CHICKENPOX - Reported cases by state and by age, selected states, 1980 Does not include cases reported by states of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 2 Does not include cases reported by state of Connecticut. Does not include cases reported by states of Oregon and Texas. 4 Does not include cases reported by states of Massachusetts, Oregon, and Texas. DIPHTHERIA - Reported case rates, United States, 1955-1980 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 The diphtheria case rate has continued to decrease in recent years; however, the death-to-case ratio has remained stable, suggesting that diphtheria is still difficult to treat. The best method for preventing deaths from diphtheria is vaccination. ENCEPHALITIS Reported cases by month of onset, United States, 1970-1979 SLE EPIDEMICS JFMAMJJA SONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJ JA SOND J FMAMJ JASONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJ JASONDJFMAMJ JASOND JFMAM JJASONDJ FMAMJ JASOND J FMAMJ JASOND 1972 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Encephalitis reporting for 1979 was typical of nonepidemic years (1975 was an epidemic year). The increase in reports during the warmer months probably reflects a composite of arboviral and enteroviral activity. |