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they might not have the staff to do it-At the minimum, it should be placed in the Red Meat Inspection Branch by direction of Congress to the Secretary of Agriculture, and not leaving it up to him to decide, because we have had too many instances, and inferences whereby it will not be placed where it should be placed for the protection of the


That is the analysis as far as those two groups are concerned. If I might just introduce one statement from the Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.

This is a letter which was sent from the State of Georgia. Our Association, I would like you to know, Mr. Chairman, of State Public Health Veterinarians, has not done this by hearsay, and we have not done it by indirection. We have done it by direct contact with our members. We sent a letter to the members of the Association of State Public Health Veterinarians. If I may, this is just a two-page thing, and may I read this at this time?

Senator MURRAY. It may be read.

Dr. SUSSMAN. I think it is important for it to be read, if I may. This is sent to the members of the Association of State Public Health Veterinarians from myself, as secretary-treasurer, at the direction of the executive board.

As you recall, there was a companion bill put into the Congress which has approximately the same wording as yours, and it was introduced by Congressman Priest, and at that time we were referring to that resolution, and that is H. R. 8599. The letter reads as follows:

This is to inform you that in the 84th Congress, 2d session, H. R. 8599 was introduced by Mr. Priest. This bill refers to the interstate movement of unhealthful, diseased, unwholesome poultry products. In line with previous discussions that we have had, therefore, I believe it is incumbent upon me as secretary to poll your votes for submission to the executive board and our president, Dr. Hines, for I believe that we will be asked, or, that we should offer, our views on this bill.

Briefly, the bill covers the requirement for the inspection of poultry going in interstate commerce. The bill places the responsibility for this inspection in the Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

There is likely to be considerable discussion and opposition from the Department of Agriculture, for this poultry inspection service has, up until recently, been degenerating into a sales-promotion program and has not been under top administration of veterinarians but rather on the basis of graders and sanitarians. Undoubtedly, the question will be raised as to whether our organization and others like it feel that food inspection would be better maintained in a consumer protective agency such as Food and Drug Administration in comparison to the United States Department of Agriculture which is normally considered and has acted as a producer, processor, protective organization. With this in mind and knowing that this bill, H. R. 8599, will create

(1) The requirement for inspection of all interstate shipped slaughtered poultry;

(2) an inspection service in the Federal Food and Drug Administration, with top supervision by veterinarians

will you, therefore, vote on these following questions:

"Question: If our organization makes a statement before the Congress committee, shall we approve (x), or disapprove ( ), the bill as it stands?

"Question: Shall we, if asked to qualify our statement, indicate our general agreement that consumer protective agencies should handle consumer protective problems (x), or, shall we make no statement to this effect? ()."

And he said: "It might be best to leave this question to the judgment of those in charge at the time statement is needed."

Question: Will you make any further comments on the bill and, if so, what would they be? Elaborate.

And he said: "With specific reference to poultry and poultry products the consumer has been the forgotten man.

"Most of this inspection heretofore provided has been slanted toward pulling the producers economic lot out of the fire rather than protecting the consuming public against a contaminated, unwholesome, or even dangerous product.

"Participation of health department personnel is vital, in my opinion, with top supervision by veterinarians. From an organization viewpoint this can be best provided within the existing framework of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and State health departments rather than the Department of Agriculture."

It is signed by the man from the State Department of Public Health of Georgia.

I would like to point out

Senator MURRAY. Could we keep that copy?

Dr. SUSSMAN. If I may have a photostat back, you may keep the original. This is signed by the man, but I would like to have a photostat made.

Senator MURRAY. We can return the original to you.

Dr. SUSSMAN. One thing that came up yesterday was an inference that by placing the inspection service in the Department of Agriculture, there would be no duplication of service and that they have the personnel available in the Department of Agriculture to do it. I think it is important to point out that when the Food and Drug Administration was moved from the Department of Agriculture to get away from the pressures of the producer and the processor of the products which were supposed to be protected by the Food and Drug Administration for the protection of the consuming public, they took the Food and Drug Administration in toto and moved it into the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

The brains, the personnel, and the know-how went with the move. There is no reason why, if your committee or Congress does shift the poultry inspection service as such, from the Department of Agriculture to an agency where it should be, that the whole poultry inspection corps of top brass and know-how, which are good know-how, should not be moved in toto over to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Minus those people who are charged only with, or primarily with the sales of the product, that could be done.

