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Executive order:

Consolidating the Kaniksu and Pend Oreille National Forests and transferring lands from Pend Oreille to the Coeur d'Alene National Forest, Idaho and Washington. Transferring lands from the Ranier National Forest to the Columbia National Forest, Washington. Transferring lands from the Ranier National Forest to the Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington. Transferring lands from the Ranier National Forest to the Wenatchee National Forest, Washingtion. Transferring certain lands from the Snoqualmie National Forest to the Mount Baker National Forest, Washington.

Transferring lands from and to the Ashley and Wasatch National Forests, Utah and Wyoming. Transferring lands from Klamath National Forest to Shasta National Forest, California.

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Enlarging the area of the Uinta
National Forest, Utah.
Enlarging the area of Wasatch Na-
tional Forest, Utah.

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Executive order-Continued.

Modifying boundaries of the Cibola
National Forest, New Mexico.
Changing the name of the Luquillo
National Forest, Puerto Rico, to
the Carribbean National Forest.
Transferring lands from Blackfeet

National Forest to Kootenai and
Flathead National Forests, Mon-

Transferring lands from the Clearwater National Forest to the Lolo National Forest, Idaho. Correcting description in E.O. 7082, June 22, 1935, relating to Blackfeet National Forest, Montana. Proclamation: Enlarging the area of the Fremont National Forest, Oregon. Enlarging the area of the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Establishing the Jefferson National Forest, Virginia, from lands heretofore included within the George Washington and Unaka National Forests, Virginia.

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Redefining the boundaries of the

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Monongahela National Forest,

West Virginia.

Redefining the boundaries of the

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George Washington National For

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