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of their own. For instance, the fire instructor program is being given for the second time in the State of Pennsylvania, but the presentation will be largely by the State's own staff with AEC furnishing an instructor only on one afternoon.

In summary now, the Commission's total program of training assistance involves.

1. Assistance grants to colleges and universities for use in providing aids and equipment needed to expand the base of personnel with nuclear training in the several disciplines from which skills are drawn for atomic energy development and radiological safety.

2. Assistance to faculty through institutes and special employment opportunities.

3. Assistance to students through certain fellowship programs in the areas of nuclear technology of radiological physics, industrial hygiene, industrial medicine, and State radiological health activity.

4. At the nonspecialist level, we offer a fire instructor training course to the State and municipal fire schools and are developing various course materials, which, through the cooperation of the Office of Education, is available to State vocational schools. In cooperation of the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training of the Department of Labor, course material is planned for use in skill training programs under which that Bureau may give assistance to private plants using radioactive sources.

5. Further assistance pointed primarily to industry is available through a work experience program, a reactor supervisors training program, and various industrywide seminars.

Of significance also are nuclear safety and skill development programs of several trade unions, particularly those of the Boilermakers and Pipe Fitters, with which we have cooperated for some time. These programs were described rather fully in testimony by representatives of these organizations in the workmen's compensation hearings in March.

I might add one other thing: Turning to the very excellent print that the committee issued in connection with this hearing, I noticed on page 407 that there was a listing of accepted forms of training assistance which were commonly given States. The Commission has used all of these forms of assistance, and more.

I think the principal comment to be made with respect to them is that we are relying relatively little on the special school approach which was mentioned there, but, rather, are assisting the established colleges, universities, and vocational schools to develop their capabilities through our programs of grants for teaching aids and equipments and through assistance and development of course content.

I might mention one other thing here that Commissioner Graham has just called to my attention which would probably interest you. In several of your earlier hearings, including the workmen's compensation hearing, mention has been made of a desire on the part of some labor unions for a course pointed directly for their top people. I believe that in the workmen's compensation hearing Mr. Goodman commented that we had arranged such a course. This started the week after your workmen's compensation hearings.

The entire staff subcommittee of the AFL-CIO, with which you are probably familiar, was invited, along with a few other people

they wanted to bring. They spent 3 days in Washington and 2 days at Argonne.

We started out by going into rather elementary fundamentals in radiation matter and went from there to an opportunity to go out and see some of the research programs going on at Argonne and which were explained to them by the Argonne people. It was pointed to this area of radiation protection and we received some very favorable comments from all of the people in attendance. They are probably very happy about it.

We will probably repeat it, if they desire, in 6 months or so.
Chairman ANDERSON. Are there any questions?

If not, thank you very much.

(Apps. A and B to Mr. Smith's statement follow :)


Summary of grants made by AEO to educational institutions as of May 15, 1969

[blocks in formation]


1. General Orientation, Company and AEC Programs, Nature of Work.

2. External and Internal Radiation.

3. Effects of Radiation on the Body.

4. Radiation Control-Based on Time, Distance and Shielding.

5. Exposure Limits, NCRP Requirements, Company Practices, Allowable Units of Radiation.

6. Film Badge Practices-Importance, How to Use Them.

7. Records, How Kept, Employee's Responsibility.

8. Contamination and Control, Cleanliness, Eating, Drinking, Ventilation.

9. Monitoring-Personnel and Area.

10. Signs, Warning Tags, Restricted Areas.

11. Health Protection Service and Work in Radiation Areas, How to Get Hygiene Help.

12. Change Room Procedures.

13. Emergency-Spills, First Aid-What to Do.

14. Criticality, What Is It, Rules, Criticality Committee or Officer.

15. Fissionable Materials-Accountability Procedures.

16. General Safety, Safety Meetings.

17. Fire Fighting-Fire Protection, Housekeeping, Explosive Hazards.

18. Uranium-Sources, Nature, Poison.

19. Personnel Protection-How to Use: Clothing, Masks, Shoes, Boots, Gloves, Coveralls, Helmets, Safety Glasses.

20. Work Permits-Meaning of, When Required and Available Services in Regulated Areas.

21. Accident Investigation.

Chairman ANDERSON. Now, Mr. Graham, do I understand that some of these other papers can be filed?

Mr. GRAHAM. Yes, sir.

Chairman ANDERSON. They can be filed?

Mr. GRAHAM. Yes, sir; they can be filed.

