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The 1959 Short-Term Counseling and Guidance Training Institutes


IN SEPTEMBER OF 1958, the 85th Congress passed Public Law 85-864, the National Defense Education Act. The step had not been taken lightly. For months congressional committees had been studying alternative bills. Widespread discussion had occurred in circles where educators and the educated were represented. Many proposals had been examined and compared. Congress realized that the provisions of this law would have widespread and to some extent unpredictable effects on the whole pattern of American education.

This report is an examination of the structure that was built upon title V (B) of the act during its first year. Part B authorized the establishment of counseling and guidance training institutes at colleges and universities for the purpose of improving the qualifications of secondary school personnel to engage in counseling and guidance.

We shall look first at the principles that guided the designers in their plans. We shall then turn our attention to the details of the structure itself, answering such questions as What? Who? Where? and How much? We shall then try to analyze the distinctive contributions to counselor education that this program has made. We shall grapple with the problems that were faced by the persons who planned and conducted this first round of institutes. We shall evaluate the outcomes as well as possible and try to determine how successfully the purposes of title V (B) of the National Defense Education Act have been achieved.

Public Law 85-864 expresses our shared conviction that education is of the greatest importance in American life. Title V expresses our shared conviction that guidance is of the greatest importance in education. In the institutes program we see these convictions given form and substance. It is well that we study it thoughtfully and learn from it as much as we can.


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