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ties Capital and Cost of Money, after evaluating the contractor's cost proposal and determining the Government prenegotiation cost objective, but before determining the Government prenegotiation profit objective.

(c) A final Form CASB-CMF must be submitted by the contractor under CAS 414 as soon after the end of each cost accounting period as possible, for the purpose of final cost determinations and/of repricing. The submission should accompany the contractor's proposal for actual overhead costs and rates, and be evaluated as complementary documents and procedures.

330.7002 Cost of money for capital employed on capital assets under construction.

330.7002-1 Policy.

(a) It is Government policy to recognize a contractor's investment in capital assets while these are being constructed, fabricated, or developed for the contractor's own use (see FAR 31.205-10(b)). This recognition is made through the allowance of an imputed cost of money amount which is (1) calculated in accordance with Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 417, Cost of Money as an Element of the Cost of Capital Assets Under Construction (see 4 CFR Part 417), and the instructions in 330.7002-3, (2) capitalized along with the other costs of the asset for which the investment is made, and (3) allocated to Government contracts in accordance with 330.7002-4.

330.7002-2 Definitions.

The following definitions have been taken or developed from CAS 417 which is reprinted in 4 CFR Part 417.

(a) Intangible capital asset. An asset that has no physical substance, more than minimal value, and is expected to be held by an enterprise for continued use or possession beyond the current accounting period for the benefit it yields.

(b) Tangible capital asset. An asset that has physical substance, more than minimal value, and is expected to be held by an enterprise for continued use or possession beyond the current accounting period for the service it yields.

(c) Cost of money rate. The cost of money rate is either the interest rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under Pub. L. 92-41 (85 Stat. 97), or the time-weighted average of such rates for each cost accounting period during which the asset is being constructed, fabricated, or developed. The time-weighted average interest rate is calculated by multiplying the various rates in effect during the months of construction by the number of month(s) each rate was in effect. The sum of the products is divided by the total number of months in which the rates were experienced.

(d) Representative investment. The representative investment is the calculated amount considered invested by the contractor in the project to construct, fabricate, or develop the asset during the cost accounting period. In calculating the representative investment, consideration must be given to the rate or expenditure pattern of the investment, i.e., if most of the investment was at the end of the cost accounting period, the representative investment calculation must reflect this fact.

(1) If the contractor experiences an irregular or uneven expenditure pattern in the construction, fabrication, or development of a capital asset, i.e., a majority of the construction costs were incurred toward the beginning, middle, or end of the cost accounting period, the contractor must either:

(i) Determine a representative investment amount for the cost accounting period by calculating the average of the month-end balances for that cost accounting period, or

(ii) Treat month-end balances as individual representative investment


(2) If the construction, fabrication, or development costs were incurred in a fairly uniform expenditure pattern throughout the construction period, the contractor may:

(i) Determine a representative investment amount for the cost accounting period by averaging the beginning and ending balances of the construction, fabrication, or development cost account for the cost accounting period; or

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(a) The imputed cost of money for an asset under construction, fabrication, or development is calculated by applying a cost of money rate (see 330.7002-2(c)), to the representative investment amount (see 330.70022(d)).

(1) When a representative investment amount is determined for a cost accounting period in accordance with 330.7002-2(d)(1)(i) 330.70022(d)(2)(i), the cost of money rate used shall be the time-weighted average rate.


(2) When a monthly representative investment amount (see 330.70022(d)(1)(ii) or 330.7002-2(d)(2)(ii)) is used, the cost of money rate shall be the rate in effect each month.

(NOTE: Under this method, the cost of money calculation is made monthly and the total for the cost accounting period is the sum of the monthly calculations.)

(b) The method chosen by a contractor for determining the representative investment amount may be different for each capital asset being contructed, fabricated, or developed as long as the method fits the expenditure pattern of the construction costs incurred.

(c) The imputed cost of money will be capitalized only once in any cost accounting period, either at the end of the period or at the end of the construction period, whichever comes first.

(d) When the construction of an asset takes more than one cost accounting period, the cost of money capitalized for the first cost accounting period will be included in determining the representative investment amount for any future cost accounting periods.