(The statement of Mr. H. L. Price follows:)


Presented by H. L. Price, Director, Division of Licensing and Regulation, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

The Commission administers a comprehensive system of licensing and regulation to protect the health and safety of employees and the public from radiation hazards. These hazards may arise out of the manufacture, possession, use, and transfer of source material (uranium and thorium), special nuclear material (plutonium, U285 and U2), byproduct material (usually referred to as radioisotopes), and utilization facilities (nuclear reactors). The Commission does not have regulatory jurisdiction over such other sources of radiation as X-ray equipment or radium or over the mining of uranium. The Commission's regulatory program is designed to determine that licensees have adequately trained staffs, have adequate equipment, and that they have appropriate procedures to assure protection of employees and the public from radiation hazards. The Division of Licensing and Regulation is responsible for the development and administration of licensing regulations, the issuance and denial of licenses, and the institution of appropriate administrative enforcement proceedings. The Division of Inspection is responsible for inspection of licensees to determine their compliance with Commission requirements.

Licensing procedures involve the evaluation of a variety of radiation hazards and determining the adequacy of radiation controls proposed by applicants for licenses. Required controls vary greatly with the type of material or facility and their proposed use.


Radioisotopes are more widely used than any of the other materials or facilities regulated by the Commission. Because of their diverse use in different forms and the variation in the levels of activity, radiation control problems vary greatly. For convenience in indicating radiation control problems, radioisotopes are discussed under the following categories: (1) medical uses, (2) industrial uses, (3) research and development uses, (4) field uses, (5) consumer product uses, (6) waste disposal.

Medical uses

Except for specialized research, radioisotopes are used medically for either diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The levels of radioactivity used for diagnos

tic work are generally much lower than those used therapeutically. For diagnosis doctors are usually authorized to possess up to approximately 10 millicuries of radioactivity. The levels of activity administered to individual patients are much lower and are generally in microcurie range.

Specalized laboratory facilities are not required to handle these low levels of radioactive material. The radioisotopes are stored and transported in the container in which the material was shipped from the supplier. Protection can be provided by placing equipment on trays, by handling the radioactive material with simple tongs, and by following well-known control techniques.

Higher levels of activity are required for therapeutic uses. Possession limits. for therapeutic purposes may range up to a few curies. Usually the quantities handled at any one time are less than 100 millicuries. Control techniques are similar for those required for handling diagnostic levels but specialized handling equipment and laboratory facilities are required depending upon the type and level of activity. Approximate shielding must be provided for storage and for protection while preparing the materials for administration and while administering them to patients. The shielding may consist of lead pots for transport and storage and lead bricks for improvising barricade shields. By use of remote handling equipment, operations can be performed over and around the barricade. Specialized shields are used for protection during administration of the materials. They may consist of a fraction of an inch of plastic for protection from beta ray exposure to lead shields for protection from gamma exposure. If the materials are processed before administration to patients, a specialized fume hood may be required to prevent air contamination. In diagnostic work,

a monitoring instrument for low level activity is required to check for possible contamination of equipment, facilities, or personnel. For therapeutic work, an additional instrument is required for determining the adequacy of shields and predicting the amount of exposure personnel may receive during manipulations. The equipment and facilities required in both diagnosis and therapy is greatly simplified if the radioisotopes are procured commercially in prepared, sterilized, and calibrated doses. For example, diagnostic doses of iodine 131 may be procured in capsules thereby eliminating the need to handle the material in solution. Such preparations are now widely available.

The use of high levels of gamma emitting radioisotopes such as cobalt 60 for deep therapy requires more specialized control measures. As much as 2,000 curies of cobalt 60 may be used in a teletherapy device. These devices consist of a sealed source of the radioactivity encased in lead shields with ports which can be opened to direct the radiation to the area of treatment for the patient. The unit must be used in a heavily shielded room since during treatment the level of radiation passing through the port is very high. These devices require careful review to determine that the shield is adequate and the mechanism for opening and closing the ports is approximately designed and functional. Also, the teletherapy unit must be mounted so that the beam is directed only in areas where the room is adequately shielded.

Industrial uses

The radiation protection problems associated with the use of radioisotopes in industry vary widely. Radioisotopes are most widely used in industry as sources of radiation as (1) industrial radiography, for making radiographs; (2) thickness gases, for measuring the thickness or density of materials; (3) liquid level gases, for controlling the levels of liquids; and (4) irradiators, for irradiating materials. The radiation protection problem associated with these uses is primarily control of external exposure since the radioisotopes are contained in sealed sources which are fabricated, sealed, and manufactured in accordance with specifications defined in the license of the manufacturer. Industrial radiography


Radiographic procedures are widely used in the foundry and construction industries to detect voids and other imperfections in structures, welds, etc. highly penetrating radiation is required, gamma emitting radioisotopes such as cobalt 60, cesium 137, and iridium 192 are widely used as sources of radiation. The levels of activity vary from a few millicuries up to thousands of curies. Handling techniques include open-air transfer of sources on the end of fish poles or magnetic poles, remotely operated cameras, and remote manipulations in heavily shielded rooms or concrete cubicles. Fish or magnetic pole techniques may be used for activity up to the equivalent of one curie of cobalt 60. Portable cameras consisting of a shielded source with a remotely operated port may be used for activity up to the equivalent of 20 to 25 curies of cobalt 60. Above these levels, the sources are handled remotely in shielded rooms or cubicles.

