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number of such additional clerks of classes two, three, and four shall at no time exceed one hundred: And provided further, That employees engaged in the compilation or tabulation of statistics by the use of mechanical devices may be compensated on a piece-price basis to be fixed by the Director.


Mechanical devices.

Civil-service exam

Selections accord


All examinations

State of applicant.

Tuberculosis exclu

Family limit.

Temporary appoint

SEC. 7. That the additional clerks and other employees provided for inations. in section six shall be subject to such special test examination as the Director of the Census may prescribe, the said examination to be conducted by the United States Civil Service Commission, the examination to be open to all applicants without regard to political party affiliations, and such examination shall be held at such places in each State as may be designated by the Civil Service Commission. Copies ing to State apporof the eligible registers so established and the examination papers of tionment. all eligibles shall be furnished the Director of the Census by the Civil Service Commission, and selections therefrom shall be made by the Director of the Census, in conformity with the law of apportionment as now provided for the classified service, in the order of rating: Provided, That hereafter all examinations of applicants for positions in the government service, from any State or Territory, shall be had hereafter to be in in the State Territory in which such applicant resides, and no person shall be eligible for such examination or appointment unless he or she shall have been actually domiciled in such State or Territory for at least one year previous to such examination: Provided, however, That no person afflicted with tuberculosis shall be appointed and that sion. each applicant for appointment shall accompany his or her application with a certificate of health from some reputable physician: Provided, however, That in no instance shall more than one person be appointed from the same family: Provided, however, That when the exigencies ments. of the service require, the Director may appoint for temporary employment not exceeding sixty days' duration from the aforesaid list of eligibles those who, by reason of residence or other conditions, are immediately available; and may also appoint for not exceeding tors. sixty days' duration, persons having had previous experience in operating mechanical appliances in census work whose efficiency records in operating such appliances are satisfactory to him, and may accept such records in lieu of the civil service examination: And provided further, That employees in other branches of the ployees with previous departmental classified service who have had previous experience experience. in census work may be transferred without examination to the Census Office to serve during the whole or a part of the decennial census period, and at the end of such service the employees so transferred, shall be eligible to appointment to positions in any Department held by them at date of transfer to the Census Office, without examination: And provided further, That during the decennial census period and no longer the Director of the Census may fill vacancies in the permanent force of the Census Office by the promotion or transfer of clerks or other employees employed on the temporary force authorized by section six of this Act: And provided further, That at the expiration of the decennial census period of decennial period. the term of service of all employees so transferred and of all other temporary officers and employees appointed under the provisions of this Act shall terminate, and such officers and employees shall not be eligible to appointment or transfer into the classified service of the Government by virtue of their examination or appointment under this Act.

SEC. 8. That the Thirteenth Census shall be restricted to inquiries relating to population, to agriculture, to manufactures, and to mines and quarries. The schedules relating to population shall include for each inhabitant the name, relationship to head of family, color, sex, age, conjugal condition, place of birth, place of birth of parents, number of years in the United States, citizenship, occupation, whether

Mechanical opera


Vacancies in permanent force.

Termination at end





or not employer or employee, and, if employee, whether or not employed at the date of enumeration and the number of months unemployed during the preceding calendar year, whether or not engaged in agriculture, school attendance, literacy, and tenure of home and whether or not a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or

Defective, etc., per- Navy; and the name and address of each blind or deaf and dumb per



Manufactures, mines, and quarries.

Period of enumeration.

Factory system.

Turpentine and rosin industry.

Agents for special inquiries.

Form of inquiries.

Supervisors to be designated.


son; and for the enumeration of institutions, shall include paupers, prisoners, juvenile delinquents, insane, feeble-minded, blind, deaf and dumb, and inmates of benevolent institutions.

The schedules relating to agriculture shall include name, color and country of birth of occupant of each farm, tenure, acreage of farm, acreage of woodland and character of timber thereon, value of farm and improvements, value of farm implements, number and value of live stock on farms and ranges, number and value of domestic animals not on farms and ranges, and the acreage of crops planted and to be planted during the year of enumeration, and the acreage of crops and the quantity and value of crops and other farm products for the year ending December thirty-first next preceding the enumeration.

The schedules of inquiries relating to manufactures and to mines and quarries shall include the name and location of each establishment; character of organization, whether individual, cooperative, or other form; character of business or kind of goods manufactured; amount of capital actually invested; number of proprietors, firm members, copartners, stockholders, and officers and the amount of their salaries; number of employees and the amount of their wages; quantity and cost of materials used in manufactures; amount of miscellaneous expenses; quantity and value of products; time in operation during the census year; character and quantity of power used, and character and number of machines employed.

The census of manufactures and of mines and quarries shall relate to the year ending December thirty-first next preceding the enumeration of population and shall be confined to mines and quarries and manufacturing establishments which were in active operation during all or a portion of that year. The census of manufactures shall furthermore be confined to manufacturing establishments conducted under what is known as the factory system, exclusive of the so-called neighborhood household and hand industries.

