APPENDIX B. SUMMARY OF WORK PERFORMED BY OFFICERS OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT DURING THE PAST YEAR. APPENDIX C. CHANGES, APPOINTMENTS, STATIONS, ETC., OF THE OFFICERS OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT FROM DATE OF LAST ANNUAL REPORT TO JUNE 30, 1900. 1. PERMANENT OFFICERS. Brig. Gen. Joseph C. Breckinridge, inspector-general, continued in charge of the Inspector-General's Office, War Department. Absent on tour of inspection from October 7 to November 28, 1899, per letter of Secretary of War of June 16, 1899; made an inspection of the United States Military Academy from May 14 to 19, 1900, under instructions of Secretary of War contained in letter of the Adjutant-General of May 8, 1900. Col. Robert P. Hughes, inspector-general, on detached service during the year as brigadier-general of volunteers, in command of the military district of the Visayas until April 7, 1900, and of the Department of the Visayas since that time. Col. George H. Burton, inspector-general, inspector-general Division of Cuba since September 27, 1899. Made a special investigation and inspection of the money accountability of the postal service in Cuba, and in this connection returned to the United States, and was ordered to report to the Attorney-General and to remain in New York City under the orders of the Department of Justice as a witness in the extradition trial of C. F. W. Neely, the absconding chief of the bureau of finance, department of posts, Havana. Promoted to colonel and inspector-general, Col. Peter D. Vroom, inspector-general. United States Army, December 19, 1899. Department of the East, during the year. Lieut. Col. J. P. Sanger, inspector-general, director of the census of Cuba and Porto Rico during the year, per letters of the Secretary of War of August 19 and September 8, 1899, and performed such other duties as were required of him by the Secretary of War. Member of the board of officers convened for the purpose of considering the regulations with a view to the establishment of a war college for the Army, per Special Orders, No. 145, Adjutant-General's Office, June 21, 1900. Lieut. Col. E. A. Garlington, inspector-general. On duty as inspector-general, Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps in the Philippines, from November 23, 1899, and as inspector-general Division of the Philippines upon the establishment of that division. Absent on leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability since June 4, per Special Orders, No. 16, Division of the Philippines, April 26, 1900, extended by Special Orders, No. 141, Adjutant-General's Office, June 16, 1900. Lieut. Col. Charles H. Heyl, inspector-general. Appointed lieutenant-colonel and inspector-general of volunteers September 30, 1899, and promoted to lieutenant-colonel, inspector-general, United States Army, December 19, 1899. Continued on duty as inspector-general Department of Porto Rico until December 31, 1899, and assigned as assistant to the Inspector-General of the Army, per Special Orders, No. 4, AdjutantGeneral's Office, January 5, 1900. Made a special investigation in Philadelphia from February 28 to March 3, and April 10 to 18, 1900, and on tour of inspection from June 6 to 28, 1900. Maj. Thos. T. Knox, inspector-general. Continued on duty in the office of the Inspector-General of the Army during the year. Member of board of officers appointed for the purpose of conducting the examination of officers recommended for appointment to the Adjutant-General's and Inspector-General's departments, per Special Orders, No. 11, Adjutant-General's Office, January 13, 1900. Member of board of officers for examination of persons designated for appointment as paymasters, per Special Orders, No. 40, Adjutant-General's Office, February 16, 1900. Made an inspection of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and its branches from September 5 to October 20, and from December 2 to 9, 1899; a special investigation at Schuylkill Arsenal, December 12 to 19, 1899, and assisted the Inspector-General of the Army in making an inspection of the United States Military Academy, May 15 to 19, 1900, per instructions contained in letter of Adjutant-General of May 8, 1900. Maj. Stephen C. Mills, inspector-general. Relieved from duty in the office of the Inspector-General of the Army November 15, 1899, and directed to proceed to Manila, P. I., and report to commanding general Department of Pacific and Eighth Army Corps for duty, per Special Orders, No. 248, Adjutant-General's Office, October 24, 1899. Reported for temporary duty to the inspector-general Department of Pacific and Eighth Army Corps, per Special Orders, No. 4, Department of Pacific, January 4, 1900. Assigned as assistant inspector-general, per General Orders, No. 1, Division of the Philippines, April 7, 1900. At present acting inspector-general of the division during absence of Colonel Garlington. 