COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS ON S. 3867 TO ASSURE OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING TO UNEMPLOYED AND UNDEREMPLOYED PERSONS, TO ASSIST STATES AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN PROVIDING NEEDED PUBLIC SERVICES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES S. 2838 TO ESTABLISH A COMPREHENSIVE MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TO ASSIST PERSONS IN OVERCOMING OBSTACLES TO SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES S. 3878 RELATING TO MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS, RESOURCES, DEVELOPMENT, UTILIZATION, AND EVALUATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES MAY 5, 6, 11, 14, 18 AND 21, 1970 PART 4 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT, MANPOWER, AND POVERTY 1.9, Congress. Sevate. OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS ON S. 3867 TO ASSURE OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING S. 2838 TO ESTABLISH A COMPREHENSIVE MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT S. 3878 RELATING TO MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS, RESOURCES, DEVEL- 2345 19690 COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE RALPH YARBOROUGH, Texas, Chairman JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia JACOB K. JAVITS, New York ROBERT O. HARRIS, Staff Director ROY H. MILLENSON, Minority Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMent, ManpoweR, AND POVERTY GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin, Chairman CONTENTS CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1970 Wilson, Robert J., executive vice president, National Alliance of Business- men, Washington, D.C.; accompanied by Gerald Peterson, NAB executive vice president for operations; Roy Siemiller, NAB vice presi- dent for labor liaison; Clark Hamilton, NAB congressional relations; Russo, Joseph J., Hoffman Bros. Packing Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif__ Amador, Richard, director, Community and Human Resources Agency, Hennemuth, Robert G., vice president for Industrial Relations, Raytheon Service Co.; accompanied by James Finneen, special counsel; and Herbert Eschwege, Henry, Associate Director, GOA, Washington, D.C., on behalf of the General Accounting Office, accompanied by Raymond Schmitt__ Howard, Jack, on behalf of American Learning Systems, Inc., accompanied by Mortimer Gerber, New York, N. Y. Butler, Herbert, Fred Aberlin, and Michael Bartels, of Manpower Service Training Division, Manpower, Inc.; and William Patton of Peoples Greenberg, Herbert M., Ph. D., president, Marketing Survey and Research Corp., New York, N. Y.; accompanied by Mrs. Jeanne Corwin, vice Nelson, Hon. Gaylord, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin- Shultz, Hon. George P., Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor; accompanied Miller, Betty, on behalf of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO... Hutton, William, executive director, National Council of Senior Citizens, Washington, D.C.; William C. Fitch, executive director, National Council on Aging, Washington, D.C.; and Bernard Nash, executive director, American Association of Retired Persons and National Retired Teachers Association, Washington, D.C., a Panel -- Nash, Bernard, executive director, American Association of Retired Persons and National Retired Teachers Association, Washington, D.C.. 17 |