WITNESS my hand and the Great Seal of the State of California, at office in Sacramento, this fifth day of December, A.D., 1936. [SEAL] FRANK C. JORDAN, Secretary of State. Roll Call of Hold-over Senators. President of the Senate, George J. Hatfield, directed the Secretary to call the roll of hold-over Senators. The roll was called, and the following answered to their names: Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Hays, Keough, Knowland, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Olson, Rich, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Wagy, Williams, and Young-20. Roll Call of Senators-elect. The President of the Senate directed the Secretary to call the roll of Senators-elect. The Secretary called the roll of Senators-elect, and the following answered to their names: Senators Cunningham, DeLap, Gordon, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, Nielsen, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Seawell, Tickle, and Westover-20. The President of the Senate announced that the roll call disclosed twenty Senators-elect present. The President of the Senate requested the Senators-elect to immediately present themselves at the bar of the Senate in order that the oath of office might be administered to them, and that they might subscribe to the same. 2 Oath of Office Administered. The twenty Senators-elect, as their respective districts were called, then came forward, presented their certificates of election, and each took and subscribed to the following constitutional oath of office, administered by the Honorable John F. Pullen, Presiding Justice of the District Court of Appeal, Third District : I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of California and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of State Senator, according to the best of my ability. Roll Call. The President of the Senate called the Senate to order, and directed the Secretary to call the roll. The roll was called and the following answered to their names: Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Cunningham, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-40. Whereupon, the President of the Senate declared that a quorum of all the Senators was present. Temporary Organization Effected. Temporary organization having been effected, the President of the Senate put the question, "What is the pleasure of the Senate?” Resolution. The following resolution was offered : By Senator Crittenden : Resolved, That the Senate do now proceed to the election of the following statu tory officers in the order named: President pro tempore; Secretary of the Senate; Sergeant-at-Arms; Minute Clerk, and Chaplain. Resolution read. The question being on the adoption of the resolution. The roll was called, and the resolution adopted by the following vote : AYES-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohlen, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, man, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-39. NOES-None. Nielsen, Mixter, Olson, Park Nominations for and Election of President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The President of the Senate thereupon declared nominations for the office of President pro tempore of the Senate in order. Senator Schottky placed in nomination for the office of President pro tempore of the Senate the Honorable William P. Rich of Yuba and Sutter counties, State Senator from the Tenth District. The President of the Senate put the question: "Are there any further nominations for the office of President pro tempore of the Senate?" Senator Williams, seconded by Senator Swing, moved that the nominations for President pro tempore be closed. Motion carried. The roll was called, with the following result: For HON. WILLIAM P. RICH-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-38. Whereupon the President of the Senate declared Senator William P. Rich duly elected President pro tempore of the Senate for the fiftysecond session of the California Legislature. Appointment of Special Committee. The President of the Senate announced the appointment of Senators Schottky and Mixter as a special committee to escort the President pro tempore, Hon. William P. Rich, to the bar of the Senate. Oath of Office of President Pro Tempore. The following constitutional oath of office was administered to Senator Rich by Hon. Rolfe L. Thompson, Associate Justice of the District Court of Appeal, Third District : I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of President pro tempore of the Senate, according to the best of my ability. Nominations for and Election of Secretary of the Senate. The President of the Senate declared nominations for the office of Secretary of the Senate in order. Senator Garrison placed the name of Joseph A. Beek of Balboa in nomination for Secretary of the Senate. Senator Olson seconded the nomination of Joseph A. Beek for Secretary of the Senate. The President of the Senate put the question : "Are there any further nominations for the office of Secretary of the Senate?” There being no response, the nominations were declared closed. For JOSEPH A. BEEK-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Cunningham, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-40. Whereupon, the President pro tempore declared Joseph A. Beek duly and unanimously elected Secretary of the Senate. Nominations for and Election of Sergeant-at-Arms. The President of the Senate declared nominations