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Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii 4179A Mar. 20, 1925
a portion of the Sugar Loaf Mili-
tary Reservation.

51.1 (a).1

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51.1 (a).1

Reserving certain lands in Alaska
for cemetery purposes, the same
to be known as the Sitka
National Cemetery.
Establishing a portion of the Fort
Brady Target Range Military
Reservation in Michigan as a
national forest.
Restoring certain property, the
same being part of the Military
Reservation Schofield Barracks
to the Territory of Hawaii as a
site for public school.
Transferring a portion of the Fort
Snelling Military Reservation to
the U. S. Veterans' Bureau.
Restoring to the control of the War
Department certain portions of
the United States Military Res-
ervation known as Camp Sher-
man in Ohio.

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Reserving portions of land in New
Mexico for an airplane landing
field for use of the War

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Correcting the description of land restored to the Territory of Hawaii by E.O. 4274, July 25,

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Correcting the description of Pupu- 5240 kea Military Reservation in the Territory of Hawaii.

Dec. 14, 1929

51.1 (a).1


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Withdrawing certain lands in Colorado for use as a target range by the Colorado National Guard. Withdrawing certain lands in New Mexico for use as a target range by the New Mexico National Guard.

Withdrawing certain lands in Colo-
rado for use as a target range by
the Colorado National Guard.
Setting aside certain lands in La-
mao, Philippine Islands, for mili-
tary purposes.

Setting aside certain lands in the
Canal Zone for a military reserva-
tion to be known as Cerro Tigre
Ordnance Depot.
Restoring a portion of Puolo Point
Military Reservation to the Ter-
ritory of Hawaii.

Restoring a portion of Upolu Point
Military Reservation to the Ter-
ritory of Hawaii.

Transferring land to the War Department for a radio station at Ketchikan, Alaska.

Withdrawing public lands in Alaska
for use as a radio station for the
Washington-Alaska Military Ca-
ble and Telegraph System.
Withdrawing public land for an ad-
dition to the Benicia Arsenal
Military Reservation.

Describing the extent and limita-
tion of Fort Armstrong Military
Reservation in the Territory of

Restoring to the government of the
Philippine Islands a part of the
military reservation at Augur

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Withdrawing certain lands in Ida

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ho for a target range for use of
the Idaho National Guard.

See footnotes on p. 192.

Page 45

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Executive order-Continued.





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6118 May 2, 1933

51.1 (a).1

Restoring to the Territory of Ha-
waii certain lands at Round Top
Military Reservation formerly set
aside for military purposes.
Defining the extent and limits of
the military reservation of Fort
Randolph and France Field in
the Canal Zone.

Revoking Executive order, Mar. 28, 6039
1898, and Executive order, May
20, 1922, reserving certain lands
in Alaska for use of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture and reserving
a portion of said lands for use of
the War Department as a radio
station and a portion for the
Alaska Game Commission.
Reserving a portion of the Tongass
National Forest for use of the
War Department as a radio sta-
tion at Juneau, Alaska.
Transferring the control of certain
lands in Alaska to the control of
the Secretary of War for a cable
and telegraph system.
Reserving certain lands in Alaska
for use of the War Department
for a radio station at Point
Transferring certain lands at Army
supply base, Charleston, South
Carolina, from the U. S. Shipping
Board to the War Department.
Withdrawing certain lands in Ari-
zona for use as a target range by
the Arizona National Guard.
Amending E.O. 6166, June 10, 1933,
relative to organization of execu-
tive agencies.
Reserving certain lands in Alaska
for use by the Washington-
Alaska Military Cable and Tele-
graph System.

Correcting the description of the
boundaries of Fort Ruger Mili-
tary Reservation, Territory of


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