Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
15 families agreed agricultural sector Agriculture and Rural allocated ambayo answer asked the Minister Assistant Minister budget Coast Province coffee computerisation crop Deputy Speaker devil worshippers District expenses extension services factory fertiliser fisheries funds Gatabaki Government Head holding grounds House Ice Plant issue Item kama katika nchi Katuku Keah Kenya Airways Khamasi Kihoro Kittony Kshs1 Kshs25 million kwa sababu Lakini land lazima livestock Madoka maji mambo matatus Members Michuki Minister for Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Mungiki sect Munyasia Murathe Musila Naibu Spika Ndicho Ng'eny Ngure Nkubu North Eastern Province Nyanza Province Nyeri nyingi Obure officers Ojode organisation pamba Parliament particular personal emoluments pineapple point of order production programme question raised revive Rural Development Seii show ground Sub-Vote sugar Sumbeiywo talking Temporary Deputy Chairman touts tsetse fly Vote want the Minister watu World Bank yafaa