2. ACTING INSPECTORS-GENERAL. Maj. Frank D. Baldwin, Fifth Infantry. Assigned as acting inspector-general Department of Missouri and the Department of Dakota, July 10, 1899, per Special Orders, No. 143, Adjutant-General's Office, June 20, 1899, and relieved from this duty January 5, 1900, per Special Orders, No. 302, Adjutant-General's Office, December 29, 1899. Maj. W. H. H. Crowell, Sixth Infantry. Assigned to temporary duty as acting inspector-general Department of Texas, per Special Orders, No. 210, Adjutant-General's Office, September 8, 1899, and relieved per Special Orders, No. 296, AdjutantGeneral's Office, December 21, 1899. Maj. E. L. Huggins, Sixth Cavalry. Continued on duty as acting inspector-general Department of the Lakes, and in addition to his regular duties made special investigations at Warsaw, Ill., and Keokuk, Iowa; of certain recruiting rendezvous in Kentucky and Indiana, and at Fort Sheridan, Ill. Member of board of officers for examination of captains of the line for appointment in the Adjutant-General's and Inspector-General's departments, per Special Orders, No. 24, Department of the Lakes, February 24, 1900. Member of promotion board at Fort Sheridan, March 14 to 28, 1900, per Special Orders, No. 248, Adjutant-General's Office, 1899. Maj. J. M. K. Davis, First Artillery. Relieved from duty as acting inspectorgeneral Department of the Gulf, per Special Orders, No. 232, Adjutant-General's Office, October 5, 1899. Assigned to duty as assistant to the inspector-general Department of the East, per Special Orders, No. 252, Adjutant-General's Office, October 28, 1899. Member of board of officers for examination of captains of the line for transfer to the Adjutant-General's and Inspector-General's departments, per Special Orders, No. 41, Department of the East, February 20, 1900. Accompanied the InspectorGeneral of the Army to West Point, N. Y., and assisted in the inspection of the United States Military Academy May 15 to 19, 1900, per instructions of the Secretary of War of May 8, 1900. Maj. Frank H. Edmunds, First Infantry. Continued on duty as acting inspectorgeneral Department of Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio. Investigated the cause of the removal of Dr. Ernesto Collazo, mayor and member of council of Batabano, Cuba, January 22, 1900. Member of board of officers to examine and report upon claims for alleged use or occupation of or injury done private property by United States troops, per Special Orders, No. 43, Department of Havana and Pinardel Rio, March 9, 1900. Died of yellow fever June 18, 1900. Capt. Frederick S. Foltz, Second Cavalry. Has continued on duty as acting inspector-general Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara, Cuba, to which he was assigned by Special Orders, No. 210, Adjutant-General's Office, September 8, 1899. Made a special_investigation into the personal records of certain civilian officers at Lajas, Cuba. Inspected the money accounts of all disbursing officers of insular revenues in Department of Matanzas, per letter of chief of staff of Division of Cuba of December 11, 1899. Maj. George S. Grimes, Second Artillery. Continued on duty as acting inspectorgeneral Department of Havana, to which he was assigned by Special Orders, No. 210, Adjutant-General's Office, September 8, 1899. Made a special investigation as to the public and private interests that would be benefited by renting Cojimar Tower to the Cuban Electric Company. Ordered to assume charge of the office of judgeadvocate of the department during his absence, per Special Orders, No. 33, Department of Havana, February 20, 1900. Relieved from duty as acting inspector-general Department of Havana May 1, 1900, per Special Orders, No. 83, Adjutant-General's Office, April 9, 1900. Capt. Wm. A. Mann, Seventeenth Infantry. Announced as inspector-general Department of the Visayas per General Orders, No. 1, Division of the Philippines, April 7, 1900, and General Orders, No. 1, Department of the Visayas, April 19, 1900. Assumed the duties April 19, 1900. Capt. G. K. McGunnegle, Fifteenth Infantry. Announced as acting inspectorgeneral of the Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe per Special Orders, No. 198, Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe, September 25, 1899. Capt. Frederick Perkins, Eighth