Camera and fish pole techniques provide portability for work in isolated areas within a plant or outdoors, as for example, in the radiographing of pipeline welds as the pipeline is being laid across country. Control of exposure from sources in shielded rooms and cubicles include posting of signs, installation of warning lights, electrical interlocks in doors and special instruments capable of activating alarm devices as may be required. On the other hand, when pole and camera techniques are used exposure must be controlled through use of survey instruments, posting of signs, erecting barriers, roping off of areas, and by exercising close supervision.

Thickness gages

Thickness gages are widely used in the paper, cigarette, and other industries when accurate measurement of thickness or densities are required. Thickness gages have a high degree of built-in safety. The radioisotopes, strontium 90, cesium 137, krypton 85, and cobalt 60 are commonly used in levels ranging from a few millions up to several hundred millicuries. Control is affected by built-in safety through designs, appropriate labeling of devices and posting of areas. They are usually on production lines. Once the device is installed it requires little or no attendance except an occasional calibration and test for leakage of the radioactivity from the sealed source.

Because of the high degree of safety built into these devices, experience has indicated that those of certain designs can be distributed under a general license when they are manufactured and labeled according to specifications approved in a specific license. An amendment to part 30 of the Commission's regulations establishing procedures and requirements regarding such devices was issued in February 1959.

Liquid level gages

Liquid level gages are used to measure the levels of liquids in steel tanks and other containers. The device which is usually mounted in a fixed position has a high degree of built-in safety. The level of activity may vary from a few millicuries up to a hundred millicuries of isotopes such as cobalt 60 and cesium 137. Once the device is installed, little or no maintenance is required. tection can usually be provided by labeling and posting procedures. Irradiators


Gamma emitting radioisotopes such as cobalt 60 and cesium 137 are used as sources for irradiating materials to determine the effects of radiation, to initiate chemical reactions, to irradiate foods for preservation purposes, etc. In general the levels of activity are high but they may vary from a few curies up to a hundred thousand curies. The irradiators may be self-contained units of thick lead shields in which the radiation source is mounted and into which the materials may be inserted for irradiation. Also, irradiators may consist of especially designed concrete cubicles with elaborate remote control handling equipment. Despite the fact that the levels of radiation are high, exposure problems are simplified by proper design of the irradiators and by the fact that the operation consists essentially of the insertion and removal of samples to be irradiated. However, to assure safety, labeling, posting, warning lights, electrical interlocks, etc., may be required.

Before a license is issued for use of each particular type of radiographic camera, thickness gage, liquid level gage, and irradiator unit, a detailed review is made of the design, fabrication, and method of sealing of the source and the design and the operational characteristics of the device. Likewise, the shielding sufficiency of rooms, concrete cubicles, etc., must be determined and the adequacy of remote handling equipment must be evaluated. These reviews and evaluations may be made from supporting information accompanying the license application including blueprints and sketches of designs or by an on-thespot visit to examine prototype devices.

The levels of activity used in industrial laboratories engaged in producing radioactivie pharmaceuticals and the design and fabrication of sealed sources and devices vary from the millicurie to hundreds or thousands of curies and equipment requirements vary too greatly for general characterization.

Research and development uses

Radioisotopes are used in industry widely for research and development purposes, as for example, in wear studies, pilot studies for process control, mechanisms of chemical reactions, etc. The levels of activity used for such purposes are usually low varying from microcurie to millicurie levels.

Radioisotopes are widely used for research and development purposes not only in industrial laboratories but also in universities and institutions. The type

of radioisotopes and the levels of activity vary greatly but the levels used very seldom exceed a few hundred millicuries.

Laboratories used for these purposes may require special fume hoods, with remote handling equipment, shielding for manipulations and for storage surveying and monitoring instruments and other specialized facilities as required. The typical research laboratory consists of two or three rooms.

Field uses

A limited number of licenses have been issued for studies involving the controlled release of radioisotopes into the environs. Examples of such field uses include fluid flow studies in oil wells and in streams. The quantities and dilutions involved in most field studies usually provide for radiation concentrations which are sufficient for technical measurements but which are a very small fraction of permissible levels.

A license application for field use must include a detailed analysis of the known factors of topography and hydrology, dilutions to be provided under the control of the licensee, additional dilution provided by the environment, proximity of

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