The inquiry concerning manufactures shall cover the production of turpentine and rosin and the report concerning this industry shall show in addition to the other facts covered by the regular schedule of manufactures, the quantity and quality of turpentine and rosin manufactured and marketed, the sources, methods, and extent of the industry. Whenever he shall deem it expedient, the Director of the Census may charge the collection of these statistics upon special agents or upon detailed employees, to be employed without respect to locality. The form and subdivision of inquiries necessary to secure the information under the foregoing topics shall be determined by the Director of the Census.

SEC. 9. That the Director of the Census shall, at least six months prior to the date fixed for commencing the enumeration at the Thirteenth and each succeeding decennial census, designate the number, whether one or more, of supervisors of census for each State and Territory, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Porto Rico, and shall

Alaska and Hawaii. define the districts within which they are to act; except that the Director of the Census, in his discretion, need not designate supervisors for Alaska and the Territory of Hawaii, but in lieu thereof may employ special agents as hereinafter provided. The supervisors shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate: Provided, That the whole number of supervisors shall not exDistrict boundaries. ceed three hundred and thirty: And provided further, That so far as


practicable and desirable the boundaries of the supervisors' districts shall conform to the boundaries of the congressional districts: And Acting supervisors. provided further, That if in any supervisor's district the supervisor has not been appointed and qualified ninety days preceding the date fixed for the commencement of the enumeration, or if any vacancy shall occur thereafter, either through death, removal, or resignation of the supervisor, or from any other cause, the Director of the Census may appoint a temporary supervisor or detail an employee of the Census Office to act as supervisor for that district.

Duties of supervis


Employment, etc.,

SEC. 10. That each supervisor of census shall be charged with the performance, within his own district, of the following duties: To consult with the Director of the Census in regard to the division of his district into subdivisions most convenient for the purpose of the enumeration, which subdivisions or enumeration districts shall be defined and the boundaries thereof fixed by the Director of the Census; to designate to the Director suitable persons, and, with his consent, to employ such persons as enumerators, one or more for each of enumeruot subdivision; to communicate to enumerators the necessary instructions and directions relating to their duties; to examine and scrutinize the returns of the enumerators, and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies appearing in any of the said returns to use all diligence in causing the same to be corrected or supplied; to forward the completed returns of the enumerators to the Director at such time and in such manner as shall be prescribed, and to make up and forward to the Director the accounts of each enumerator in his district for service rendered, which accounts shall be duly certified to by the enumerator, and the same shall be certified as true and correct, if so found, by the supervisor, and said accounts so certified shall be accepted and paid by the Director. The duties imposed upon the supervisor by this Act shall be performed in any and all particulars in accordance with the orders and instructions of the Director of the Census.

SEC. 11. That each supervisor of the census shall, upon the completion of his duties to the satisfaction of the Director of the Census, receive the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars and, in addition thereto, one dollar for each thousand or majority fraction of a thousand of population enumerated in his district, such sums to be in full compensation for all services rendered and expenses incurred by him: Provided, That of the above-named compensation a sum not to exceed six hundred dollars, in the discretion of the Director of the Census, may be paid to any supervisor prior to the completion of his duties in one or more payments, as the Director of the Census may determine: Provided further, That in emergencies arising in connection with the work of preparation for, or during the progress of, the enumeration in his district, or in connection with the reenumeration of any subdivision, a supervisor may, in the discretion of the Director of the Census, be allowed actual and necessary traveling expenses and an allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding four dollars per day during his necessary absence from his usual place of residence: And provided further, That an appropriate allowance to supervisors for clerk hire may be made when deemed necessary by the Director of the Census.

SEC. 12. That each enumerator shall be charged with the collection in his subdivision of the facts and statistics required by the population and agricultural schedules and such other schedules as the Director of the Census may determine shall be used by him in connection with the census, as provided in section eight of this Act. It shall be the duty of each enumerator to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and and by inquiry made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most com


Pay of supervisors.


Emergency ex


Clerk hire.


Personal visits, etc.






petent and trustworthy, or of such individual living out of a family,
to obtain each and every item of information and all particulars
required by this Act as of date April fifteenth of the year in which
the enumeration shall be made; and in case no person shall be found
at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of
a family, competent to answer the inquiries made in compliance with
the requirements of this Act, then it shall be lawful for the enumera-
tor to obtain the required information as nearly as may be practicable
from families or persons living in the neighborhood of such place of
be the
duty also of each enumerator to forward the
original schedules, properly filled out and duly certified, to the super-
visor of his district as his returns under the provisions of this Act;
and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies being discovered in
these schedules he shall use all diligence in correcting or supplying

Forwarding sched- abode. It shall


Separation of city, the same. In case an enumeration district embraces all or any part

etc., returns.


Assignment of dis



Removal, etc., of enumerators.

of any incorporated borough, village, town, or city, and also other territory not included within the limits of such incorporated borough, village, town, or city, it shall be the duty of the enumerator to clearly and plainly distinguish and separate, upon the population schedules, the inhabitants of such borough, village, town, or city from the inhabitants of the territory not included therein. No enumerator shall be deemed qualified to enter upon his duties until he has received from the supervisor of the district to which he belongs a commission, signed by the supervisor, authorizing him to perform the duties of an enumerator, and setting forth the boundaries of the subdivision within which such duties are to be performed.

