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ing the United States. Documents required of bona fide alien seamen entering the United States.

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Reserving certain sections of land
in the vicinity of Winnebago,
Wisconsin, for military purposes.
Setting aside lands in the vicinity
of Barrancas, Pensacola Bay,
Florida, for naval purposes.
Setting aside public lands in Florida
for military purposes.
Setting aside lands for military
purposes to be designated as Fort
Morgan Military Reservation.
Transferring a portion of the land
at Pensacola, Florida, reserved
for naval purposes from the con-
trol of the Navy Department to
the War Department for the
erection of fortifications.
Setting aside lands at Pensacola,
Florida, within boundary lines as
agreed upon by the War Depart-
ment and the Navy Department.
Setting aside certain lands in the
Bay of San Francisco, California,
and on the shore of the Bay of
San Pueblo for public purposes.
Reducing the reservation set aside
by Executive order, Nov. 6, 1850,
so as to include only tracts men-
tioned, two in number.
Reserving certain lands between

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San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean for military purposes. Setting aside land opposite Fort Snelling, Minnesota, for military purposes.

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Revoking Executive order, May 25,
1853, setting aside certain lands
opposite Fort Snelling for military
purposes, and substituting for
the description therein another
approved by direction of the
War Department.

Setting aside the land for the United
States Military Reservation at
Fort Leavenworth.

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Setting aside lands in Kansas for use of the military post of Fort Riley.

See footnotes on p. 192.

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Executive order-Continued.

Reserving a tract of land at Camp
Scott, Utah, for military pur-

Reserving the island of Los Angelos
in the bay of San Francisco for
military purposes.
Setting aside land at Benicia, Cali-
fornia, for a military reservation.
Reserving for military purposes

certain lands at Benicia, Cali-

Setting aside Sand Island in the
entrance to Columbia River,
Oregon, for a military reserva-

Setting aside 25 named tracts of
land in and around Washington
Harbor in Washington for mili-
tary purposes.
Excepting Yerba Buena from the
relinquishment of land to the city
of San Francisco and setting
aside said island for military

Reserving land at Monterey, Cali-
fornia, for military purposes_as
described in field notes of En-
gineers' Corps in 1847.
Setting aside a tract of land for a
military reservation at Camp
Douglas, Utah.

Setting aside certain lands for
reservations at Forts Laramie,
Fetterman, D. A. Russell, and
Fred Steele, Wyoming Territory,
Fort Sedgwick, Colorado Ter-
ritory, and the enlargement of
the reservation at Fort Sanders,
Wyoming Territory, for military

Reserving certain lands at Fort

Gibson, Cherokee Nation, for military purposes. Describing the limits and extent of Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Reserving a portion of Fort Smith, Arkansas, and restoring same to the War Department to be continued as a national cemetery. Describing the extent and limits Fort Sill, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, which is set aside for military purposes.

Setting aside lands at Fort Boise, Idaho Territory, for military purposes.

See footnotes on p. 192.

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Setting aside certain lands in Da-
kota Territory as a wood and
timber reservation for Fort
Setting aside public lands for the
post of Camp Huachuca, Arizona
Territory, for military purposes.
Setting aside described lands in the
State of Florida for military pur-
poses as sites for coast defenses.
Enlarging the territory in the mili-
tary reservation of Camp Hua-
chuca in the Territory of Arizona.
Reserving a portion of land within
the Arrapahoe Indian Reserva-
tion as a military reservation for
the post of Fort Reno.

See footnotes on p. 192.

Page 30

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Executive order-Continued.

Modifying Executive order, Dec.
18, 1878, and describing the
extent and boundary of the
military reservation of Fort
Meade, Dakota Territory.
Reserving described tracts of land
within the limits of the Crow
Indian Reservation, Montana
Territory, for military purposes
in connection with Fort Custer.
Placing the territory formerly set
aside as Fort McPherson, Ne-
braska, with the exception of the
national cemetery located there-
in under the control of the
Secretary of the Interior, the
same being useless for military
Setting aside lands near Denver,
Colorado, for the establishment
of a post to be used for military

Modifying Executive order, May
11, 1844, to include the bound-
aries described.

Extending the military reservation

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of Fort Pickens, Florida, so as to
include the whole of Santa Rosa

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Setting aside a tract of land adjoining San Pedro Bay in California as a military reservation. Enlarging the Fort Meade Military Reservation in South Dakota by the addition of certain timber lands.

Reserving a portion of land within the site of Fort Gibson for a national cemetery.

Setting aside certain land at Bayou
Grande, Florida, for military

Setting aside lands for a rifle range
and other military purposes in
connection with the post at Fort
Brady, Michigan.
Revoking Executive order, Apr. 1,
1895, and reserving certain lands
as a military reservation for the
post of Fort Townsend, Wash-

Adding to the land permanently
reserved for military purposes in
connection with the post of Fort
Douglas, Utah.

See footnotes on p. 192.

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Executive order-Continued.

Placing a portion of Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, under the control of
the Secretary of the Interior, the
same having become useless for
military purposes.
Setting aside certain lands at Mar-
rowstone Point, Admiralty Inlet,
Washington, for military pur-

Adding to the military reservation
at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Placing under the control of the
Secretary of the Interior, a por-
tion of land reserved for military
purposes by Executive order,
Feb. 9, 1842, the same having
become useless for military pur-

Reserving certain lands in Florida
for the military and naval defense
of St. Andrews Bay.

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Reserving certain lands near Pen

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Reserving a tract on Yerba Buena

Apr. 12, 1898

51.1 (a).1

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