present
Day. Bombay: Asia Pub. House. 1961.

Mounstuart Elphinstone.

John Murray. 1866.

The History of India. 5th ed. London,

Radhakamal Mukerjee. Land Problems of India. London, Longmans,

Green and Co., Ltd. 1933.

The Planning Commission, Government of India has generated two

relatively recent reports:

Socio-Economic Research Division, Planning Commission, Gov't of

India. Seminar on Land Reforms, Proceeding and Papers, February


Land Reforms Implementation Committee of National Development Council.

Implementation of Land Reforms. New Delhi: Planning Commission,
August 1966.

Two earlier reports containing some of the philosophy and early progress in land reform are:

Congress Agrarian Reforms Committee, Report of. J. C. Kumarappa,
Chm. New Delhi 1949.

Planning Commission, Gov't of India.

Progress of Land Reform. 1963. The neophyte to Indian land reform could begin with the above (read only Edwardes in the historical references) and then choose his topic and area.

Two new reports, dealing with specific issues in specific states, which are not to be found in references mentioned, are:

F. Thomasson Jannuzi. The Agrarian Structure in Bihar:


to change and some Implications, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of
Texas, 1970 (draft).

Walter Neale. Land Reform in Uttar Pradesh, India, Dept. of Economics,

Univ. of Tennessee, 1970 (draft).

The document representing the most current official status of land reform is a mimeo report entitled: Gov't of India, Ministry of Food, Agriculture Community Development and Cooperation. Chief Ministers Conference on Land Reform: Notes on Agenda. Vigyan Bhavan: Delhi, 1969.

The timely FAO bibliography fills the need for a broad spectrum of writing on Indian land reform. We have reproduced the Indian portion at the conclusion of this section. No doubt many excellent items have not been included but if one were to systematically review the FAO bibliography, a vast literature would emerge.

· Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Bibliography on Land Tenure in Asia, the Far East and Oceania Rome, Nov. 1969


AGARWAL, S.K. 1966

ALAGH, Y.K. 1962

ANSTEY, V. 1962

Consolidation of holdings: a case study of Lucknow district. AICC Economic
Review, 18 (10): 41-44 ·

Land reform in a developing economy: a case study of India. AICC Economic
Review, 14 (10): 11-14, 27-30

Land reform in India. J.L.A.0., 14 (1): 88-96

BALLARIN MARCIAL, A. Meditaciones sobre una reforma agraria de raiz religiona.
Revista de Estudios agro-sociales, 10 (37): 7

BASU, T.K. 1962

Bengal peasant from time to time. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 205 p.

BASU,S.K. & BHATTACHARYA,S.K. Land reforms in West Bengal. Calcutta, Oxford Book &
Stationery Co., 119 p.


BHANAGE, B.S. 1966

A comparative study of Jajuani system. New York, J.J.Augustine Inc., 86 p.

Land reform the wrong beliefs. Janata, 21 (43): 5-7

BHATTACHARYYA, K.C. Some observations on the ceiling of existing holdings for agricultural land in India. Economic Review, 17 (16): 21-24





The West Bengal premises tenancy act, 1956. Calcutta, Law Book Stall, 118 p.

Ceiling on land holdings: August measure to hoodwink people. Economic Weekly, 12 (12): 495-498

A review of the land reform studies sponsored by the Research Programmes Committee of the Planning Commission. Artha Vijnana, 4 (Dec.):291-330

DANDEKAR, V.M. From agrarian reorganisation to land reform. Artha Vijnana, 6 (1):51-71 1964



Small farmers, not small farms. Indian Journ. Agric.Econs., 14 (3): 57-58

DANTWALA,M.L. & DONDE,W.B. Impact of redistribution and pooling of land on agrarian
structure and efficiency of resourse use. Indian Journ. Agric. Econs.,
14 (4): 80-86

DANTWALA, M.L. (Rapporteur) Land reforms and policy in India. Indian Economic Journ., 7 (4): 461-463






Presidential address: agrarian structura and economic development.
Indian Journ. Agric. Econs., 16 (1): 20-25

Finencial implications of land reforms: Zamindari abolition.
Journ. Agric. Econs., 18 (4): 1–11


Agriculture taxation and land reform in India. In: 1966 International
Sominar on land taxation, land tenure and land reform in developing
countries. Hartford, John C.Lincoln Institute, University of Hartford,
P. 273-299

The Calcutta Thike tenancy act, 1949 (West Bangal Act II of 1949) Es amended by Calcutta Thike tonency (amendment) Act XXIV of 1959 and Act FI of 1953. 5th reviewed and enlarged ed., Calcutta, Nalanda Prose, 99 p.

DESAI, H.B. & MEHTA, R.S. Abolition of tenancy cultivation. 1952

DESAI, H.B. 1963

17 (1): 127-134

Indian Journ. Agrio. Econ.,

Land reforms in a doveloping econorry -the Indian analysis. Haharaja
Sayajirao University of Baroda Journal, 12 (July): 27-35


DUTTA, N.C. 1968

ELDER, J.H. 1962

ETIENNE, G. 1968

FAO 1966

FAO 1968



Quinquounta) report on surveys and sottlemont operations in Bihar, 1954-55 to 1958-59. Patna, 119 p.

Land problems and land reforms in Assam. Delhi, S.Chand, 157 p.

Land consolidation in en Indian villago: a case study of the consolidation of holding act in Uttar Pradesh. Econ. Dov.Cult.Ch., 11 (1): 16-40

Manchala and Pilkhi- techniques are not enough; tho negativo attitude
to manual work, the right to on the land exo among the sociological
factors which can influзnco progross. CERES (FAO), 1 (4):39–43

Manchala ot Pillhi: la tochnique n'est pas tout. Travail wanuol rópricé
droit do preprióté abusif sont parmi les facteurs sociologiques qui
entrevont le progra. CÉRÈS (FLO), 1 (4): 39-43

Land raform in India.. Rome, 18p. (World Land Reform Conference paper No.


Land reform and institutional planning in India, by S.G.ladiman.
Rome, 48 p. (FAO/RU: MISC/68/15)

Report to the Government of India on an integrated colonization (land settlement) and devolopment project in the Rajasthan canal area, India, by D. Christodoulou. Rome, 19 p.

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