However, unless that is done, and the man from the Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Butz, would not answer the question as to whether the Congress put it into the Department of Agriculture, whether it would go into the Red Meat Inspection Branch-I think it should be realized that although everyone has been worried about duplication of services, there will essentially be a continuation of duplication of services if the poultry inspection service remains in the Poultry Branch.

So that unless Congress actually enacts a bill which says that the poultry inspection service per se is moved into the red-meat inspection service as has been suggested by the American Veterinary Medical Association, I believe we are missing a bet and just swallowing something like a fish, and we are going to get hooked with a duplication of services when we do not really want it.

Thank you very much. I would be glad to answer questions. Senator MURRAY. It is fine to have that complete statement from you. Thank you very much.

Senator MURRAY. Mrs. Frances Wright.


Mrs. WRIGHT. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I am Frances Wright, president of Housewives United, a small national club of women interested, first of all, in their homes and families. And certainly clean, wholesome food for our husbands and children is one of our major concerns.

We are therefore wholeheartedly in favor of the passage of S. 3176 to insure the proper inspection of poultry, before and after slaughter, that is sold in interstate commerce.

Although we have had tasteless fowls, the members of the national board here in Washington have had no personal experience with filthy or diseased birds, but that could be just our good luck.

After I wrote that I found out that one of our people did have, and was sick for several days. We have heard about them: A friend here told us about a large rotten spot she had found on her turkey last Thanksgiving. And in November 1954 a man in California who owned several meat markets wrote us that the filth and disease in the wholesale poultry industry were a serious hazard to the health of American families. I may say we have done all we could to help the Food and Drug Administration, and we are not big, and we have done what we could.

And I well remember some of the reports of the Food and Drug Administration that talked about filthy poultry, about poultry that had had water injected into them before freezing in order to increase the weight, and about poultry that as the report expressed it—“had died otherwise than by slaughter."

Progress does sometimes bring problems and curtail freedom. When I was a little girl my grandmother could go out in the backyard and choose from her own flock the chicken she would have for Sunday dinner. When I was older, my mother got her broilers from a nice farmer who came down our street every Tuesday and Saturday with chickens and butter and eggs and fresh vegetables. But today Mrs. Housewife will most probably get her chicken from a large store, which, in turn, has bought its poultry stock from perhaps several of the estimated 1,300 poultry establishments.

Thus, the blame for a bad one is frequently hidden in anonymity. And, as I understand it, one filthy and diseased fowl in a processing plant can contaminate many others.

Raising chickens has become big business. But compulsory inspection to guard against disease and filth would certainly be good for the business. Prompt inspection during an epidemic among fowls might serve a large part of a dealer's stock in trade. And with the passage of this bill, housewives will feel a confidence in the purity and wholesomeness of all the poultry they serve on their dinner tables. This feeling of confidence is certainly in the American tradition.

If red meat should be inspected, and we definitely believe that it should, then why in the world should poultry not be inspected?

In the opinion of members of Housewives United, this legislation is long overdue. And we are very grateful to you, Senator Murray, and to your colleagues for having introduced it.

I may say that I wish fish also were included in the bill.

Senator MURRAY. Certainly conditions have changed in this country over the years. You mentioned how you used to get your food in your days. You are a young woman. I remember when we used to have market day every Wednesday and Saturday, and the farmers would come from around the country and bring in their dressed turkeys and chickens, butter, eggs, and everything else.

I regret the passing of that period, but we are living in a new era, and we have to try to do the best we can to protect the health of the consumers and that is what we are trying to do here.

Thank you very much for your statement.

Is there any other person here who would like to make a statement in connection with this matter?

We have heard everyone that has requested to appear, and if there are no other people here wishing to make statements, the proceedings will be terminated at this point.

The hearing will be adjourned.

Thank you very much for your presence here. And I am sure that the results of the hearing will be beneficial.

(By direction of the chairman, the following is made a part of the record :)


New York, N. Y., May 4, 1956.

Chairman, Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee,

Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C.

DEAR SENATOR MURRAY: This department wishes to express its full approval of bill S. 3176, "compulsory inspection of poultry and poultry products," and urges that the bill be enacted.