SEC. 13. That the territory assigned to each supervisor shall be divided into as many enumeration districts as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, and, in the discretion of the Director of the Census, two or more enumeration districts may be given to one enumerator, and the boundaries of all the enumeration districts shall be clearly described by civil divisions, rivers, roads, public surveys, or other easily distinguishable lines: Provided, That enumerators may be assigned for the special enumeration of institutions, when desirable, without reference to the number of inmates.

SEC. 14. That any supervisor of census may, with the approval of the Director of the Census, remove any enumerator in his district and Amendingincorrect fill the vacancy thus caused or otherwise occurring. Whenever it




Pay of enumerators.
Fixed rate.

Mixed rate.

shall appear that any portion of the census provided for in this Act has been negligently or improperly taken, and is by reason thereof incomplete or erroneous, the Director of the Census may cause such incomplete and unsatisfactory enumeration and census to be amended or made anew.

SEC. 15. That the Director of the Census may authorize and direct supervisors of census to employ interpreters to assist the enumerators of their respective districts in the enumeration of persons not speaking the English language, but no authorization shall be given forsuch employment in any district until due and proper effort has been made to secure an enumerator who can speak the language or languages for which the services of an interpreter would otherwise be required. The compensation of such interpreters shall be fixed by the Director of the Census in advance, and shall not exceed five dollars per day for each day actually and necessarily employed.

SEC. 16. That the compensation of enumerators shall be determined by the Director of the Census as follows: In subdivisions where he shall deem such remuneration sufficient, an allowance of not less than two nor more than four cents for each inhabitant; not less than twenty nor more than thirty cents for each farm reported; ten cents for each barn and inclosure containing live stock not on farms, and not less than twenty nor more than thirty cents for each establishment of productive industry reported. In other subdivisions the Director of the

Per diem rates.

Census may fix a mixed rate of not less than one nor more than two dollars per day and, in addition, an allowance of not less than one nor more than three cents for each inhabitant enumerated, and not less than fifteen nor more than twenty cents for each farm and each establishment of productive industry reported. In other subdivisions per diem rates shall be fixed by the Director according to the difficulty of enumeration, having special reference to the regions to be canvassed and the sparsity of settlement or other considerations pertinent thereto. The compensation allowed to an enumerator in any such Limitation. district shall be not less than three nor more than six dollars per day of eight hours actual field work, and no payment shall be made for time in excess of eight hours for any one day. The subdivisions or Designation of rates. enumeration districts to which the several rates of compensation shall apply shall be designated by the Director of the Census at least two weeks in advance of the enumeration. No claim for mileage or travel- Mileage and traveling expenses shall be allowed any enumerator in either class of subdivisions, except in extreme cases, and then only when authority has been previously granted by the Director of the Census; and the decision of the Director as to the amount due any enumerator shall be final.

ing expenses.

Payment for

SEC. 17. That in the event of the death of any supervisor or enu-iceandeceased serp

merator after his appointment and entrance on his duties, the Director pointees.
of the Census is authorized to pay to his widow or his legal represent-
ative such sum as he may deem just and fair for the services rendered
by such supervisor or enumerator.

SEC. 18. That special agents may be appointed by the Director of Special agents.

Vol. 32, p. 53.


the Census to carry out the provisions of this Act and of the Act to provide for a permanent Census Office approved March sixth, nineteen hundred and two, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. The special agents thus appointed shall have like authority with Authority and pay. the enumerators in respect to the subjects committed to them under this Act, and shall receive compensation at rates to be fixed by the Director of the Census: Provided, That the same shall in no case exceed six dollars per day and actual necessary traveling expenses, and an allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding three dollars per day during necessary absence from their usual place of residence: Provided further, That no pay or allowance in lieu of subsistence Restrictions. shall be allowed special agents when employed in the Census Office on other than the special work committed to them, and no appointments of special agents shall be made for clerical work: And provided further, That the Director of the Census shall have power, and is hereby authorized, to appoint special agents to assist the supervisors whenever he may deem it proper, in connection with the work of preparation for, or during the progress of, the enumeration or in connection with the reenumeration of any district or a part thereof; or he may, in his discretion, employ for this purpose any of the permanent or temporary employees of the Census Office: And provided further, That the Director of the Census may, in his discretion, fix the compensation of special agents on a piece-price basis.

Aid to supervisors.

Use of office force.



Appointments, etc.,

SEC. 19. That every supervisor, supervisor's clerk, enumerator, interpreter, special agent, or other employee shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, to be prescribed by the Director of the Census. All appointees and employees provided for in this Act shall be appointed or employed, and examined, if examination is required by this solely for fitness. Act, solely with reference to their fitness to perform the duties required of them by the provisions of this Act, and without reference to their political party affiliations.

Commencement and completion of

SEC. 20. That the enumeration of the population required by section one of this Act shall be taken as of the fifteenth day of April; enumeration. and it shall be the duty of each enumerator to commence the enumeration of his district on that day, unless the Director of the Census

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