for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate in order. Senator Slater placed the name of Joseph Francis Nolan of Los Angeles in nomination for Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. Senator Parkman seconded the nomination of Joseph Francis Nolan for Sergeant-at-Arms. The President of the Senate put the question: "Are there any further nominations for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate?" は There being no response, nominations were declared closed. For JOSEPH FRANCIS NOLAN-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Cunningham, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-40. Whereupon, the President of the Senate declared Joseph Francis Nolan of Los Angeles duly and unanimously elected Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. Nominations for and Election of Minute Clerk. The President of the Senate declared nominations for the office of Minute Clerk of the Senate in order. Senator Powers placed the name of E. W. Scammon of Westwood in nomination for Minute Clerk of the Senate. Senator Pierovich seconded the nomination of E. W. Scammon for Minute Clerk. The President of the Senate put the question: "Are there any further nominations for the office of Minute Clerk of the Senate?” There being no response, nominations were declared closed. The President of the Senate directed the Secretary to call the roll. The roll was called, with the following result: FOR E. W. SCAMMON-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Cunningham, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride, McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing, Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young-40. Whereupon the President of the Senate declared E. W. Scammon of Westwood duly and unanimously elected Minute Clerk of the Senate. Nominations for and Election of Chaplain. The President of the Senate declared nominations for the office of Chaplain of the Senate in order. Senator Nielsen placed the name of Rev. Clarence A. Kircher of Sacramento in nomination for Chaplain of the Senate. Senator McColl seconded the nomination of Rev. Clarence A. Kircher for Chaplain of the Senate. The President of the Senate put the question: "Are there any further nominations for the office of Chaplain of the Senate?" There being no response, nominations were declared closed. The President of the Senate directed the Secretary to call the roll. The roll was called, with the following result: FOR REV. CLARENCE A. KIRCHER-Senators Allen, Biggar, Crittenden, Cunningham, DeLap, Deuel, Fletcher, Garrison, Gordon, Hays, Holohan, Hollister, Jespersen, Keating, Keough, Knowland, Law, McBride. McColl, McCormack, McGovern, Metzger, Mixter, Nielsen, Olson, Parkman, Phillips, Pierovich, Powers, Quinn, Rich, Seawell, Schottky, Slater, Swing Tickle, Wagy, Westover, Williams, and Young 40. Whereupon the President of the Senate declared Rev. Clarence A. Kircher, of Sacramento, duly and unanimously elected Chaplain of the Senate. Oath of Office Administered. The newly-elected officers of the Senate, Joseph A. Beek, Secretary, Joseph F. Nolan, Sergeant-at-Arms, E. W. Scammon, Minute Clerk, and Chaplain Clarence A. Kircher, appeared at the bar of the Senate, where the constitutional oath of office was administered to them by the Honorable John F. Pullen, Presiding Justice of the District Court of Appeal, Third District, and they subscribed to the same. Resolution. The following resolution was offered: By Senator Swing: Resolved, That the President pro tempore of the Senate appoint a special committee of three to notify the Governor of the organization of the Senate, and that the Senate is now ready to receive any communication he may have to make. Resolution read, and on motion of Senator Swing adopted. Appointment of Special Committee. The President of the Senate announced the appointment of Senators Swing, Slater, and McCormack as the special committee to call upon the Governor, and notify him of the organization of the Senate, and that the Senate is now ready to receive any communication he may have to make. Resolution. The following resolution was offered: By Senator Mixter: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate is hereby directed to notify the Assembly that the Senate is now duly organized and ready to proceed with the business of the State, having elected the following statutory officers: President pro tempore-Hon. W. P. Rich. Secretary of the Senate Joseph A. Beek. Minute Clerk-E. W. Scammon. Chaplain-Rev. Clarence A. Kircher. Resolution read, and upon motion of Senator Mixter, adopted. Resolution. The following resolution was offered: By Senator McBride: Resolved, That the President pro tempore of the Senate appoint a special committee of three to notify the Assembly that the Senate is now duly organized and ready to proceed with the business of the State. Resolution read, and on motion of Senator McBride, adopted. The President of the Senate announced the appointment of Senators McBride, Nielsen and Phillips as a committee from the Senate to notify the Assembly that the Senate is now duly organized and ready to proceed with the business of the State. Report of Special Committee. The following report of special committee was received and read: SENATE CHAMBER, SACRAMENTO, January 4, 1937. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Special Committee, appointed to notify the Governor of the organization of the Senate and that the Senate is now ready to receive any |