330.7002-4 Composition and allocation of costs.

(a) The cost of money for a tangible capital asset determined in accordance with 330.7002-2 and 330.7002-3 shall be capitalized along with the other construction, fabrication, or develop

ment costs of that asset for purposes of depreciation under FAR 31.205-11.

(b) The cost of money for an intangible capital asset determined in accordance with 330.7002-2 and 330.7002-3 shall be capitalized along with other construction, fabrication, or development costs of that asset and amortized over appropriate cost accounting periods.

(c) Where CAS 414 cost of money is allocated to construction, fabrication, or development effort in accordance with 330.7001, it will be recognized and considered an element of total construction costs and be included in all calculations of the asset's representative investment amount.

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(e) The determination that the making of an advance payment is in the public interest (see FAR 32.402(c)(1) (iii)(A)) shall be made by the OPDIV, OS, and regional office officials as follows:

HCFA-Director, Office of Management and Budget

OHDS-Director, Office of Management Services

OS-Director, Office of Management Services

PHS-Director, Office of Management SSA-Associate Commissioner, Office of Management, Budget, and Personnel

RO-Regional Director

This authority is not delegable by the referenced officials.

332.403 Applicability.

All contracts for research work with educational institutions located in the United States shall provide for financing by use of advance payments, in reasonable amounts, unless otherwise prohibited by law.

332.406 Letters of credit.

(c)(1) A blanket determination and findings authorizing interest free advance payments under a single letter of credit has been executed and remains in effect for each of the nonprofit organizations listed in Attachment I "Single Letter of Credit Recipients and Central Point Addressees." These determinations and findings are applicable to all existing and future contracts entered into by the Department, its operating divisions, OS staff offices, and regional offices. All contracts with the listed organizations which require advance payments

(whether under section 305 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, or other statutory authority) shall provide for payment to be made under the appropriate letter of credit. The clause set forth in 352.232-73 shall be

included in all such contracts and the cognizant fiscal office shall be apprised of its inclusion.

(2) In those instances where it is practical and feasible to finance an advance payment under a letter of credit other than one which is incorporated under a single letter of credit described in paragraph (c)(1) above, a determination and findings shall be executed by the appropriate official indicated in 332.402(e) if the cited authority is to be section 305 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act. In cases where an authority other than section 305 is to be used, a determination and findings shall be submitted to the appropriate official authorized by the cited statute to approve the advance payment.


(3) The Treasury letter of credit method of financing advance payments shall be employed, whenever feasible. Department-wide blanket letters of credit, which apply to the financing of research contracts and grants between the institution and all activities of the Department, shall be utilized to the maximum extent practicable. Where a particular educational institution is supported by research contracts and grants with only one operating division of the Department, a single letter of credit, applicable to all research contracts and grants between the institution and that operating division may be employed.

[49 FR 14018, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23133, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985]

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(1) Community health representative services for an Indian Tribe or Band;

(2) Narcotic addict rehabilitative services;

(3) Comprehensive health care service program for Model Neighborhood programs;

(4) Planning and development of health maintenance organizations;

(5) Dissemination of information derived from educational research;

(6) Surveys or demonstrations in the field of education;

(7) Producing or distributing educational media for handicapped persons including captioned films for the deaf; (8) Operation of language or area centers;

(9) Conduct of biomedical research and support services;

(10) Research surveys or demonstrations involving the training and placement of health manpower and health professionals, and dissemination of related information; and

(11) Surveys or demonstrations in the field of social service.

332.409 Contracting officer action.

332.409-1 Recommendation for approval.

The information in FAR 32.409-1 (or FAR 32.409-2) shall be transmitted to the approving official cited in 332.402(e) or referenced in 332.406(c)(2) in the form of a briefing letter.

Subpart 332.7-Contract Funding

332.702 Policy.

An incrementally funded contract is a contract in which the total work effort is to be performed over multiple time periods and funds are allotted to cover discernible phases or increments of performance.

