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Resolution 1

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3. CONDEMNS the repeated threats to use force against the oilproducing countries, which constitute a serious threat to international peace and security.

4. EXPRESSES ITS SUPPORT for and solidarity with all developing countries, particularly the OPEC member countries, which decide to recover their rights by nationalization of their natural resources, exercising control over foreign enterprises operating on their territories, or by fixing the prices of the products which they export.

AFFIRMS that any measures of aggression, economic or otherwise, directed against any particular developing country or group of developing countries shall meet with a united response from all the developing countries.



Dakar, 3rd to 8th February 1975


Resolution 2


The Conference,

CONVINCED of the need to strengthen the position of the developing countries which are producers and exporters of primary commodities and raw materials,

CONSIDERING the need to take suitable measures to give effect to the decisions of the Conference,

DECIDES to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Group of Non-Aligned Countries on Raw Materials, open to the participation of other developing countries which have been invited to take part in the Dakar Conference, in order to ensure the effective implementation of the decisions taken by the Conference,

The Group should undertake additional studies and prepare concrete plans and programmes in implementation of the decisions taken by the Conference, which would be continued by the competent bodies,

The Conference would like the Intergovernmental Group to consider the following questions inter alia:

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(a) Commodities or groups of commodities for which there is now no efficient machinery or measures designed to remedy that situation;

(b) Provisions relating to co-ordination and co-operation between existing primary commodity organizations and those which are to be set up;

(c) Documentation and information systems which serve as the supporting infrastructure, using the means available to UNCTAD and other bodies.

The Intergovernmental Group shall submit its reports to the Governments of the member non-aligned countries and of the other developing countries invited to take part in the Conference within a period of four months.

The Conference invites the Co-ordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries to study the decisions taken by the Conference with a view to giving firm support to their implementation and to recommend that the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Countries should assess the results achieved and take the necessary measures.

The Conference authorizes its Chairman and the Government of Senegal to transmit the decisions it has taken to the competent international bodies and organizations, and particularly to the seventh special session of the United Nations General


Resolution 2
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Assembly, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, ECOSOC, UNIDO, IBRD and the IMF. The Conference strongly urges those international organizations to take the necessary measures to give effect to those decisions which come within their competence.

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Gravely perturbed at the deterioration in the
international situation in respect of raw materials
for which the terms of trade are constantly

Considering that effective mobilization by the
developing countries of their national resources
to promote their economic and social development
is an urgent necessity and will be a decisive
factor in the establishment of a new and equitable
international economic order;

Considering that the concerted action taken to this end by all the oil-exporting countries constitutes an initial success and an encouragement to continue along these lines;

Convinced that only a global approach based on a common
strategy can effectively enable the developing
countries to carry through an international action
for the promotion of raw materials and the improvement
of their terms of trade;

Considering the vital need for co-operation
between the developing countries in the urgent
preparation of this global strategy in a spirit of
active solidarity:


(a) to communicate the results of the work of the Ministerial
Conference of Developing Countries on Raw Materials to the
Summit Conference of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Countries which is due to meet shortly in Algiers;

(b) to give a mandate to the Chairman of the Ministerial
Conference of Developing Countries on Raw Materials,
assisted by three Delegates, namely representatives of
Pakistan, Cuba and Ghana, to carry out this mission.

(2) EXPRESSES THE HOPE that the Summit Conference of OPEC
will take into consideration, with a view to incorporating
them into its programme of action, the measures decided
by the Ministerial Conference of Developing Countries on.
Raw Materials.

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CONSIDERING the need for strengthening co-operation among developing countries which are producers of raw materials and primary commodities, particularly through co-operation among producers' associations;

CONVINCED of the need for developing producer countries and their producers' associations to exercise control over the marketing of their products and for stabilizing their prices at remunerative levels;

1. DECIDES to recommend the establishment of a Special Fund to finance buffer stocks of raw materials and primary commodities exported by developing countries.


INVITES all the governments of developing countries

to contribute to this Fund.

3. DECIDES to establish a special intergovernmental group of non-aligned countries and other developing countries, composed of six representatives from each region to consider the modalities and the detailed provisions for the operations of the Fund, including the size of its capital and its operational relationship with producers' associations.

The Group shall meet as soon as possible and as often as necessary until the completion of its task. The Group shall establish contact with OPEC and the other producers'

associations concerned.

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