Infantry. Assigned as acting inspector-general Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio per General Orders, No. 9, Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio, June 14, 1900. Assumed the duties June 16, 1900. Capt. F. W. Sibley, Second Cavalry. Assigned as acting inspector-general Department of Texas per Special Orders, No. 51, Adjutant-General's Office, March 2, 1900. Reported for duty as such March 12, 1900. Capt. H. E. Tutherly, First Cavalry. Assigned as acting inspector-general Department of Alaska per Special Orders, No. 82, Adjutant-General's Office, April 7, 1900. Reported for duty as such at the headquarters of the department then at Seattle, Wash., April 29, 1900. Ordered to proceed via Skagway and White Pass and Yukon River route and inspect certain commands and then rejoin the headquarters of the department at Fort St. Michael, Alaska, per Special Orders, No. 20, Department of Alaska, May 24, 1900. Maj. E. D. Thomas, Fifth Cavalry. Assigned temporarily as acting inspector-general Department of Porto Rico per General Orders, No. 116, Department of Porto Rico, June 4, 1900. Made a special investigation of the complaints against the post surgeon and commanding officer at Manati, P. R., and inspected five posts in the department per Special Orders, Nos. 119 and 121, Department of Porto Rico, June 4 and 5, 1900. Capt. E. A. Helmick, Tenth Infantry. Announced as acting inspector-general Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara per Special Orders, No. 30, of that department August 19, 1899, and relieved from such duty per Special Orders, No. 33, Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara, October 8, 1899. Maj. Leonard A. Lovering, Thirtieth Infantry, U. S. Volunteers. Detailed as acting inspector-general per Special Orders, No. 61, Division of Philippines, June 13, 1900, and reported for duty to the inspector-general of that division June 27, 1900. Capt. B. H. Randolph, Third Artillery. Announced as inspector-general Department of Mindanao and Jolo per General Orders, No. 5, District of Mindanao, April 16, 1900. Lieut. Col. W. H. Boyle, Nineteenth Infantry. Assigned as acting inspector-general Department of Colorado per Special Orders, No. 302, Adjutant-General's Office, December 29, 1899, and assumed the duties January 6, 1900. Member of board of officers to report upon the reoccupation of Whipple Barracks, Ariz., per Special Orders, No. 11, Department of Colorado, January 30, 1900. Made an investigation of the charges against the conduct of post exchanges in Territory of Arizona. Assigned as acting inspector-general, Department of the Missouri, per Special Orders, No. 92, Adjutant-General's Office, April 19, 1900. Maj. C. G. Starr, inspector-general, U. S. Volunteers. Appointed lieutenant-colonel Eleventh U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, September 5, 1899, and continued the duties of inspector-general, First Division, First Army Corps, per Special Orders, No. 117, headquarters that division September 7, 1899; was relieved by Special Orders, No. 358, paragraph 5, Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps, December 30, 1899. Lieut. Col. T. J. Wint, Sixth Cavalry, acting inspector-general Department of Dakota, per Special Orders, No. 13, Adjutant-General's Office, January 17, 1899; relieved, per Special Orders, No, 210, Adjutant-General's Office, September 8, 1899. Maj. J. H. Dorst, Second Cavalry, assigned as acting inspector-general, Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara, per Special Orders, No. 143, Adjutant-General's Office, June 20, 1899; reported for duty July 8, 1899; relieved, per Special Orders, No. 194, Adjutant-General's Office, August 19, 1900. Lieut. S. Rice, Seventh Cavalry, acting assistant adjutant-general, detailed to perform, in addition to his other duties, those of acting inspector-general Department of Havana, during the temporary absence on leave of Maj. George P. Scriven, signal officer and acting inspector-general of the department, per Special Orders, No. 190, Department of Havana, August 4, 1899. Relieved per Special Orders, No. 210, Adjutant-General's Office, September 8, 1899. Lieut. D. E. Aultman, Second Artillery, detailed as acting inspector-general, Department of provinces of Havana and Pinar del Rio, June 2, 1899. Relieved per General Orders, No. 15, Headquarters Department of provinces of Havana and Pinar del Rio, July 25, 1899. 3. INSPECTORS-GENERAL OF VOLUNTEERS. Lieut. Col. Marion P. Maus. Continued on duty as inspector-general of the departments of California and the Columbia. Made special investigation of accu |