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Dakar, 3rd to 8th February 1975



The Conference,


RECALLING the declarations and resolutions adopted at the Fourth Conference of Heads of State and of Governments of Non-Aligned Countries held at Algiers in September 1973;

RECALLING the resolution adopted by the United Nations on the Establishment of a new international economic order;

NOTING the extremely serious, tragic and lasting repercussions of the continuing war of aggression by the United States of America in Cambodia on the lives of the Cambodian people, on their economic, social and cultural development, and on the economic situation of the region;

CONSIDERING that the prolongation of this war prevents the Cambodian people from exercising full national sovereignty over its natural resources and aggravates its food supply and environmental problems;

1. DENOUNCES the criminal continuance of the American war of aggression in Cambodia, and condemns this aggression which has caused incalculable devastation and damage to the life and economy of the Cambodian people and to its historic monuments which are an integral part of the cultural heritage of mankind;

2. DENOUNCES in particular the use of poisonous chemicals by the United States of merica and by the puppet administration in Phnom Penh to destroy the economy of Cambodia and its natural resources.

3. DEMANDS that the Government of the United States of America immediately desist from all acts of aggression against Cambodia and all interference in its internal affairs, in order that the Cambodian people under the leadership of the Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia may exercise their full national sovereignty and proceed rapidly and in full freedom with the economic development of the country.

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CONSIDERING the impossibility of establishing a new international economic order based on justice while colonialism, occupation and threats against peoples exercising their legitimate rights continue;

NOTING that the Palestinian people has still not recovered its national territory;

BEARING IN MIND the fact that the continued occupation by Israel of extensive Arab territories and the pillage of the resources of those territories by the Zionists;

ATTACHING particular attention to the repeated threats and acts of aggression by the Israeli armed forces against Southern Lebanon:


REAFFIRMS yet again the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestinian people against colonialism, Zionism, and racism and for the recovery of all their national rights on Palestinian soil;

2. DEMANDS the withdrawal of Zionist forces from all
the occupied Arab territories;

3. CONDEMNS Israeli threats and acts of aggression
against Lebanon and calls for their immediate cessation,



Dakar, 3rd to 8th February 1975

Resolution 4: NAMIBIA

The Conference,

NOTING with satisfaction the armed and political struggle waged by the Namibian people under the direction of SWAPO;

NOTING with satisfaction and approval the constant opposition of the Namibian people to the illegal occupation of Namibia by racist South Africa;

NOTING with concern the plight of the impoverished people of Namibia;

CONSIDERING the inalienable right of the people of Namibia to self-determination and the independence of Namibia as a single state;

CONSIDERING the presence of Consulates of the Federal Republic of Germany and France in Namibia in violation of the decisions of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice recommending the rupture of all diplomatic relations with South Africa in particular with regard to Namibia;

1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by South Africa, characterised by brutal arrests, imprisonment, tortures, detentions, public flogging and intimidation of SWAPO members;

2. STRENUOUSLY CONDEMNS the illegal exploitation of the natural resources of Namibia by international monopolistic western and South African companies to the detriment of the Namibian people who are exploited through a system of slavecontracts and cheap labour;

3. CONDEMNS the incorporation and assimilation of economic statistics on Namibia with those on South Africa, to disguise and conceal real company profits in Namibia and the taxes deriving to South Africa from the territory;

4. UNRESERVEDLY CONDEMNS the presence of the South African military bases and armed forces in the territory of Namibia, maintained by the economic exploitation of Namibia;

Resolution 4
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DEMANDS that international corporations put an immediate end to their exploitation of the resources of Namibia and that they block any further investments;

6. CALLS FOR the release of all Namibian political prisoners in Namibia and on Robben Island in South Africa;

7.. DEMANDS that the Namibian freedon fighters captured by the South African armed forces be treated as prisoners of war by South Africa in accordance with the Geneva Convention;

8. CALLS FOR increased material, financial and moral support to the Namibian people through SWAPO, the sole legitimate and authentic liberation movement in Namibia, in conformity with the decisions adopted by the Organization of African Unity, the United Nations, the International Conference in Support of the Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid held in Oslo and the Fourth Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Countries held in Algiers.

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RECALLING the resolutions adopted at the Fourth Conference of Heads of State of Non-Aligned countries and the Declaration on National Liberation issued in Algiers in September 1973, affirming the legitimacy of the struggle of colonial peoples fighting for their national independence, and recognizing the liberation movements as the sole legitimate representatives of their peoples;

REAFFIRMING the inalienable right of the people of Zimbabwe to self-determination and independence in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;

REAFFIRMING further the legitimacy of the struggle of the people of Zimbabwe to exercise effectively their right to self-determination and independence;

STRONGLY DEPLORING the continued arbitrary and illegal detention of Zimbabwe political leaders and patriots by the illegal racist minority régime, notwithstanding the recent Lusaka diplomatic endeavours;

DEEPLY CONCERNED at the continued presence of an intervention by South African armed forces in Zimbabwe to assist the illegal régime in maintaining its domination;

DEEPLY CONCERNED at the fact that the Government of the United States of America continues to import chromium and nickel from Zimbabwe in violation of the decisions of the Security Council;

1. REAFFIRMS its full support for and complete solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe in their legitimate struggle for national independence and the exercise of their right to self-determination on the basis of universal suffrage;

2. UNDERTAKES to increase its material, financial and moral

support for the Zimbabwe liberation movement;

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