(a) The incremental funding technique shall only be applied to cost-reimbursement type contracts for the acquisition of research and development services and other types of nonpersonal services such as studies, surveys, and socioeconomic demonstration projects. It shall not be applied to construction services, architect-engineer services, or services subject to the Service Contract Act of 1965,


amended. The incremental funding technique allows for contracts to be awarded for periods in excess of one year even though the total estimated amount of funds expected to be obligated for the contract are not available at the time of the contract award. (b) It is departmental policy that contracts for projects of multiple year duration be fully funded, whenever possible, to cover the entire project. However, incrementally funded contracts may be used when:

(1) A project, which is part of an approved program, is anticipated to be of multiple year duration, but funds are not currently available to cover the entire project;

(2) The project represents a valid need of the fiscal year in which the contract is awarded and of the succeeding fiscal years of the project's duration, during which additional funds may be obligated by increasing the allotment to the contract;

(3) The project is so significant to the approved program that there is reasonable assurance that it will command a high priority for proposed appropriations to cover the entire multiple year duration; and

(4) The statement of work is specific and is defined by separate phases or increments so that, at the completion of each, progress can be effectively measured.

332.703 Contract funding requirements. 332.703-1


(b) The following general guidelines are applicable to incrementally funded contracts:

(1) The estimated total cost of the project (all planned phases or increments) is to be taken into consideration when determining the requirements which must be met before entering into the contract; i.e., justification for noncompetitive acquisition, approval of award, etc.

(2) The RFP and resultant contract are to include a statement of work which describes the total project covering the proposed multiple year period of performance and indicating timetables consistent with planned phases or increments and corresponding allotments of funds.

(3) Offerors will be expected to respond to RFPs with technical and cost proposals for the entire project indicating distinct break-outs of the planned phases or increments.

(4) Negotiations will be conducted based upon the total project, including all planned phases or increments, and the multiple year period of perform


(5) Sufficient funds must be obligated under the basic contract to cover no less than the first year of performance, unless the contracting officer determines it is advantageous to the Government to fund the contract for a lesser period. In that event, the contracting officer shall ensure that the obligated funds are sufficient to cover a complete phase or increment of performance representing a material and measurable part of the total project, and the contract period shall be reduced accordingly.

(6) Because of the magnitude of the scope of work and multiple year period of performance under an incrementally funded contract, there is a critical need for careful program planning. Program planning must provide for appropriate surveillance of the contractor's performance and adequate controls to ensure that projected funding will not impinge on the program office's ability to support, within anticipated appropriations, other equally important contract or grant programs.

(7) An incrementally funded contract must contain precise requirements for progress reports to enable the project officer to effectively monitor the contract. The project officer should be required to prepare periodic performance evaluation reports to facilitate the program office's ultimate decision to allot additional funds under the contract.

332.704 Limitation of cost or funds.

For detailed instruction regarding administrative actions in connection with anticipated cost overruns, see Subpart 342.71.

332.705 Contract clauses.

332.705-2 Clauses for limitation of costs or funds.

(c) (1) When using the Limitation of Funds clause (FAR 52.232-22) in the solicitation and resultant incrementally funded contract, the contracting officer shall insert the following legend between the clause title and the clause text:

(This clause supersedes the Limitation of Cost clause found in the General Provisions of this contract.)

(2) The contracting officer shall also include a clause reading substantially as that shown in 352.232-74 in the Special Provisions of the resultant incrementally funded contract.

(3) The request for proposals must inform prospective offerors of the Department's intention to enter into an incrementally funded contract. Therefore, the contracting officer shall include the provision at 352.232-75 in the request for proposals whenever the use of incremental funding is contemplated.

332.770 Prohibition against use of HHS funds to influence legislation or appropriations.

(a) This section provides guidance on the implementation of section 407 of the Title IV General Provisions of the Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare FY 1979 Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 95-480). Section 407, in part, prohibits the use of appropriated funds to pay the salaries or expenses of grantees and contractors, or their agents, incurred while engaging in activities to influence legislation or appropriations pending before Congress.

(b) The clause set forth in 352.23272 implements this provision of section 407 and is to be included in every invitation for bids, request for proposals, contract, and small purchase funded in whole or in part under the FY 1979 Appropriations Act, or any succeeding Appropriations Act which contains the referenced provision.

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