It is estimated that approximately 5 million pounds of poultry are sold each week in New York City. Of this, the largest percentage is New York dressed poultry which has been defeathered but in which the viscera has not been removed. Ante-mortem inspection of such poultry is not performed and postmortem inspection can only be done on a spot-check basis with our very limited personnel of sanitarians. However, eviscerated poultry is receiving increasing consumer acceptance and all eviscerated or processed poultry that is shipped to this city for sale must have ante- and post-mortem inspection in conformity with section 163 of our sanitary code.

This section requires that all eviscerated or processed poultry that is shipped to this city "shall have been inspected and passed as fit for consumption as human food by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Department of Agriculture or of any foreign or other domestic inspection service approved by the Board of Health of the City of New York, and shall have been marked, stamped, or labeled as having been so inspected or passed."

Most of the eviscerated or processed poultry shipped to this city emanates from federally inspected establishments. However, a considerable percentage originates in communities throughout the United States in which the local inspection service has been approved by our board of health after correspondence indicates that the service appears to be satisfactory.

It is not practical for this Department to regularly supervise such "approved" inspection services in towns and cities scattered all over the country. However, spot checks have disclosed that the sanitary conditions of these plants are often quite deplorable and we suspect that in many cases, despite the certification by the local agency, a veterinarian is not always on the premises to inspect all of the poultry being slaughtered and eviscerated. Furthermore, it is obvious that there is a complete lack of uniformity in the standards maintained by these various community services.

If this bill were passed, all poultry entering the city of New York would be eviscerated and would have received both ante- and post-mortem inspections in plants operated and maintained in a sanitary manner. We feel that poultry should receive inspection on a national scale similar to the mandatory Federal inspection services now provided for meat and meat products.

Enactment of this bill would enable the citizens of this city, as well as other communities, to receive poultry that has been processed in a sanitary manner and is free of disease.

We strongly recommend that this bill be enacted into law.

Very truly yours,


Commissioner of Health.



Denver, May 4, 1956.


I, Roy L. Cleere, M. D., am and have been for the past 20 years the executive director of the Colorado State Department of Public Health. During my tenure of office I have become familiar with the poultry industry and the public's need for a sound inspection program designed for the protection of the public health and welfare. I sincerely regret my inability to appear personally before the subcommittee of the Senate's Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to express my views in support of S. 3176. In lieu thereof, I respectfully transmit, herewith, the official opinions and recommendations of the Colorado State Department of Public Health in relation to this proposed legislation.

Colorado is predominantly a poultry-importing State, and, therefore, we are vitally concerned with legislation affecting the interstate movement of products of this class, especially if the acceptance of such products becomes obligatory.

It is most gratifying to know that efforts are being made to place the authority for poultry inspection under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration. Such designation appears most feasible inasmuch as the Food and Drug Administration, having been established for the express purpose of protecting consumer interests and public health and being in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, is eminently qualified to administer such a program. The food and drug services in most States are a responsibility of the State departments of public health and there exists a most congenial and harmonious working relationship and liaison between these State services and the Food and Drug Administration. It must be emphsized that if Federal poultry inspection is placed under the administration of the Department of Agriculture by statutory authority, that the Food and Drug Administration will be denied by law from cooperating with State and local health agencies in the seizure of filthy, putrid, diseased, or otherwise unwholesome poultry which has been in interstate


It is recognized that the authority for poultry inspection, in the past, has been vested in the Department of Agriculture. This administrative location has been based on the fallacious premise that all products produced on farms naturally become the responsibility of Agriculture. It must be further recognized that the basic law creating the Department of Agriculture does not confer upon it the responsibility for the protection of consumer interests and health, but rather, the promotion of agriculture and agricultural products. Public health benefits, therefore, accruing to the consumer are of secondary concern. We fully agree that the Department of Agriculture should serve to promote the interests of agriculture, but the combination of promotion and health protection appear incompatible. This concept has been amply demonstrated by the current poultry inspection program operated by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the Department of Agriculture.

In 1950 the Food and Drug Administration seized a shipment of poultry on the eastern seaboard which was processed in a Federal establishment in Colorado. This seizure was made on the basis that the birds were diseased and emaciated. Investigation revealed that the establishment which processed this poultry was operating under Federal approval for grading only but that there was no actual line inspection of the products to determine their freedom from disease.

During March of 1951 a representative of the Inspection Service of the Production and Marketing Administration made an inspection of a poultry establishment located in the city of Denver. This establishment had been closed by the local authorities for noncompliance with municipal statutes and State regu

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