TABLE XX. EXPORTATION OF DOMESTIC BARLEY FOR THE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS. IMPORTATIONS FOR THE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS OF RICE MEAL, DECREASED PRODUCTION OF DISTILLED SPIRITS. The quantity of distilled spirits (126,989,740.1 gallons) produced from materials other than fruit and deposited in distillery warehouses or removed to denaturing warehouses direct from cistern rooms of distilleries during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, is less than the quantity so produced (168,573,913.2 gallons) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1907, by 41,584,173.1 gallons. The decrease is distributed among the different kinds as known to trade as follows: INCREASE OR DECREASE IN NUMBER OF SPECIAL-TAXPAYERS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1908 AS COMPARED WITH 1907. It is noteworthy that more than one-half of the total increase in the number of persons paying a special tax as retail dealers in malt liquors should have taken place in Georgia. The fact carries its own comment on the results of prohibitive legislation. The most notable decrease is shown in the number of retail liquor dealers. It is fairly evenly distributed and seems related to industrial depression as well as to restrictive laws and local prohibition. DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPIRITS PRODUCED FROM MATERIALS OTHER THAN FRUIT DURING THE YEAR DEPOSITED IN DIS- |